VOLUME ONE: ORIGINS AND EVOLUTION Charter of the United Nations - United Nations The Development of International Organization in the Nineteenth Century - Inis L. Claude, Jr From League of Nations to United Nations - Leland M. Goodrich FDR's Five Policemen: Creating the United Nations - Stephen Schlesinger Victories on the International Front - Dorothy Kenyon Some Reflections on Peace in Our Time - Ralph Bunche Speech to the General Assembly, 11 November 1952 - Vijara Lakshmi Pandit The Commonwealth in the United Nations - Gwendolen M. Carter The Role of the United Nations in World Affairs - Geoffrey Goodwin Speech to the UN General Assembly, 6 October 1963 - Haile Selassie Apartheid and the United Nations - Ram Malhotra The Impact of African States on the United Nations - David Kay The United Nations and the International System - Oran R. Young Promoting Nondiscrimination against Women: The UN Commission on the Status of Women - Margaret E. Galey Kofi Annan Unsettles People, as He Believes UN Should Do - Barbara Crossette United Nations - Madeleine K. Albright In Larger Freedom - The Changing Role of the United Nations - Kofi Annan The United Nations - Jeffrey Herbst, Romeo Dallaire, and Peter W. Galbraith Dialectics of a Global Constitution: The Struggle over the UN Charter - Michael Doyle The Enduring Myth of the UN - Natalie Samarasinghe New Histories of the United Nations - Sunil Amrith and Glenda Sluga VOLUME TWO: MACHINERY UN System Organization Chart - United Nations The Forgotten Design for the System - Erskine Childers and Brian Urquhart International Organizations: Then and Now - Jose E. Alvarez General Assembly - M. J. Peterson Revitalization of the General Assembly - Lydia Swart The Interpretation of Security Council Resolutions - Michael Wood Assessing the UN Security Council: a Concert Perspective - David Bosco The Security Council: Behind the Scenes - Linda Melvern Developments at the United Nations - Written Evidence Submitted to the UK Iraq Inquiry - Jeremy Greenstock Does the United Nations Security Council Enhance or Undermine International Law? - Kishore Mahbubani The Influence of States and Groups of States on and in the Security Council and General Assembly, 1980-94 - Sally Morphet Economic and Social Council - Gert Rosenthal Implementing Rio +20: ECOSOC's New Role and its Old Culture - Harris Gleckman The United Nations and Colonial Development - Annette Baker Fox The Commonwealth and the United Nations Trusteeship of Non-Self-Governing Peoples - L.P. Singh The Role of the International Court of Justice In the Global Community - Christopher Greenwood Departing Thoughts on the International Court of Justice - Rosalyn Higgins Post-Cold War Justice: The UN Ad Hoc Tribunals, Mixed Courts and the ICC - Richard J. Goldstone and Adam M. Smith Secretariat - Independence and Reform - James O. C. Jonah The Office of the Secretary-General and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security - Nabil Elaraby Strategic Planning in the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General - Abiodun Williams The Next Secretary-General: How to Fill a Job with No Description - Brian Urquhart Breaking Barriers? Women's Representation and Leadership at the United Nations - Kirsten Haack Negotiating the UN's budget: Multilateralism in Action - Hannah Davies VOLUME THREE: ROLES AND RELATIONSHIPS Collective Legitimization as a Political Function of the United Nations - Inis L. Claude, Jr International Organization: A State of the Art and Art of the State - Friedrich Kratochwil and John Gerard Ruggie United Nations "Policy": An Argument with Three Illustrations - Ramesh Thakur and Thomas G. Weiss Sovereignty as Responsibility" to the "Responsibility to Protect" - Francis M. Deng Sovereignty in the Balance: Claims and Bargains at the UN Conferences on the Environment, Human Rights and Women - Kathryn Hochstetler, Ann Marie Clark and Elisabeth J. Friedman The United Nations as a Political System: A Practicing Political Scientist's Insights into UN Politics - J.J. Kirkpatrick Facing 21st Century Threats: Why America Needs the UN - Susan Rice The Centrality of the United Nations in Russian Foreign Policy - Ritsa Panagiotou Middle Range Powers in Global Governance - Hongying Wang and Erik French Challenges Facing Small States at the UN - Vanu Gopala Menon How Goliath Slew David at the United Nations: A South Asian Perspective - Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury The "Third Force" and the United Nations - Khalid I Babaa The North-South Divide at the United Nations: Fading at Last? - David M. Malone and Lotta Hagman Islamist Perceptions of the United Nations and its Peacekeeping Missions: Some Preliminary Findings - Brynjar Lia The Origins and Development of UN Electoral Groups - Sam Daws Informal Groups of States and the UN Security Council - Jochen Prantl UN Elections: Power, Influence, Reputation - Anne Anderson Eyes on the Prize: The Quest for Nonpermanent Seats on the UN Security Council - David M. Malone The United Nations and Regional Organizations: The Need For Clarification and Cooperation - Tania Felicio The UN and the African Union's Security Architecture: Defining an Emerging Partnership? - Kwesi Aning Nongovernmental Organizations in the United Nations System: The Emerging Role of International Civil Society - Dianne Otto The Global Compact: Selected Experiences and Reflections - Georg Kell VOLUME FOUR: A UN FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Security, Solidarity, and Sovereignty: The Grand Themes of UN Reform - Ann-Marie Slaughter How Not to Reform the United Nations - Ed Luck Grand Goals, Modest Results: The UN in Search of Reform - Jeffrey Laurenti UN Transformation in an Era of Soft Balancing - Stephen John Stedman The John W. Holmes Lecture: Can the UN Be Reformed? - M. Malloch Brown Reforming the United Nations - John Bolton and Richard Holbrooke Fundamental UN Reform - A Non-Starter or Not? - Thomas G. Weiss Reforming the United Nations - Prakash Shah Organizational Culture, System Evolution and the United Nations of the 21st Century - Alisa Clarke Great Expectations: UN Reform and the Role of the Secretary-General - Simon Chesterman Management Reform in the United Nations: Between Politics and Efficiency - Joachim Mueller Security Council Reform: The Dual Risks - Sam Daws Myths of Membership: The Politics of Legitimation in UN Security Council Reform - Ian Hurd More Transparency and More Participation: The Informal Reform of the Working Methods of the UN Security Council - Helmut Volger Reforming the Working Methods of the UN Security Council: the next ACT - Volker Lehmann Making Intervention Work: Improving the UN's Ability to Act - Morton Abramowitz and Thomas Pickering The UN Security Council and Human Rights: State Sovereignty and Human Dignity - David P. Forsythe United Nations: New Issues, New Ideas, Not Enough Financing - Vikas Nath Why We - Especially the West - Need the UN Development System - Kishore Mahbubani The Way Forward for the WTO: Reforming the Decision-Making Process - Memory Dube An Historical Perspective - H.W. Singer The Vision and the Reality - Mahbub ul Haq The UN and the Financial Crisis: Breathing Life into Bretton Woods - Natalie Samarasinghe From Keeping Peace to Building Peace: Proposal for a Revitalized United Nations Trusteeship Council - Saira Mohamed From UN Commission on Human Rights to UN Human Rights Council: One Step Forwards or Two Steps Sideways? - Nazila Ghanea (Re)generating Peacekeeping Authority: The Brahimi Process - Silke Weinlich The New United Nations "Gender Architecture": The Creation of UN Women - Hilary Charlesworth and Christine Chinkin The UN in Practice - David Hannay The Changing Humanitarian Landscape - Sara Pantuliano Can the UN Ever Really Be Neutral? - John Holmes Address to the General Assembly - 24 September 2013 - Ban Ki-moon VOLUME FIVE: CONFLICT & CRISIS The Evolving Role of the United Nations in International Peace and Security - Marrack Goulding An Agenda for Peace: Diplomacy, Peacemaking and Peace-keeping - Boutros Boutros-Ghali When Can Nations Go to War? Politics and Change in the UN Security System - Charlotte Ku Recommendations of the Secretary-General's High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change: A Member's Perspective - David Hannay A Shared Responsibility for a More Secure World - Ramesh Thakur The John Holmes Memorial Lecture: What Price Security? - Margaret Joan Anstee Human