VOLUME ONE: PSYCHOLOGICAL CAUSES OF CRIME Part One: Pathways to Criminality Narcotic Addiction and Crime - William McGlothlin, M. Douglas Anglin and Bruce Wilson No Sense of an Ending: Researching the Experience of Imprisonment and Release among Republican Ex-Prisoners - Adrian Grounds and Ruth Jamieson Rates of Mental Disorder in People Convicted of Homicide: National Clinical Survey - Jenny Shaw et al. The Prediction of Criminal and Violent Recidivism among Mentally Disordered Offenders: A Meta-Analysis - James Bonta, Moira Law and Karl Hanson Ramos Blows to the Head during Development Can Predispose to Violent Criminal Behaviour: Rehabilitation of Consequences of Head Injury Is a Measure for Crime Prevention - Jose Leon-Carrion and Francisco Javier Chacartegui Minor Physical Anomalies and Family Adversity as Risk Factors for Violent Delinquency in Adolescence - Louise Arseneault et al. The Development of Delinquent Behaviour - Friedrich Loesel Male Sexual Proprietariness and Violence against Women - Margo Wilson and Martin Daly Testing Hypotheses Regarding Rape: Exposure to Sexual Violence, Sex Differences, and the "Normality" of Rapists - Neil Malamuth, Scott Haber and Seymour Feshbach Family Processes and Adolescent Problem Behavior: Integrating Relationship Narratives into Understanding Development and Change - Bernadette Marie Bullock and Thomas Dishion Longitudinal Family and Peer Group Effects on Violence and Nonviolent Delinquency - David Henry, Patrick Tolan and Deborah Gorman-Smith Between the Heat of Passion and Cold Blood: Battered Woman's Syndrome as an Excuse for Self-Defense in Non-Confrontational Homicides - John Roberts Part Two: Personality and Crime Personality Theory and the Problem of Criminality - Hans Eysenck Relationships between Central and Autonomic Measures of Arousal at Age 15 Years and Criminality at Age 24 Years - Adrian Raine, Peter Venables and Mark Williams Understanding the Personality Disorder and Aggression Relationship: An Investigation Using Contemporary Aggression Theory - F. Gilbert et al. Delinquent Behavior and the Five-Factor Model: Hiding in the Adaptive Landscape - Richard Wiebe Personality Correlates of Offence Style - Donna Youngs Psychopathy as a Risk Factor for Violence - Robert Hare Refining the Construct of Psychopathy: Towards a Hierarchical Model - David Cooke and Christine Michie Serious Delinquent Behavior, Sensation Seeking, and Electrodermal Arousal - Lisa Gatzke-Kopp et el. VOLUME TWO: CRIMINALS' CHARACTERISTICS Part One: Criminal Lives Criminal Career Research in the United Kingdom - David Farrington What Has Been Learned from Self-Reports about Criminal Careers and the Causes of Offending? - David Farrington Narratives of Criminal Action and Forensic Psychology - David Canter and Donna Youngs Offender's Crime Narratives as Revealed by the Narrative Roles Questionnaire - Donna Youngs and David Canter Terrorists' Personal Constructs and Their Roles: A Comparison of the Three Islamic Terrorists - David Canter, Sudhanshu Sarangi and Donna Youngs Impulsivity in Juvenile Delinquency: Differences among Early-Onset, Late-Onset, and Non-Offenders - Annemaree Carroll et al Understanding Criminal Behavior: Identifying Psychological Differences between Domestically Violent Offenders and Non-Offenders - Maria Argyrides, Terry Bartholomew and Tatiana Carvalho Emotions and Crime over the Life Course: A Neo-Meadian Perspective on Criminal Continuity and Change - Peggy Giordano, Ryan Schroeder and Stephen Cernkovich Intrusive Memories in Perpetrators of Violent Crime: Emotions and Cognitions - Ceri Evans et al. A Balanced Review of Yochelson-Samenow's Theory of "The Criminal Personality" - Charles Reid Techniques of Neutralisation: A Theory of Delinquency - Gresham Sykes and David Matza Developmental Delay or Regression in Moral Reasoning by Juvenile Delinquents? - Daniel Brugman and A. Elisabeth Aleva The