The SAGE Handbook of Industrial, Work & Organizational Psychology, 3v 2/e


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Edited by Deniz S. Ones, Neil Anderson, Chockalingam Viswesvaran, Handan Kepir Sinangil
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Neil Anderson is Professor of Human Resource Management and Director of Research of the HRM-OB research centre (WORC) at Brunel University. Having obtained his PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Aston University in 1989, Professor Anderson has previously held chairs at the University of London (Goldsmiths College) and the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). He has published in several areas spanning HRM and organizational psychology over a number of years, and is now one of the top-five most cited Industrial-Organizational psychologists in Europe. Professor Anderson is Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, and Fellow of both the American Psychological Association and Division 14 of the APA (the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology) Dr. Viswesvaran conducts research on personnel selection, performance appraisal, and personality assessments in the workplace. He employs meta-analytic methods and also investigates related methodological issues in research. Dr. Viswesvaran teaches personnel psychology, personnel selection, training, psychological assessment, as well as proseminars in industrial-organizational psychology. Dr. Viswesvaran serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Applied Psychology, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Personnel Psychology, Journal of Business and Psychology and is the Editor of the International Journal of Selection and Assessment. Dr. Viswesvaran is a fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) as well as a Fellow of Division 5 (measurement) and Division 14 (Industrial- organizational psychology) of the American Psychological Association.

