Harry T. Reis is Professor of Psychology at the University of Rochester. He studies the factors that influence the quantity and closeness of social interaction, and the consequences of different patterns of socializing for health and psychological well-being. He is also investigating some of the psychological processes that affect the course and conduct of close relationships. He is particularly interested in intimacy, attachment and emotion regulation. He is well-versed in the field, having served as editor of its leading journal, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, having recently edited The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Relationships, and having served as president of both the world's largest organization of social psychologists (Society for Personality and Social Psychology) and the world's pre-eminent organization devoted to researching relationships (International Association of Relationship Research).

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VOLUME ONE: LAB METHODS FOR STUDYING SOCIAL COGNITIVE PROCESSES A Lady in Distress: Inhibiting Effects of Friends and Strangers on Bystander Intervention - Bibb Latane and Judith Rodin Mood and Persuasion a Cognitive Response Analysis - Herbert Bless, Gerd Bohner, Norbert Schwarz and Fritz Strack Subliminal Mere Exposure: Specific, General, and Diffuse Effects - Jennifer Monahan, Sheila Murphy and R. Zajonc Ego Depletion: Is the Active Self a Limited Resource? - Roy Baumeister et al. Category Accessibility and Impression Formation - E. Tory Higgins, William Rholes and Carl Jones Automaticity of Social Behavior: Direct Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on Action - John Bargh, Mark Chen and Lara Burrows Emotion Congruence in Perception - Paula Niedenthal and Marc Setterlund Social Psychological Procedures for Cognitive Response Assessment: The Thought-Listing Technique - John Cacioppo and Richard Petty Naturalistic Social Cognition: Empathic Accuracy in Mixed-Sex Dyads - William Ickes et al. Attitudes towards Objects as Predictors of Single and Multiple Behavioral Criteria - Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen Measuring Individual Differences in Implicit Cognition: The Implicit Association Test - Anthony Greenwald, Debbie McGhee and Jordan Schwartz The Go/No-Go Association Task - Brian Nosek and Mahzarin Banaji On the Automatic Activation of Attitudes - Russell Fazio et al. An Inkblot for Attitudes: Affect Misattribution as Implicit Measurement - B. Keith Payne et al. Ten Frequently Asked Questions about Implicit Measures and Their Frequently Supposed, but Not Entirely Correct Answers - Bertram Gawronski The Bogus Pipeline: A New Paradigm for Measuring Affect and Attitude - Edward Jones and Harold Sigall VOLUME TWO: METHODS FOR STUDYING OTHER SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN THE LABORATORY The Road to Agreement: Subgroup Pressures in Small Group Consensus Processes - William Godwin and Frank Restle Social Categorization and Intergroup Behaviour - Henri Tajfel et al. Cooperative and Competitive Behavior in Mixed-Motive Games - Philip Gallo, Jr and Charles McClintock Behavior, Communication, and Assumptions about Other People's Behavior in a Commons Dilemma Situation - Robyn Dawes, Jeanne McTavish and Harriet Shaklee Cyberball: A Program for Use in Research on Interpersonal Ostracism and Acceptance - Kipling Williams and Blair Jarvis The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness: A Procedure and Some Preliminary Findings - Arthur Aron et al. Emotion Elicitation Using Films - James Gross and Robert Levenson Looking at Pictures: Affective, Facial, Visceral, and Behavioral Reactions - Peter Lang et al. A Psychometric Evaluation of the Facial Action Coding System for Assessing Spontaneous Expression - Michael Sayette et al. Electromyographic Activity over Facial Muscle Regions Can Differentiate the Valence and Intensity of Affective Reactions - John Cacioppo et al. Subjective, Physiological, and Behavioral Effects of Threat and Challenge Appraisal - Joe Tomaka et al. Effects of Task Strain, Social Conflict, and Emotional Activation on Ambulatory Cardiovascular Activity: Daily Life Consequences of Recurring Stress in a Multiethnic Adult Sample - Thomas Kamarck et al. The 'Trier Social Stress Test' - A Tool for Investigating Psychobiological Stress Responses in a Laboratory Setting - Clemens Kirschbaum, Karl-Martin Pirke and Dirk Hellhammer The Pain of Social Disconnection: Examining the Shared Neural Underpinnings of Physical and Social Pain - Naomi Eisenberger Self-Regulatory Depletion Increases Emotional Reactivity in the Amygdale - Dylan Wagner and Todd Heatherton Attitudes to the Right: Evaluative Processing Is Associated with Lateralized Late Positive Event Related Brain Potentials - John Cacioppo, Stephen Crites, Jr and Wendi Gardner Immersive Virtual Environment Technology as a Methodological Tool for Social Psychology - Jim Blascovich et al. Marital Interaction and Satisfaction: A Longitudinal View - John Gottman and Lowell Krokoff TEMPO: A Time-based System for Analysis of Group Interaction Process - Gail Clark Futoran, Janice Kelly and Joseph McGrath A Basic Paradigm for the Study of Unstructured Dyadic Interaction - William Ickes Stimulus Sampling and Social Psychological Experimentation - Gary Wells and Paul Windschitl VOLUME THREE: METHODS FOR STUDYING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN NATURALISTIC SETTINGS Some Evidence for Heightened Sexual Attraction under Conditions of High Anxiety - Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron Reducing Intergroup Prejudice and Conflict Using the Media: A Field Experiment in Rwanda - Elizabeth Levy Paluck Methodological Issues in Psychological Research