Social Psychology of Crime: Groups, Teams and Networks - David Canter and L. Alison VOLUME THREE: VIOLENT CRIMES Part One: Crimes in the Family Exposure to Childhood Sexual and Physical Abuse and Adjustment in Early Adulthood - David Fergusson, Joseph Boden and L. John Horwood The Narratives of Abused Children Who Have Survived Attempted Filicide - Carmit Katz The Utility of Male Domestic Violence Offender Typologies: New Directions for Research, Policy and Practice - Mary Cavanaugh and Richard Gelles Toward a Biopsychosocial Model of Domestic Violence - Patrick McKenry, Teresa Julian and Stephen Gavazzi The Epidemiological Patterns of Honour Killing of Women in Pakistan - Muazzam Nasrullah, Sobia Haqq and Kristin Cummings Gadit Karo-Kari: A Form of Honour Killing in Pakistan - Sujay Patel and Amin Muhammad Infanticide in England and Wales - M. Marks and R. KumarOrfilter your current search Maternal Infanticide Associated with Mental Illness: Prevention and the Promise of Saved Lives Orfilter your current searc - Margaret Spinelli Appearance and Delinquency - Robert Agnew Relations between Neighbourhood Factors, Parenting Behaviours, Peer Deviance and Delinquency among Serious Juvenile Offenders - He Len Chung and Laurence Steinberg Parricide an Empirical Analysis of 24 Years of U.S. Data - Kathleen Heide and Thomas Petee Parricide - Christina Newhill Stalking Behaviour and the Cycle of Domestic Violence - Frances Coleman Part Two: Crimes Against Strangers Cultural Myths and Supports for Rape - Martha Burt A Multivariate Model of Sexual Offence Behaviours: Developments in 'Offender Profiling'. I - David Canter and Rupert Heritage Beyond Belief?: Police, Rape and Women's Credibility - Jan Jordan The Phenomenology of Paid Killing - L. Clahoun The Novelty of 'Cybercrime': An Assessment in Light of Routine Activity Theory - Majid Yar A Social Learning Theory Analysis of Computer Crime among College Students - William Skinner and Anne Fream The Organized/Disorganized Typology of Serial Murder: Myth or Model? - David Canter, Laurence Alison, Emily Alison and Natalia Wentink Stalking (Obsessional Following): A Review of Some Preliminary Studies - J Reid Meloy A Behavioural Analysis of Terrorist Action: The Assassination and Bombing Campaigns of ETA between 1980 and 2007 - Margaret Wilson, Angela Scholes and Elizabeth Brocklehurst VOLUME FOUR: PSYCHOLOGY AND INVESTIGATIONS Part One: Detecting Offenders Differentiating Arsonists: A Model of Firesetting Actions and Characteristics - David Canter and Katarina Fritzon Creating Burglary Profiles Using Latent Class Analysis - Bryanna Hahn Fox and David Farrington Enhancing Fraud Prevention and Detection by Profiling Fraud Offenders - Andreas Kapardis and Maria Krambia-Kapardis White Collar Criminals - Ezra Stotland Identifying the Residential Location of Rapists - David Canter and A. Gregory Offender Profiling and Investigative Psychology - David Canter Body Disposal Patterns of Sexual Murderers: Implications for Offender Profiling - Eric Beauregard and Jessica Field Fashion Conscious Burglars? Testing the Principles of Offender Profiling with Footwear Impressions Recovered at Domestic Burglaries - Matthew Tonkin, John Bond and Jessica Woodhams Part Two: Investigative Information False Allegations of Sexual Abuse and Their Apparent Credibility - Terence Campbell Make-Believe Memories - Elizabeth Loftus Eyewitness Memory Enhancement in the Police Interview: Cognitive Retrieval Mnemonics versus Hypnosis - R. Edward Geiselman et al. What Do We Know about Eyewitness Identification? - Gary Wells The Psychology of Confessions: A Review of the Literature and Issues - Saul Kassin and Gisli Gudjonsson False Confessions Causes, Consequences, and Implications for Reform - Saul Kassin Accuracy of Deception Judgments - Charles Bond, Jr and Bella DePaulo The Psychophysiology of Deception and the Orienting Response - Murray Kleiner