Protection and the 21st Century United Nations - Ban Ki-moon The UN as Conflict Mediator: First amongst Equals or the Last Resort? - Thant Myint-U The Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes - Ian Brownlie Building Peace through the Political Processes of the United Nations - Courtney B. Smith The Security Council and the Rule of Law: An Overview - Christine Gray The Fall of Saddam Hussein: Security Council Mandates and Preemptive Self-Defense - Ruth Wedgwood The Evolution of Security Council Innovations in Sanctions - Joanna Weschler UN Peacekeeping: An Overview - Syed Sikander Mehdi The UN's Role in Nation-Building: From the Congo to Iraq - James Dobbins, Seth G. Jones, Keith Crane, Andrew Rathmell, Brett Steele, Richard Teltschik and Anga Timilsina Managing Mistrust: An Analysis of Cooperation with UN Peacekeeping in Africa - Andrea Ruggeri, Theodora-Ismene Gizelis and Hans Dorussen United Nations Police Evolution, Present Capacity and Future Tasks - William J. Durch Peacekeeping Effects in South America: Common Experiences and Divergent Effects on Civil-Military Relations - Arturo Sotomayor Velazquez Not Just a Numbers Game: Increasing Women's Participation in UN Peacekeeping - Sahana Dharmapuri Strengthening the Rights of Women for a Stronger Africa - Zainab Hawa Bangura Protecting Children in Situations of Armed Conflict: Interview with Radhika Coomaraswamy - Radhika Coomaraswamy The UN at the Peacemaking-Peacebuilding Nexus - Kyle Beardsley Disarmament: Old Challenges, New Opportunities - Angela Kane Rethinking the NPT's Role in Security: 2010 and Beyond - Rebecca Johnson VOLUME SIX: RIGHTS, JUSTICE AND PROTECTION The UN's Human Rights Record: From San Francisco to Vienna and Beyond - Philip Alston The Question of Domestic Jurisdiction and the Evolution of United Nations Law of Human Rights - Abdulrahim P. Vijapur Advancing Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: The Way Forward - Mary Robinson An Overview of the Reform of the UN Human Rights Machinery - Francoise Hampson UN Treaty Bodies and the Human Rights Council - Nigel S. Rodley "To See Themselves as Others See Them": The Five Permanent Members of the Security Council and the Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review - Rhona Smith Protection of Human Rights through the Mechanism of UN Special Rapporteurs - Surya P. Subedi Performance and Challenges of the UN Human Rights Council - Theodor Rathgeber Beijing, Backlash, and the Future of Women's Human Rights - Charlotte Bunch The United Nations, Counter Terrorism, and Human Rights: Institutional Adaption and Embedded Ideas - Rosemary Foot 'New Aid Modalities': An Opportunity or Threat to Principled Engagement on Human Rights? - Mac Darrow The UN as a Human Rights Violator? Some Reflections on the United Nations Changing Human Rights Responsibilities - Frederic Megret and Florian Hoffmann The Humanitarian Responsibilities of the United Nations Security Council: Ensuring the Security of the People - Juan Somavia Deputy Secretary-General's Press Conference on Rights Up Front - Jan Eliasson Intervention - Kofi Annan Humanitarian Intervention: Getting Past the Reefs - Shashi Tharoor and Sam Daws The Responsibility to Protect: An Idea Whose Time Has Come ... and Gone? - Gareth Evans The Responsibility to Protect: The First Decade - Edward C. Luck The Relationship Between the ICC and the UN Security Council - Louise Arbour International Justice and Diplomacy - Fatou Bensouda Transitional Justice in the Arab Countries: Opportunities and Challenges - Mona Rishmawi VOLUME SEVEN: POVERTY & DEVELOPMENT Millennium Development Goals: Milestones on a Long Road - Margaret Anstee International Norm Dynamics and the "End of Poverty": Understanding the Millennium Development Goals - Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and David Hulme Global Goals - The UN Experience - Richard Jolly Millennium Development Goal of Halving Poverty in Asia: Progress, Prospects and Priorities - Raghav Gaiha, Katsushi Imai and Mani Arul Nandhi UN Contributions to Development Thinking and Practice - Dharam Ghai The World Health Organization and Global Smallpox Eradication - S. Bhattacharya Seven Challenges in International Development Assistance