Dedication Acknowledgements About the Editors List of Contributing Authors Intro to Book - Cynthia R. Kalodner, Maria T. Riva, and Janice DeLucia-Waack Current and Historical Perspectives In Group Counseling and Psychotherapy (Part 1) Intro to Section - Maria T. Riva 1. The History of Group Counseling and Psychotherapy - Sally H. Barlow 2. A Unifying Theory for Group and Psychotherapy - Susan X. Day 3. Group Dynamics and Development - Donelson R. Forsyth and Leann Terry Diederich 4. Therapeutic Factors: Current Theory and Research - Dennis M. Kivlighan, Jr. and D. Martin Kivlighan, III 5. Process and Outcome in Group Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Perspective - Gary M. Burlingame, Kaity Whitcomb, and Sean Woodland Best Practices in Group Counseling and Psychotherapy (Part 2) Intro to Section - Maria T. Riva 6. Guidelines for Ethical and Legal Practice in Counseling and Psychotherapy Groups - Lynn S. Rapin 7. Effective Processing in Groups - Donald E. Ward 8. Selecting and Using Activities in Groups - Amy Nitza 9. Effective Group Leader Skills - Melissa Luke 10. Unleashing the Healing Power of the Group: The Mutual Aid Process - Lawrence Shulman 11. An Overview of Current Research and Best Practices for Training Beginning Group Leaders - Rex Stockton, Keith Morran, and Seok-Hwan Chang 12. Supervision of Group Leaders - Maria T. Riva 13. Measures of Group Process Dynamics, Climate Behavior, and Outcome: A Review - Sandro Sodano, Wendy Guyker, Janice L. DeLucia-Waack, Heather Cosgrove, David Altabef, and Brian Amos 14. Best Practices in Group Counseling and Psychotherapy Research - Joseph R. Miles and Jill D. Paquin Multicultural and Diverse Group Counseling and Psychotherapy (Part 3) Intro to Section - Janice DeLucia-Waack 15. Understanding Racial/Cultural Identity Development Theories to Promote Effective Multicultural Group Counseling - Michael D'Andrea 16. Using Groups to Facilitate Social Justice Change: Addressing Issues of Privilege and Oppression - Anneliese A. Singh and Carmen F. Salazar 17. Group Work with Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Clients - Sharon G. Horne, Heidi M. Levitt, Teresa Reeves and Emily E. Wheeler 18. Group Counseling for African Americans: Research and Practice Considerations - Sam Steen 19. Group Counseling Services for Persons with Disabilities - Stephanie K. Ellis, Cynthia G. Simpson, Chad A. Rose and Anthony J. Plotner 20. Group Counseling with Asians - Rita Chi-Ying Chung and Fred Bemak 21. Group Work with Those in Later-Life - Tammi Vacha-Haase 22. Psychoeducational and Counseling Groups with Latinos/as - Edil Torres Rivera, Ivelisse Torres Fernandez and Whitney Alexander Hendricks 23. Group Therapy with Native People Counseling and Psychotherapy Groups In Special Settings (Part 4) Intro to Section - Janice DeLucia-Waack 24. Advancing Evidence-Based Group Work in Community Mental Health Settings: Methods, Challenges and Opportunities - Mark J. Macgowan and Alice Schmidt Hanbidge 25. Group Work in Schools - Lia D. Falco and Sheri Bauman 26. Group Work in Colleges and University Counseling Centers - Martyn Whittingham and Kacey Greening 27. Groups in Behavioral Health Settings - Joseph F. Rath, Hilary Bertisch, and Timothy R. Elliott 28. Group Treatments within the Department of Veterans Affairs - Les R. Greene, Ilan Harpaz-Rothem, Kathryn A. Sanders, Kristin MacGregor, Amanda Wheat, Lindsey Dorflinger, Anne Klee, and Joshua Bullock Special Topics in Group Counseling and Psychotherapy (Part 5) Intro to Section - Cynthia R. Kalodner 29. Groups for Depression - Peter J. Bieling, Irena Milosevic, and Randi E. McCabe 30. Groups for Anxiety Disorders - Randi E. McCabe, Irena Milosevic, and Peter J. Bieling 31. Group Psychotherapies for Complicated Grief - William E. Piper, John S. Ogrodniczuk, and Carlos Sierra Hernandez 32. Group Approaches for Addictive Behaviors - J. Michael Faragher and Adam Soberay 33. Group Work with Individuals Who Have Committed Interpersonal Violence - Jonathan P. Schwartz, Michael Waldo, and Molly J. Parsons 34. Group Work with Offenders and Mandated Clients - Robert D. Morgan, Christopher J. Romani, and Nicole R. Gross 35. Group Psychotherapy and Insecure Adult Attachment - Cheri L. Marmarosh and R. D. Markin 36. Groups for Survivors of Childhood and Sexual Abuse - Deborah A. Gerrity 37. Mindfulness and Group: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Dialetical Behavior Therapy - Chaunce R. Windle, Sandy Newsome, Michael Waldo, and Eve M. Adams 38. Pyscho-educational and Counseling Groups to Prevent and Treat Eating Disorders and Disturbances - Cynthia R. Kalodner, Janelle W. Coughlin, and Margaret Seide 39. Psycho-educational and Counseling Groups for Bullying - Katherine Raczynski and Arthur Horne 40. Counseling and Therapy Groups with Children and Adolescents - Zipora Shechtman 41. Women's Groups: Research and Practice Trends - Nathalie Kees and Nancy Leech 42. Gender-Sensitive Group Counseling and Psychotherapy with Men - Andrew M. Kiselica and Mark S. Kiselica 43. Prevention Groups - Robert K. Conyne 44. Career and Transition Counseling in Groups - John C. Dagley and Georgia B. Calhoun 45. Adventure Therapy with Groups - H.L. "Lee" Gillis, Michael A. Gass and Keith C. Russell 46. Post-Disaster Group Counseling: A Multicultural Perspective - Fred Bemak and Rita Chi-Ying Chung Reflections and Final Comments - Maria T. Riva, Janice DeLucia-Waack, & Cynthia R. Kalodner
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."..[chapters] provide good overviews of multicultural group work with various populations...there is more focus on psychological world views, and less of a focus on the person-environment fit and the influence of social and environmental factors than is typically found in the social work literature."--Ronald W. Toseland, Ph.D., Professor and Director "Social Work With Groups " .,."[chapters] provide good overviews of multicultural group work with various populations...there is more focus on psychological world views, and less of a focus on the person-environment fit and the influence of social and environmental factors than is typically found in the social work literature." -- Ronald W. Toseland, Ph.D., Professor and Director "Social Work With Groups" ., ."[chapters] provide good overviews of multicultural group work with various populations...there is more focus on psychological world views, and less of a focus on the person-environment fit and the influence of social and environmental factors than is typically found in the social work literature." ..."?chapters? provide good overviews of multicultural group work with various populations...there is more focus on psychological world views, and less of a focus on the person-environment fit and the influence of social and environmental factors than is typically found in the social work literature." -- Ronald W. Toseland, Ph.D., Professor and Director "Social Work With Groups" (12/20/2004) ..."[chapters] provide good overviews of multicultural group work with various populations...there is more focus on psychological world views, and less of a focus on the person-environment fit and the influence of social and environmental factors than is typically found in the social work literature." -- Ronald W. Toseland, Ph.D., Professor and Director "Social Work With Groups" (12/20/2004)