Emerging Approaches to Leadership


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Edited by Boas Shamir
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VOLUME ONE: COLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP Collective Leadership with Power Symmetry: Lessons from Aboriginal Prehistory - Karl-Erik Sveiby All Those Years Ago: The Historical Underpinnings of Shared Leadership - Craig Pearce and Jay Conger The future of leadership: Combining vertical and shared leadership to transform knowledge work - Craig Pearce Shared Leadership: Paradox and Possibility - Joyce Fletcher and Katrin Kaufer Distributed Leadership as a Unit of Analysis - Peter Gronn The Future of Distributed Leadership - Peter Gronn Leadership Configurations - Peter Gronn Leadership in Teams: A Functional Approach to Understanding Leadership Structures and Processes - Frederick Morgeson, D. Scott DeRue and Elizabeth Karam Leadership Capacity in Teams - David Day, Peter Gronn and Eduardo Salas Direction, Alignment, Commitment: Toward a More Integrative Ontology of Leadership - Wilfred Drath et al. Dynamic Delegation: Shared, Hierarchical, and Deindividualized Leadership in Extreme Action Teams - Katherine Klein et al. Shared Leadership in Teams: An Investigation of Antecedent Conditions and Performance - Jay Carson, Paul Tesluk and Jennifer Marrone Shared Authentic Leadership and New Venture Performance - Keith Hmieleski, Michael Cole and Robert Baron Leadership in the Plural - Jean-Louis Denis, Ann Langley and Viviane Sergi VOLUME TWO: LEADERSHIP IN EMERGING CONTEXTS: COMPLEXITY, VIRTUALITY, AND INTERGROUP SITUATIONS Leadership and Development of the Leaderplex Model - Robert Hooijberg, James Hunt and George Dodge Leader Self-Structure: A Framework for Positive Leadership - Sean Hannah, Robert Woolfolk and Robert Lord A Framework for Understanding Leadership and Individual Requisite Complexity - Robert Lord, Sean Hannah and Peter Jennings Complexity Leadership Theory: Shifting Leadership from the Industrial Age to the Knowledge Era - Mary Uhl-Bien, Russ Marion and Bill McKelvey The Role of Leadership in Emergent Self-Organization - Donde Ashmos Plowman et al. Getting Everyone on Board: The Role of Inspirational Leadership in Geographically Dispersed Teams - Aparna Joshi, Mila Lazarova and Hui Liao Leading Virtual Teams - Arvind Malhotra, Ann Majchrzak and Benson Rosen E-Leadership: Re-Examining Transformations in Leadership Source and Transmission - Bruce Avolio et al. Notes on Leadership and Distance - Boas Shamir A Two-dimensional Model of Intergroup Leadership: The Case of National Diversity - Todd Pittinsky Intergroup Leadership in Organizations: Leading across Group and Organizational Boundaries - Michael Hogg, Daan van Knippenberg and David Rast The Dynamics of Collective Leadership and Strategic Change in Pluralistic Organizations - Jean-Louis Denis, Lise Lamothe and Ann Langley Leadership in the Shaping and Implementation of Collaboration Agendas: How Things Happen in a (Not Quite) Joined-Up World - Chris Huxham and Siv Vangen Rotating Leadership and Collaborative Innovation: Recombination Processes in Symbiotic Relationships - Jason Davis and Kathleen Eisenhardt VOLUME THREE: LEADERSHIP IN SOCIAL NETWORKS Being in the Right Place: A Structural Analysis of Individual Influence in an Organization - Daniel Brass Network Effects Model of Charisma Attributions - Juan-Carlos Pastor, James Meindl and Margarita Mayo The Advice and Influence Networks of Transformational Leaders - Joyce Bono and Marc Anderson Centrality and Charisma: Comparing How Leader Networks and Attributions Affect Team Performance - Prasad Balkundi, Martin Kilduff and David Harrison Well-connected Leaders: The Impact of Leaders' Social Network Ties on LMX and Members' Work Attitudes - Vijaya Venkataramani, Stephen Green and Deidra Schleicher Two Routes to Influence: Integrating Leader-Member Exchange and Social Network Perspectives - Raymond Sparrow and Robert Liden Ties, Leaders, and Time in Teams: Strong Inference about Network Structure's Effects on Team Viability and Performance - Prasad Balkundi and David Harrison Unlocking the Influence of Leadership Network Structures on Team Conflict and Viability - Prasad Balkundi, Judd Michael and Zoe Barsness The Social Network Ties of Group Leaders: Implications for Group Performance and Leader Reputation - Ajay Mehra et al. Transformational Leadership and Group Interaction as Climate Antecedents: A Social Network Analysis - Dov Zohar and Orly Tenne-Gazit A Network Approach to Leader Cognition and Effectiveness - Martin Kilduff and Prasad Balkundi Distributed Leadership in Teams: The Network of Leadership Perceptions and Team Performance - Ajay Mehra et al. The Topology of Collective Leadership - Noshir Contractor et al. VOLUME FOUR: OTHER EMERGING ISSUES: THE ROLE OF FOLLOWERS IN THE LEADERSHIP PROCESS, THE RELATIONAL SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONIST APPROACH AND THE NEUROSCIENCE APPROACH TO LEADERSHIP The Romance of Leadership - James Meindl, Sanford Ehrlich and Janet Dukerich From Passive Recipients to Active Co-Producers: Followers' Roles in the Leadership Process - Boas Shamir The Role of Followers in the Charismatic Leadership Process: Relationships and Their Consequences - Jane Howell and Boas Shamir Followership and Follower-Centered Approaches - Michelle Bligh Conceptualising Followership - A Review of the Literature - Brian Crossman and Joanna Crossman Who Will Lead and Who Will Follow? A Social Process of Leadership Identity Construction in Organizations - D. Scott DeRue and Susan Ashford Relational Leadership Theory: Exploring the Social Processes of Leadership and Organizing - Mary Uhl-Bien The Nature of Relational Leadership: A Multitheoretical Lens on Leadership Relationships and Processes - Mary Uhl-Bien, John Maslyn and Sonia Ospina Exploring the Competing Bases for Legitimacy in Contemporary Leadership Studies - Sonia Ospina and Mary Uhl-Bien Discursive Leadership: A Communication Alternative to Leadership Psychology - Gail Fairhurst Leadership Research or Post-Leadership Research? Advancing Leadership Theory versus Throwing the Baby Out with the Bath Water - Boas Shamir Leadership and Neuroscience: Can We Revolutionize the Way that Inspirational Leaders Are Identified and Developed? - David Waldman, Pierre Balthazard and Suzanne Peterson Differentiating Transformational and Non-Transformational Leaders on the Basis of Neurological Imaging - Pierre Balthazard et al. The Psychological and Neurological Bases of Leader Self-Complexity and Effects on Adaptive Decision-Making - Sean Hannah et al.

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