for Health and Ways Forward - Devi Sridhar The Road Not Taken: International Aid's Choice of Copenhagen over Beijing - Rosalind Eyben Gender Justice: The World Bank's New Approach to the Poor? - Susanne Schech and Sanjugta Vas The Imposition of a Global Development Architecture: The Example of Microcredit - Heloise Weber Development Economics in the Wake of the Washington Consensus: From Smith to Smithereens? - Matthew M. Taylor Africa Does Not Need Aid, but the Opportunity for Fair Trade - Inwani Malweyi Life after Bali: Renewing the World Trade Negotiating Agenda - Suparna Karmakar Reimagining the Role of the Private Sector in Development - Homi Kharas Power Shift: Do We Need Better Global Economic Institutions? - Ngaire Woods International Humanitarian Crises: Two Decades before and Two Decades Beyond - Randolph Kent The Helmet and the Hoe: Linkages between United Nations Development Assistance and Conflict Management - Michele Griffin Extract from Reforming Development Cooperation at the United Nations: An Analysis of Policy Position and Actions of Key States on Reform Options - Silke Weinlich Development and the United Nations: Achievements and Challenges for the Future - Lorna Gold and Eileen Connolly Conflict & Poverty: A Vicious Cycle - Abiodun Williams A Matter of Justice: Securing Human Rights in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda - Centre for Economic and Social Rights Gender - Is One Goal Enough? - Sylvia Chant Sexual and Reproductive Rights at the United Nations: Frustration or Fulfillment? - Alice M. Miller and Mindy J. Roseman The Politics of the Millennium Development Goals in Africa: Is Global Partnership Really Working? - Charles Mutasa "A New Global Partnership": Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development - Executive Summary - United Nations A Just and Sustainable World - Amina J. Mohammed VOLUME EIGHT: ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY Resolution XXIII: Problems of the Human Environment - General Assembly of the United Nations The Stockholm Conference: Where Science and Politics Meet - Maurice F. Strong Our Common Future Revisited - Gro Harlem Brundtland The Role of International Forums in the Advancement of Sustainable Development - Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger From Stockholm to New York, via Rio and Johannesburg: Has the Environment Lost Its Way on the Global Agenda? - Paolo Galizzi The United Nations and Global Energy Governance: Past Challenges, Future Choices - Sylvia I. Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen Implications for UNEP - Mark Halle, Adil Najam and Christopher Beaton The Green Economy Post Rio+20 - Edward B. Barbier The Durban Platform for Enhanced Action and the Future of the Climate Regime - Lavanya Rajamani Is a Global Agreement the Only Way to Tackle Climate Change? - Achim Steiner and David King Can Climate Change Negotiations Succeed? - Jon Hovi, Tora Skodvin and Stine Aakre Emerging Powers, North-South Relations and Global Climate Politics - Andrew Hurrell and Sandeep Sengupta The Rise of BASIC in UN Climate Change Negotiations - Xinran Qi The EU's Role in Climate Change Negotiations: From Leader to 'Leadiator' - Karin Baeckstrand and Ole Elgstroem Managing Climate Change: The Africa Group in Multilateral Environmental Negotiations - Anesu Makina The Rio+20 Conference and International Law: Towards a Multi-Layered Multilateralism? - Fabiano de Andrade Correa International Environmental Governance Reform within the United Nations: Seeking More Sustainability Towards and Beyond Rio + 20 Earth Environment Summit - Sylvestre-Jose-Tidiane Manga Institutional Design and UNEP Reform: Historical Insights on Form, Function and Financing - Maria Ivanova How to Build Sustainable Development Goals: Integrating Human Development and Environmental Sustainability in a New Global Agenda - Claire Melamed and Paul Ladd Sustainable Development and Planetary Boundaries - Johan Rockstroem, Jeffrey Sachs, Marcus C. OEhman and Guido Schmidt-Traub The UN Environment Programme on Climate Change and International Security - United Nations Climate Justice: Challenge and Opportunity - Mary Robinson

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