The SAGE Handbook of Nature


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Edited by Terry Marsden
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Introduction to the Handbook - Terry Marsden PART 01: SUSTAINABILITY AND GOVERNANCE: SOME STARTING POINTS Chapter 1: Introduction to Part One : Sustainablity and Governance: some starting points. - Terry Marsden Chapter 2: Re-reading sustainability through the Triple Helix model in the frame of a systems perspective - Francesca Farioli, Sergio Barile, Marialuisa Saviano, Francesca Iandolo Chapter 3: Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Ethics for Sustainability - Robin Attfield Chapter 4: The role of social science in nature-society transitions - Kjell Andersson and Stefan Sjoeblom Chapter 5: Understanding the evolving relationship between tourism and nature in an era of sustainability - Alison M. Gill Chapter 6: Governance Mechanisms as Promoters of Governability: a Political Science Perspective on Institutional Complexity - Stefan Sjoeblom and Kjell Andersson Chapter 7: Nature Governance: A multimodal view - Abid Mehmood Chapter 8: Purposeful institutional change for Adaptive Governance of Natural Resources: How to Cater for Context and Agency? - Andreas Thiel and Farhad Mukhtarov PART 02: NATURAL AND SOCIO-NATURAL VULNERABILITIES: INTERWEAVING THE NATURAL & SOCIAL SCIENCES Chapter 9: Introduction to Part Two: Natural and Socio-natural Vulnerabilities: Interweaving the natural and social sciences - Wendy Larner Chapter 10: Human Vulnerability and Resilience to Environmental Hazards - Ilan Kelman, JC Gaillard and Ben Wisner Chapter 11: Epistemic politics of climate change - Martin Mahony Chapter 12: A new biopolitics of environmental health: permeable bodies and the Anthropocene - Becky Mansfield Chapter 13: Nature, Critique, Ontology, and Decolonial Options: Problematising 'The Political' - Mark Jackson PART 03: SPACING NATURES: SUSTAINABLE PLACE MAKING AND ADAPTATION Chapter 14: Introduction to Part Three: Spacing Natures: Resourceful and Resilient Community Environmental Practice - Alex Franklin Chapter 15: Spacing Conservation Practice: Place-Making, Social Learning, and Adaptive Landscape Governance in Natural Resource Management - Daniel R. Williams Chapter 16: Politics of Connectivity: The Relevance of Place-Based Approaches to Support Sustainable Development and the Governance of Nature and Landscape - L.G. Horlings Chapter 17: Resilience of Resource Communities: Perspectives and Challenges - Juha Kotilainen Chapter 18: Sustainability, Justice, and the Problem of Scale: Place-making as a 'Multi-scalar Fix' in Urban Environmental Politics - Joseph Pierce PART 04: COUPLED AND (DE-COUPLED) SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS Chapter 19: Introduction to Part Four: Utilising a Coupled Social-Ecological Systems Approach for Place Based Analysis - Susan Baker and Isabelle Durance Chapter 20: Resilience and Adaptation in Coupled Natural-Social Systems: A Place-Based Perspective - Susan Baker and Isabelle Durance Chapter 21: Coupled Social-Ecological Systems: Insights from Seagrass Meadows in the Turks and Caicos Islands - Jessica Paddock, Susan Baker, Leanne Cullen-Unsworth, Alastair Smith, Richard Unsworth Chapter 22: Ecological localism - re-coupling people place and nature - Mark Robins and Adrian Southern PART 05: RISK AND THE ENVIRONMENT: SOCIAL THEORIES, PUBLIC UNDERSTANDINGS, & THE SCIENCE-POLICY INTERFACE Chapter 23: Introduction to Part Five: Risk and rationality: the "frame problem" revisited, from the laboratory to the public sphere - Brian H MacGillivray and Nick F Pidgeon Chapter 24: Social theories of risk and the environment - Ortwin Renn Chapter 25: Decision-making about the environment - Victoria Campbell-Arvai, Douglas Bessette, Robyn Wilson and Joseph Arvai Chapter 26: Public Engagement with Risk and the Science-Policy Interface: A Perspective on Techno-Visionary Science and Innovation - Phil Macnaghten PART 06: HUNGRY AND THIRSTY CITIES AND THEIR REGIONS Chapter 27: Introduction to Part Six: Feeding Hungry and Thirsty Cities: An Introduction - Roberta Sonnino and Ana Moragues-Faus Chapter 28: Urban Food Governance in the Global North - Wendy Mendes and Roberta Sonnino Chapter 29: Urban food security in developing countries: Policy trajectories for urban Africa - Jane Battersby Chapter 30: Conflicting Demands, Urban Dilemmas and Narrow Thinking about Water: Political Necessity and the Possibilities of Change - Antonio A R Ioris Chapter 31: The role of small urban centres in food security and rural transformations - Cecilia Tacoli PART 07:CRITICAL CONSUMERISM AND ITS MANUFACTURED NATURES Chapter 32: Introduction to Part Seven: Sustainability and inequality: reviewing critical issues in understanding consumer - food relationships in Global Modernity - Gert Spaargaren and Peter Oosterveer Chapter 33: Supermarkets, 'the consumer' and responsibilities for sustainable food - David Evans, Daniel Welch and Joanne Swaffield Chapter 34: The Retail Sector And Sustainable Food Provision In Thailand - Kanang Kantamaturapoj Chapter 35: Consumers, food security, and transformations in food retail in Vietnam - Sigrid Wertheim-Heck Chapter 36: Accessing sustainable food: new figurations of food provision in the making? - Peter Oosterveer and Gert Spaargaren PART 08: GENDERED NATURES AND ECO-FEMINISM Chapter 37: Introduction to Part Eight: Gendered Nature and Ecofeminism - Susan Buckingham Chapter 38: Across the Development Divide: A North-South Perspective on Environmental Democracy - Seema Arora-Jonsson Chapter 39: Men at Work: Scientific and Technical