on Culture - Fons Van de Vijver and Kwok Leung Back-Translation for Cross-Cultural Research - Richard Brislin Measurement in Cross-Cultural Psychology a Review and Comparison of Strategies - C. Harry Hui and Harry Triandis Diary Methods: Capturing Life as It Is Lived - Niall Bolger, Angelina Davis and Eshkol Rafaeli Now and Then, Them and Us, This and That: Studying Relationships across Time, Partner, Context, and Person - Shelly Gable and Harry Reis The Ecology of Adolescent Activity and Experience - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Reed Larson and Suzanne Prescott Studying Social Interaction with the Rochester Interaction Record - Harry Reis and Ladd Wheeler A Survey Method for Characterizing Daily Life Experience: The Day Reconstruction Method - Daniel Kahneman et al. The Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR): A Device for Sampling Naturalistic Daily Activities and Conversations - Matthias Mehl et al. The Psychological Meaning of Words: LIWC and Computerized Text Analysis Methods - Yla Tausczik and James Pennebaker Putting Stress into Words: Health, Linguistic, and Therapeutic Implications - James Pennebaker A Review of Facebook Research in the Social Sciences - Robert Wilson, Samuel Gosling and Lindsay Graham Happy Tweets: Christians Are Happier, More Socially Connected, and Less Analytical than Atheists on Twitter - Ryan Ritter el al. The Smartphone Psychology Manifesto - Geoffrey Miller Should We Trust Web-based Studies? A Comparative Analysis of Six Preconceptions about Internet Questionnaires - Samuel Gosling et al. Incentives in Web Studies: Methodological Issues and a Review - Anja Goeritz Amazon's Mechanical Turk a New Source of Inexpensive, Yet High-Quality, Data? - Michael Buhrmester, Tracy Kwang and Samuel Gosling VOLUME FOUR: CLASSIC ISSUES AND APPROACHES IN SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS Factors Relevant to the Validity of Experiments in Social Settings - Donald Campbell Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix - Donald Campbell and Donald Fiske External Validity Is More Than Skin Deep: Some Answers to Criticisms of Laboratory Experiments - Leonard Berkowitz and Edward Donnerstein In Defense of External Invalidity - Douglas Mook Research in the Psychological Laboratory Truth or Triviality? - Craig Anderson, James Lindsay and Brad Bushman On the Social Psychology of the Psychological Experiment - Martin Orne On the Social Psychology of the Psychological Experiment: The Experimenter's Hypothesis as Unintended Determinant of Experimental Results - Robert Rosenthal Instructional Manipulation Checks: Detecting Satisficing to Increase Statistical Power - Daniel Oppenheimer, Tom Meyvis and Nicolas Davidenko Deception in Psychological Research When Is Its Use Justified? - Larry Christensen College sophomores in the Lab: Influences of a Narrow Data Base on Social Psychology's View of Human Nature - David Sears Psychology as the Science of Self-Reports and Finger Movements: Whatever Happened to Actual Behavior? - Roy Baumeister, Kathleen Vohs and David Funder The Strong Situation Hypothesis - William Cooper and Michael Withey Aggregation and Beyond: Some Basic Issues on the Prediction of Behavior - Seymour Epstein Social Class and the Use of Professional Help for Personal Problems: 1957 and 1976 - Richard Kulka, Joseph Veroff and Elizabeth Douvan The Impact of the Gulf War on the Ingredients of Presidential Evaluations: Multidimensional Effects of Political Involvement - Jon Krosnick and Laura Brannon VOLUME FIVE: QUANTITATIVE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS: CONTEMPORARY INNOVATIONS Campbell's and Rubin's Perspectives on Causal Inference - Stephen West and Felix Thoemmes Cross-Group Friendships and Intergroup Attitudes a Meta-Analytic Review - Kristin Davies et al. The Relative Benefits of Meta-Analysis Conducted with Individual Participant Data versus Aggregated Data - Harris Cooper and Erika Patall Social Context, Coping Strategies, and Depressive Symptoms: An Expanded Model with Cardiac Patients - Charles Holohan et al. Interpersonal Attraction in the Absence of Explicit Attitudinal Information - Rick Hoyle The Mediator-Moderator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations - Reuben Baron and David Kenny Mediation in Experimental and Nonexperimental Studies: New Procedures and Recommendation - Patrick Shrout and Niall Bolger Establishing a Causal Chain: Why Experiments Are Often More Effective than Mediational Analyses in Examining Psychological Processes - Steven Spencer, Mark Zanna and Geoffrey Fong An Introduction to Multilevel Modeling for Social and Personality Psychology - John Nezlek The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model: A Model of Bidirectional Effects in Developmental Studies - William Cook and David Kenny Detecting, Measuring, and Testing Dyadic Patterns in the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model - David Kenny and Thomas Ledermann The Social Relations Model - David Kenny and Lawrence La Voie He Said, She Said a Quasi-Signal Detection Analysis of Daily Interactions between Close Relationship Partners - Shelly Gable, Harry Reis and Geraldine Downey The Truth and Bias Model of Judgment - Tessa West and David Kenny In Search of Underlying Dimensions: The Use (and Abuse) of Factor Analysis in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin - Daniel Russell Mean and Covariance Structures (MACS) Analyses of Cross-Cultural Data: Practical and Theoretical Issues - Todd Little Social Network Analysis Network Analysis in the Social Sciences - Stephen Borgatti et al. Dynamic Spread of Happiness in a Large Social Network: Longitudinal Analysis over 20 Years in the Framingham Heart Study - James Fowler and Nicholas Christakis