Ashok Swain is a Professor and Head of Department of the Department of Peace and Conflict Research. He is the UNESCO Chair on International Water Cooperation, and the Director of Research School of International Water Cooperation at Uppsala University. He is also the founding Editor-in-Chief of 'Environment and Security' journal, jointly published by Sage Publishing and Environmental Peacebuilding Association.
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VOLUME ONE: WATER SCARCITY EMERGING Securitizing Water - Ursula Oswald Spring and Hans Guenter Brauch Global Water Issues Confronting Humanity - Malin Falkenmark The New Blue and Green Water Paradigm: Breaking New Ground for Water Resources Planning and Management - Malin Falkenmark and Johan Rockstroem Transitions towards Adaptive Management of Water Facing Climate and Global Change - Claudia Pahl-Wostl Global Water Resources - I. Shiklomanov Avert Looming Hydrocide - Jan Lundqvist Water Scarcity as a Source of Crises - Ashok Swain Water and Conflict: Fresh Water Resources and International Security - Peter Gleick Global Hydrological Cycles and World Water Resources - Taikan Oki and Shinjiro Kanae Entering an Era of Water Scarcity: The Challenges Ahead - Sandra Postel Global Water Resources: Vulnerability from Climate Change and Population Growth - Charles Voeroesmarty et al. Groundwater Management and Socioeconomic Responses - Jacob Burke, Claude Sauveplane and Marcus Moench Stationarity Is Dead: Whither Water Management? - P.C.D. Milly et al. On the Verge of a New Water Scarcity: A Call for Good Governance and Human Ingenuity - Malin Falkenmark Saving Water: From Field to Fork - Curbing Losses and Wastage in the Food Chain - J. Lundqvist, C. de Fraiture and D. Molden The Value of Cooperation in Resolving International River Basin Disputes - Peter Rogers VOLUME TWO: WATER WARS AND WATER COOPERATION The War over Water - John Cooley Water Wars - Joyce Starr Water and International Conflict - Helga Haftendorn Water Wars: Fact or Fiction - Ashok Swain Conflict and Co-operation in International Freshwater Management: A Global Review - Erik Mostert Water Wars: Obscuring Opportunities - Karin Bencala and Geoffrey Dabelko Capturing the Nature of Cooperation, Unstable Cooperation and Conflict over International Rivers: The Story of the Indus, Yarmouk, Euphrates and Tigris Rivers - Neda Zawahri Hydro-Hegemony a Framework for Analysis of Transboundary Water Conflicts - Mark Zeitoun and Jeroen Warner The Political Context of Conflict and Cooperation over International River Basins - Frederick Frey Transboundary Water Interaction I: Reconsidering Conflict and Cooperation - Mark Zeitoun and Naho Mirumachi The Need for Flexibility in Freshwater Treaty Regimes - Stephen McCaffrey Conflict and Cooperation along International Waterways - Aaron Wolf Beyond the River: The Benefits of Cooperation on International Rivers - Claudia Sadoff and David Grey The Past, Present, and Future of Water Conflict and International Security - David Kreamer Reframing the Water Security Dialogue - Dan Tarlock and Patricia Wouters VOLUME THREE: WATER SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENTS "Water, Water Everywhere..." Improving the Availability of Clean Water and Sanitation - Allerd Stikker and Dorota Juchniewicz The Sustainability and Resilience of Global Water and Food Systems: Political Analysis of the Interplay between Security, Resource Scarcity, Political Systems and Global Trade - Jeremy Allouche Domestic Water and Sanitation as Water Security: Monitoring, Concepts and Strategy - David Bradley and Jamie Bartram Water Security: Why It Matters and What to Do about It - John Briscoe Addressing the Global Water and Environment Crises through Integrated Approaches to the Management of Land, Water and Ecological Resources - Alfred Duda and Mohamed El-Ashry The Human Right to Water - Peter Gleick Global Water Crisis and Future Food Security in an Era of Climate Change - Munir A. Hanjra and M. Ejaz Qureshi Risks and Responses to Universal Drinking Water Security - Robert Hope and Michael Rouse Water Security: Old Concepts, New Package, What Value? - Jonathan Lautze and Herath Manthrithilake Good Governance for Food Water and Energy Security - U. Lele, M. Klousia-Marquis and S. Goswami Nirvana Concepts, Narratives and Policy Models: Insight from the Water Sector - Francois Molle Will the World Run Dry? Global Water and Food Security - Mark Rosegrant, Ximing Cai and Sarah Cline Energy and Water Trade-Offs in Enhancing Food Security: A Selective International Assessment - Shahbaz Mushtaqa, Tek Narayan Marasenia, Jerry Maroulisa and Mohsin Hafeezb The Right to Water and Sanitation in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding - Mara Tignino The Global Web of National Water Security - Mark Zeitoun VOLUME FOUR: GLOBAL WATER CRISIS AND BEYOND Facing the Freshwater Crisis - Peter Rogers Water Security for a Planet under Pressure: Interconnected Challenges of a Changing World Call for Sustainable Solutions - Janos Bogardi et al. Growing Water Scarcity in Agriculture: Future Challenges to Global Water Security - Malin Falkenmark Re-Thinking Water Scarcity: Can Science and Technology Solve the Global Water Crisis? - Elena Lopez-Gunn and Manuel Ramon Llamas Producing More Food with Less Water in a Changing World: Assessment of Water Productivity in 10 Major River Basins - Xueliang Cai et al. Virtual Water - The Water, Food, and Trade Nexus: Useful Concept or Misleading Metaphor? - J. Allan Water Wars by Other Means: Virtual Water and Global Economic Reconstructing - Andrew Biro Foreign Agricultural Land Acquisition and the Visibility of Water Resource Impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa - Philip Woodhouse The United Nations Watercourses Convention Ten Years Later: Why Has Its Entry into Force Proven Difficult? - Salman M.A. Salman Governance Mechanisms to Address Flow Variability in Water Treaties - Alena Drieschova, Mark Giordano and Itay Fishhendler Climate Proofing Transboundary Water Agreements - Heather Cooley and Peter Gleick Global Climate Change and Challenges for International River Agreements - Ashok Swain Global Regime Formation or Complex Institution Building? The Principled Content of International River Agreements - Ken Conca, Fengshi Wu and Ciqi Mei Governance and the Global Water System: A Theoretical Exploration - Claudia Pahl-Wosti, Joyeeta Gupta and Daniel Petry Water Security: Debating an Emerging Paradigm - Christina Cook and Karen Bakker
"This volume represents a serious and ground-breaking attempt to compile a volume of articles covering the key area of water security. The work by Professors Jaegerskog, Swain and OEjendal provides us with a much needed selection of seminal articles that will be of substantial use for anyone wanting to understand the relationship between water and security. These major works can serve as insights into water as a source of conflict - but, equally, as a source and catalyst for cooperation " -- Jan Eliasson "Over the past decades water gained attention in political debates as a resource at the core of intricate interdependencies among the world's economies, societies, politics, and ecology. It is this complex picture that UNESCO addresses since the 60s in supporting its Member States to better understand and manage their water resources to the benefit of their peoples. This is also the lesson I draw from this outstanding work by Professors Jaegerskog, Swain and OEjendal. These volumes are not only an original contribution to the Organization's mandate; they also constitute a direct input for policy makers and point out that water security is vital for peace and development, highlighting what must be done to make it a reality for all" -- Irina Bokova