Solutions to the "Problem" of Nature - Joane Nagel Chapter 40: Refiguring Motherhood and Maternalism in Ecofeminism - Niamh Moore Chapter 41: What do women and nature have in common: affinity, contingency, or material relation? - Mary Mellor PART 09: REPRODUCTIVE NATURES: PLANTS, ANIMALS AND PEOPLE Chapter 42: Introduction to Part Nine: Making nature productive: stories of farmed and wild salmons, cow's choice, good bugs, earthworms and gardening - Mara Miele Chapter 43: Redistributing labour in Automated Milking Systems and the more-than-human (co)production of dairy farming - Christopher Bear and Lewis Holloway Chapter 44: Accumulating goods: Valuing practices in the production of Insects for Crop Protection - Stephanie Lavau Chapter 45: Modes of Naturing: or stories of salmon - Heather Swanson, John Law and Marianne E. Lien Chapter 46: Global Worming: politics of nature and earth(worm) systems - Filippo Bertoni Chapter 47: Urban community gardening: producing new spaces of social nature in the city - Paul Milbourne PART 10: NATURE, CLASS AND SOCIAL INEQUALITY Chapter 48: Introduction to Part Ten: What nature and which society?: The complexities of nature-society relationships in the Anthropocene - Shonil Bhagwat Chapter 49: The role of sacred natural sites in conflict resolution: lessons from Wonsho sacred forests of Sidama, Ethiopia - Zerihun Doffana Chapter 50: Social equity in the context of forest conservation. Insights from REDD+ projects in Cambodia and Kenya. - Christina Ender Chapter 51: Non-native invasive species: Nature, society and the management of novel nature in the Anthropocene - Shonil Bhagwat Chapter 52: Community places, contested spaces: a political ecology of Italian sacred natural sites between cooperation and conflict - Fabrizio Frascaroli Chapter 53: Marginalisation of Traditional Groups and the Degradation of Nature - Emma Shepheard-Walwyn PART 11: BIO-SENSITIVITY & THE ECOLOGIES OF HEALTH Chapter 54: Introduction to Part Eleven: Biosensitivity - an integrative approach to the health of people and planetary systems - Anthony Capon Chapter 55: Adopting a public health ecology approach to a key food security issue: apiary, bio-diversity and conservation - Ferne Edwards, Jane Dixon and Ruth Beilin Chapter 56: Nature contact and human health - Howard Frumkin Chapter 57: Health, population, limits and the decline of nature - Colin D Butler and Kerryn Higgs Chapter 58: A Bio-Sensitive and Nutritious Food Source: The Kangaroo and Troubled Nature-Society Relations - Michelle Young and Jane Dixon Part 12: THE RESOURCE NEXUS AND ITS RELEVANCE Chapter 59: Introduction to Part Twelve: The Resource Nexus and its Relevance - Raimund Bleischwitz Chapter 60: A Water Perspective on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus - Carole Dalin Chapter 61: Resources Nexus: The Importance for Asia and the Role of Institutions - Adnan A. Hezri and Michelle Kwa Chapter 62: Fertilizers: Food Security and the Resource Nexus - Minpeng Chen, Yunfan Wan and Li Yue Chapter 63: Industrial Symbiosis - a Bottom-Up Business Response to Nexus Challenges - Teresa Domenech Aparisi Chapter 64: Institutions and the Governance of the Resource Nexus: The Case of Nitrogen Fertilizers in China - Philip Andrews-Speed Part 13: SUSTAINABLE URBAN COMMUNITIES Chapter 65: Introduction to Part Thirteen: Urban Natures: Sustainable Communities - Alison Blay-Palmer Chapter 66: Metabolism of Global Cities: London, Manchester, Chicago - Harriet Friedmann Chapter 67: A Tree Grows on West 22nd Street: Public Art, Nature, and the Transformation of Urban Communities - Hannah Nelson-Teutsch Chapter 68: From Field to Table: Building a Cooperative Sustainable Food System in Balance with Nature - Cassie Wever and Debbie Field Chapter 69: Nature as Threat and Opportunity in the Peri-Urban Fringe - Guy M Robinson Part 14: RURAL NATURES AND THEIR CO-PRODUCTION Chapter 70: Introduction to Part Fourteen: Rural Natures and their Co-Production - Jan Douwe van der Ploeg Chapter 71: Agroecology and the Restoration of Organic Metabolisms in Agrifood Systems - Paulo Petersen Chapter 72: The Contested Nature of the Farmed Landscape - Jorgen Primdahl Chapter 73: Rural Landscapes in Dispute: on Coproduction, Farming Styles and Resource Diversity in Western Mexico - Peter R.W. Gerritsen Chapter 74: Different Farming Strategies and the Shaping of Agricultural Landscapes: The Case of the Netherlands - Sabine de Rooij

The editors of this handbook have assembled an impressive set of contributions from leading environmental social scientific researchers to produce a conceptually rich survey and sometime political manifesto, which demonstrates the vitality of academic research at the nature-society interface today. These volumes will be an invaluable guide for those seeking to understand the broad conceptual trading zones around nature, society, politics, economics, and health that now constitute environmental social sciences, as well as those looking for the novel case studies, policy innovations, and political ideas that indicate the potential of transdisciplinary approaches to complex socio-ecological systems in the future. -- Gail Davies The Sage Handbook of Nature makes a compelling case for the relevance of social science to a planet that is changing its contours as we speak, while also presenting a body of critical thought willing to flex and morph as the familiar ground gives way. A very rare beast indeed - an authoritative text that dares to treat the `naturalising' of social theory not as a vice but as an adventure. -- Nigel Clark

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