VOLUME 01: Personnel Psychology and Employee Performance PART 01: Professional Context: Theory, Methods and Practice Chapter 01: The Functioning of Theory in Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology (IWOP) - John P. Campbell and Michael P. Wilmot Chapter 02: Ethical Issues and Standards in Research and Applications of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology - Rodney L. Lowman PART 02: Individual Behavior at Work Chapter 03: Individual Job Performance - Michael B. Harari and Chockalingam Viswesvaran Chapter 04: Conceptualization and Measurement of Typical and Maximum Performance - Ute-Christine Klehe and Jessica Grazi Chapter 05: Organizational Citizenship Behaviors - A New Look at an Old Phenomenon at Different Levels - Matthias Spitzmuller, Remus Ilies and Dongwon Choi Chapter 06: Counterproductive Work Behaviors - Brittany K. Mercado, Stephan Dilchert, Casey Giordano and Deniz S. Ones Chapter 07: Adaptive Performance - Jason L. Huang, Mindy K. Shoss and Dustin K. Jundt Chapter 08: Political Effectiveness at Work - Jo Silvester and Madeleine Wyatt PART 03: Individual Differences and Capabilities Chapter 09: Cognitive Ability - Stephan Dilchert Chapter 10: Job Knowledge: Its Definition, Development and Measurement - Margaret E. Beier, Carmen K. Young and Anton J. Villado Chapter 11: Political Skill - Gerhard Blickle, Rachel E. Frieder and Gerald R. Ferris Chapter 12: Personality in Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology: Theory, Measurement and Application - Brian S. Connelly, Deniz S. Ones and Ute R. Huelsheger Chapter 13: Taxonomies and Compendia of Cognitive Ability and Personality Constructs and Measures Relevant to Industrial, Work & Organizational Psychology - Kevin C. Stanek and Deniz S. Ones Chapter 14: Work Preferences: Vocational Interests and Values - Jo-Ida C. Hansen and Brenton M. Wiernik PART 04: Staffing, Decision Making and Training Chapter 15: Non-Test Methods and Techniques Used in Employee Selection - Chockalingam Viswesvaran and Deniz S. Ones Chapter 16: Judgment and Decision Making in Staffing Research and Practice - Nathan R. Kuncel Chapter 17: Recruitment, Job Search and Job Choice: An Integrated Literature Review - Xian Li and Zhaoli Song Chapter 18: Applicant Perspectives on Employee Selection Systems - Donald M. Truxillo, Talya N. Bauer, Julie M. McCarthy, Neil Anderson and Sara M. Ahmed Chapter 19: Training and Learning in Work Roles - John P. Campbell, Nathan R. Kuncel and Jack W. Kostal Chapter 20: Judgment and Decision Making in the Workplace - Don C. Zhang and Scott Highhouse VOLUME 02: Organizational Psychology PART 01: Work Attitudes and Values Chapter 01: Attitudes: Satisfaction, Commitment and Involvement - Marcus Crede Chapter 02: Employee Self-Concept and Identity - Russell E. Johnson, Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang, You Jin Kim and Szu-Han (Joanna) Lin Chapter 03: Organizational Justice - Stephen Gilliland PART 02: Motivational Perspectives Chapter 04: The Building Blocks of Motivation: Goal Phase System - Piers Steel and Justin M.Weinhardt Chapter 05: Self-Determination Theory Applied to Work Motivation and Organizational Behavior - Marylene Gagne, Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan Chapter 06: Action Regulation Theory: Foundations, Current Knowledge, and Future Directions - Hannes Zacher and Michael Frese Chapter 07: Goal Setting Theory: Controversies and Resolutions - Gary P. Latham and Edwin A. Locke PART 03: Performance Management Chapter 08: Pay Levels and Pay Changes - Jason D. Shaw Chapter 09: Revisiting the Social Context of Performance Management: Performance Appraisal Effectiveness - Paul E. Levy, Caitlin M. Cavanaugh, Noelle B. Frantz, Lauren A. Borden and Ariel Roberts PART 04: Talent Management and Development Chapter 10: Learning, Training and Development in Organizations: Emerging Trends, Recent Advances and Future Directions - Bradford S. Bell and Ozias A. Moore Chapter 11: Employee Development: The Process and Practice of Work-Related Learning - Sarah A. Hezlett and Cynthia D. McCauley PART 5: Leadership, Groups and Teams Chapter 12: Leadership in Organizations - Robert Hogan, Gordon Curphy, Robert B. Kaiser and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic Chapter 13: Team Design Characteristics - Greg L. Stewart and Kameron M. Carter Chapter 14: From Teams in Organizations to Organizing in Teams - Leslie A. DeChurch, Dorothy R. Carter, Raquel Asencio, Amy Wax, Peter W. Seely, Kathryn Dalrymple, Sidni A. Vaughn, Benjamin R. Jones, Gabe Plummer and Jessica R. Mesmer Magnus Chapter 15: Multiteam Systems: The Next Chapter - John E. Mathieu, Margaret M. Luciano and Leslie A. DeChurch PART 6: Work Design and Interventions Chapter 16: Work Design for Performance: Expanding the Criterion Domain - Daniela M. Andrei and Sharon K. Parker Chapter 17: Management Interventions - Robert (Bob) Cardy and T. T. Selvarajan Chapter 18: Employee Participation - Melissa Chamberlin, Jeffery A. LePine, Daniel W. Newton and Linn Van Dyne PART 7: Psychology of Work Relationships Chapter 19: Trust at Work - Ana Cristina Costa, Donald L. Ferrin and C. Ashley Fulmer Chapter 20: Politics in Organizations - Gerald R. Ferris, John N. Harris, Zachary A. Russell and Liam P. Maher Chapter 21: Toxic Emotions at Work - Michelle K. Duffy and Lingtao Yu Chapter 22: Exchange in the Employee-Organization Relationship - Lynn M. Shore, Jacqueline A.-M. Coyle-Shapiro and Chiachi Chang VOLUME 03: Managerial Psychology and Organizational Approaches PART 01: Professional Context: History Chapter 01: History of Industrial Work and Organizational Psychology in North America - Michael J. Zickar and James T. Austin Chapter 01: Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology in Europe - Robert A. Roe Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology in Australia and New Zealand - Beryl Hesketh, Andrew Neal and Barbara Griffin Chapter 04: Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology in Asia - Aichia Chuang, An-Chih Wang, Ryan Shuwei Hsu and Yih-teen Lee Chapter 05: Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology in Africa - Francois S. De Kock Chapter 06: Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology in the Middle East - Mahmut Bayazit, Ilknur OEzalp Tueretgen and Handan Kepir Sinangil Chapter 07: Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology in Latin America - Jennifer Feitosa, Eduardo Salas and Jairo E. Borges-Andrade PART 02: Organizational Capabilities and Context Chapter 08: Innovation and Creativity in Organizations - Neil Anderson, Kristina Potocnik, Ronald Bledow, Ute R. Huelsheger and Kathrin Rosing Chapter 09: Organizational Culture and Climate - Neal M. Ashkanasy and Alana B. Dorris Chapter 10: National Culture and Leadership Research between 2003 and 2014: A Review, Synthesis, and Directions for the Next Decade of Cross-Cultural Leadership Research - Madelynn Stackhouse, Bradley Kirkman, Piers Steel and Vasyl Taras Chapter 11: Individuals and Knowledge Transfer: What We Know and Where We Go from Here - Naveen Kumar Jain and Lin Yuan PART 03: Strategic Management Chapter 12: Strategic Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance - David P. Lepak, Kaifeng Jiang, Rebecca R. Kehoe and F. Scott Bentley Chapter 13: The Psychological Foundations of Strategic Management: Beyond Cold Cognition - Gerard P. Hodgkinson and Mark P. Healey PART 04: Triple Bottom Line Chapter 14: Leading the Triple Bottom Line: A Corporate Social Responsibility Approach - Diane L. Swanson and Marc Orlitzky Chapter 15: Social Responsibility in and of Organizations: The Psychology of Corporate Social Responsibility among Organizational Members - David A. Jones and Deborah E. Rupp Chapter 16: Environmental Sustainability at Work - Deniz S. Ones, Stephan Dilchert, Brenton M. Wiernik and Rachael M. Klein PART 05: Diversity and Cross-Cultural Issues Chapter 17: Women in Organizations: Understanding Barriers to Advancements of Female Employees - Afra Ahmad, Amanda Anderson, Isaac Sabat, Ashley Membere and Eden King Chapter 18: Managing the Aging Workforce - Guido Hertel and Hannes Zacher Chapter 19: Expatriate Management - Anne-Grit Albrecht, Deniz S. Ones and Handan Kepir Sinangil PART 06: Stress, Safety and Health Chapter 20: Recovery from Work - Sabine Sonnentag and Charlotte Fritz Chapter 21: Mindfulness at Work - Jessica Mesmer-Magnus, Blaine Prescott and Chockalingam Viswesvaran Chapter 22: Job Loss and Unemployment - Frances M. McKee-Ryan Chapter 23: Talent Management - Maria Christina Meyers and Jaap Paauwe PART 07: Managing Careers and Work Life Chapter 24: Careers, Career Development, and Career Management - Brenton M. Wiernik and Bart Wille Chapter 25: Alternative Work Arrangements - Catherine E. Connelly and Megan E. Murphy Chapter 26: Managing the Work-Family Interface - Kristen M. Shockley Chapter 27: Managing Retirement - Mo Wang and Yujie Zhan

The SAGE Handbook of Industrial, Work & Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition (Volumes 1 - 3) provides robust and powerful insights for those wishing to build their knowledge of behaviour at work. The content is theoretically rich and advanced and supported by reference to rigorous, high quality research in key areas, drawing on the legacies of leading figures in the discipline but right up to date with the latest and most impressive research. This is a resource that scholars will return to repeatedly to provide authoritative and breakthrough understanding about work and organizations. The leading status of contributors in their fields and the truly international profile of all these outstanding authors will only reinforce the value and robustness of the content for those in our field. -- Michael West

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