Mark F. Peterson (PhD, University of Michigan) holds the Hofstede Chair in Cultural Diversity at Maastricht University. He has published over 120 articles and chapters, and several books. The articles have appeared in major management and international management journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Leadership Quarterly, Human Relations, Management International Review, Organization Studies, and Organization Science. He has also contributed international management themes to the basic social science literature through chapters in the Annual Review of Psychology, the Communication Yearbook, the Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and Research in the Sociology of Organizations. He is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Organizational Behavior and an Area Editor for the Journal of International Business Studies. His previous positions have been at Wayne State University, the University of Miami, Texas Tech University, and Florida Atlantic University. He has had visiting positions supported by Fulbright Fellowships to Osaka University and McMaster University, and he held the John R. Galvin Chair at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. He has also had visiting positions at the University of Pennsylvania and Aarhus University. Along with Mikael Soendergaard, Geert Hofstede, Michael Minkov, Gert Jan Hofstede, and others, he teaches an annual summer Ph.D. master class in cross cultural management at various locations in Europe. When at his home in Homestead, Florida, he spends his weekends tending to a collection of orchids and making orchid hybrids.
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VOLUME ONE - CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY: HISTORY, CONTROVERSY, AND CURRENT STATUS Part One: The Emergence of Culture as an Anthropological Construct in the 19th Century Anthropology and the Humanities - Ruth Benedict Part Two: Functional, Critical and Interpretive Perspectives in Anthropology The Group and the Individual in Functional Analysis - Bronislaw Malinowski Cultural Discontinuities and Personality Transformation - Margaret Mead Dominant and Substitute Profiles of Cultural Orientation: Their Significance for the Analysis of Social Stratification - Florence Kluckhohn The Cross-Cultural Survey - George Murdock Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture - Clifford Geertz On Ethnographic Authority - James Clifford Ethnography in/of the World System: The Emergence of Multi-Sited Anthropology - George Marcus "Culture": Space, Identity and the Politics of Difference - Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson Culture and Cultural Analysis as Experimental Systems - Michael Fischer Part Three: Culture and Language in Anthropology On the Emics and Etics of Pike and Harris - Kenneth Pike Emics and Etics for Organizational Studies: A Lesson in Contrast from Linguistics - Mark Peterson and Kenneth Pike Context, Culture, and Structuration in the Languages of Australia - Nicholas Evans VOLUME TWO - CULTURE AND RELATED CONCEPTS IN SOCIOLOGY AND ECONOMICS Part Four: Culture in the Emergence and Development of Sociology and Economics Why Is Economics Not an Evolutionary Science? - Thorstein Veblen Culture: A Sociological View - Howard Becker Culture: The Making and the Make-up of a Concept (An Essay in Historical Semantics) - Gyorgy Markus The Study of Boundaries in the Social Sciences - Michele Lamont and Virag Molnar Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness - Mark Granovetter Institutional Economics: Then and Now - Malcolm Rutherford Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies - Ann Swidler Part Five: Conceptualizations of Culture and the Reconsideration of Institutions Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony - John Meyer and Brian Rowan The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields - Paul DiMaggio and Walter Powell Endogenous Explanation in the Sociology of Culture - Jason Kaufman Pierre Bourdieu and the Practices of Language - William Hanks Part Six: Culture and Modernity The Production of Culture Perspective - Richard Peterson and N. Anand Video Cultures: Television Sociology in the "New TV" Age - Laura Grindstaff and Joseph Turow Modernization, Cultural Change, and the Persistence of Traditional Values - Ronald Inglehart and Wayne Baker Urban Poverty after the Truly Disadvantaged: The Rediscovery of the Family, the Neighborhood, and Culture - Mario Luis Small and Katherine Newman VOLUME THREE - CROSS CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY: VALUE DIMENSIONS AND COGNITION Part Seven: Individualism-Collectivism and Basic Cultural Observations in Psychology National Character: The Study of Modal Personality and Sociocultural Systems - Alex Inkeles and Daniel Levinson Cultural Influences on Personality - Harry Triandis and Eunkook Suh Where (Who) Are Collectives in Collectivism? Toward Conceptual Clarification of Individualism and Collectivism - Marilynn Brewer and Ya-Ru Chen Part Eight: Psychological Dimensions and Culture A Theory of Organization and Change within Value-Attitude Systems - Milton Rokeach Imposed Etics-Emics-Derived Etics: The Operationalization of a Compelling Idea - John Berry Identifying Culture-Specifics in the Content and Structure of Values - Shalom Schwartz and Lilach Sagiv Personality and Culture Revisited: Linking Traits and Dimensions of Culture - Geert Hofstede and Robert McCrae Part Nine: Culture and Cognition Culture and the Self: Implications for Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation - Hazel Rose Markus and Shinobu Kitayama Psychology and Culture - Darrin Lehman, Chi-yue Chiu and Mark Schaller Culture and Cognition - Paul DiMaggio A Culture and Systems of Thought: Holistic versus Analytic Cognition - Richard Nisbett, Kaiping Peng, Incheol Choi and Ara Norenzayan Culture, Mind, and the Brain: Current Evidence and Future Directions - Shinobu Kitayama and Ayse Uskul Part Ten: Culture and Communication Inter- and Intracultural Negotiation: U.S. and Japanese Negotiators - Jeanne Brett and Tetsushi Okumura The Matrix of Face: An Updated Face-Negotiation Theory - Stella Ting-Toomey An Anxiety/Uncertainty Management (AUM) Theory of Effective Communication - William Gudykunst VOLUME FOUR - CULTURE IN ORGANIZATIONAL AND POLITICAL THEORY Part Eleven: Organizations in a Cultural Context The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories - Geert Hofstede The Effect of National Culture on the Choice of Entry Mode - Bruce Kogut and Harbir Singh Cultural Values, Sources of Guidance and Their Relevance to Managerial Behavior: A 47 Nation Study - Peter Smith, Mark Peterson and Shalom Schwartz Conceptualizing and Measuring Cultures and Their Consequences: A Comparative Review of GLOBE's and Hofstede's Approaches - Mansour Javidan, Robert House, Peter Dorfman, Paul Hanges and Mary Sully de Luque Traditions and Transitions in Quantitative Societal Culture Research in Organization Studies - Mark Peterson and Mikael Sondergaard Cross Cultural Organizational Behavior - Michele Gelfand, Miriam Erez and Zeynep Aycan Part Twelve: Organizational Culture Studying Organizational Cultures through Rites and Ceremonials - Harrison Trice and Janice Beyer Organization Culture: Can It Be a Source of Sustained Competitive Advantage? - Jay Barney What Is the Difference between Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate? A Native's Point of View on a Decade of Paradigm Wars - Daniel Denison Cultural Change: An Integration of Three Different Views - Debra Meyerson and Joanne Martin Part Thirteen: Nations, Societies, and Cultures Business Drive and National Achievement - David McClelland The Origins, Development, and Possible Decline of the Modern State - Hendrik Spruyt The Clash of Civilizations? - Samuel Huntington World Society and the Nation-State - John Meyer, John Boli, George Thomas and Francisco Ramirez