Jack W. Meek is professor of public administration and Chair of the MPA program at the University of La Verne, California. He previously served as department chair and Coordinating Dean, School of Public Affairs and Health Administration at the University of La Verne. In 2007 he was the CAPES Foreign Visiting Professor at the Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, Brazil. His research on policy administration and development, complex systems and public administration education has been published in Public Administration Review, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, International Journal of Public Administration, Journal of Public Administration Education, Administrative Theory and Practice, and other journals. His co-edited book, Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories, and Controversies, is forthcoming in 2008. He received his Ph.D. in International Relations from Claremont Graduate University in 1980.
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Introduction - Jack W. Meek and Kurt Thurmaier PART ONE: NEW REALITIES OF FISCAL FEDERALISM The Rise of Social Welfare and Onward March of Coercive Federalism - John Kincaid A Practitioner Responds-Social Welfare Spending Dominates - Raymond C. Scheppach State-City and State-County Fiscal Relations: A Look at the Past and Present, and a Glimpse at the Future - J. Edwin Benton A Practitioner Responds-Making Crisis an Opportunity - Raymond C. Scheppach PART TWO: FROM INTERJURISDICTIONAL COOPERATION TO COLLABORATION Administrative Strategies for a Networked World: Intergovernmental Relations in 2020 - Christopher Koliba A Practitioner Responds-Information and Power in a Networked Administrative State - Keith Schildt Reframing the Political and Legal Relationship between Local Governments and Regional Institutions - David Y. Miller and Raymond W. Cox III A Practitioner Responds-Home Rule and Regional Governance-Shall the "Twain" Ever Meet? - Stephen G. Harding PART THREE: THE CHALLENGES FOR THE NEW INTERGOVERNMENTAL MANAGER Agency Forms and Reforms: Institutional Design for State-Centric Networks and Block Grant Administration - Brian K. Collins A Practitioner Responds-The Promise of Reform and Local Agency Capacity - Terrell E. Ford Disaster Response 2020: A Look into the Future - William Lester A Practitioner Responds-The New Intergovernmental Role and the Necessity for Organizational Duality - R. Leon Churchill, Jr. Performance Measurement and Accountability in the Intergovernmental System in 2020 - Beryl A. Radin A Practitioner Responds-The Promise and Realities of Performance Measurement and Accountability - Elizabeth G. Hill Managing Externalization: New Intergovernmental Roles for Public Managers - Robert Agranoff A Practitioner Responds-Networks and Hierarchies Can Co-exist - R. Leon Churchill PART FOUR: RESPONDING TO THE GLOBAL CONTEXT International Intergovernmental Relations and Impacts on American Federalism - Beverly A. Cigler The Challenges of Interdependence and Coordination in the Bilateral Agenda: Mexico and the United States - Mauricio Covarrubias A Practitioner Responds-Hidden Tiger: The View from the State and Local Government Lair - Elizabeth K. Kellar The Evolution of Sustainable Cities as a Metropolitan Policy Challenge - Eric S. Zeemering and Juan M. Romero A Practitioner Responds-Sustainability: A View from the Trenches - Jill Boone Conclusion: The Future of Intergovernmental Relations in Networked Governance - Jack W. Meek and Kurt Thurmaier