Peter Smagorinsky is Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at The University of Georgia, emeritus; and Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. From 2012-2020 he served as the faculty advisor to the student-edited Journal of Language and Literacy Education at UGA; and from 1996-2003 he coedited, with Michael W. Smith, Research in the Teaching of English. Recent awards include the 2020 Horace Mann League Outstanding Public Educator Award, 2018 International Federation for the Teaching of English Award, and 2018 Distinguished Scholar recognition by the National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy. His research and teaching take a sociocultural approach to issues of literacy education, literacy teacher education, and related social concerns. These interests have produced two 2020 books from Bloomsbury: Learning to Teach English and Language Arts: A Vygotskian Perspective on Beginning Teachers' Pedagogical Concept Development; and coedited with Yolanda Gayol and Patricia Rosas, Developing Culturally and Historical Sensitive Teacher Education: Global Lessons from a Literacy Education Program. His interest in neurodiversity has produced two recent edited collections: Creativity and Community among Autism-Spectrum Youth: Creating Positive Social Updrafts through Play and Performance from Palgrave Macmillan; and, coedited with Joe Tobin and Kyunghwa Lee, Dismantling the Disabling Environments of Education: Creating New Cultures and Contexts for Accommodating Difference from Peter Lang.
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Introduction - Peter Smagorinsky About This Book How This Book is Organized How to Use this Book What Does it Meant to be Literate? Content-Area Literacy Implications for Practice Policy Recommendations Chapter 1. Literacy in the English/Language Arts Classroom - Peter Smagorinsky and Joseph M. Flanagan Changing Conceptions of Literacy The Growing Debate Regarding What Students Should Be Reading The Transformation of Instructional Strategies for English Language Arts Forging a Path for Literacy Instruction Scenarios Scenario 1: Language Proficiency as Literacy Scenario 2: The Literature Strand of the Language Arts Curriculum Scenario 3: The Writing Strand of the Language Arts Curriculum Scenario 4: Promoting Literacy Through the Use of a Variety of Textual Forms Scenario 5: Developing Literacy in a Technical Age Chapter 2. Toward Disciplinary Reading and Writing in History - Chauncey Monte-Sano and Denise Miles Understanding the Discipline What Is the Role of Literacy in History? Reading History Writing History Practices That Help Students Write Historical Arguments Scenarios Scenario 1: When Reading Is a Struggle Scenario 2: Shifting the Focus in History Class to Embrace the Common Core Scenario 3: Transitioning From Writing Summary to Argument Scenario 4: Helping Students Use and Select "Good" Evidence Scenario 5: Balancing the Coverage Mandate With Historical Inquiry Chapter 3. Literacy in the Science Classroom - Kok-Sing Tang, Stephen C. Tighe, and Elizabeth Birr Moje What Is Science Literacy and Why Does It Matter? Learning Science Literacy Scenarios Scenario 1: Engaged in Reading of Complex Text in the Service of Inquiry Scenario 2: Integrating Content Instruction and Disciplinary Literacy Standards in Science Scenario 3: Foregrounding Multimodal Literacy Practices in Concept Learning Scenario 4: Connecting Hands-On Experiences With Textual Practices Chapter 4. Literacy in the Mathematics Classroom - Linda Hutchison and Jennifer Edelman Texts, Mathematics, and Content Area Literacy Writing and Content Area Literacy in Mathematics Reading and Content Area Literacy in Mathematics Literacy in Mathematics: More Than Vocabulary Problem-Solving Literacy Numerical Literacy Number Line Literacy Spatial Literacy in Mathematics Graphing Literacy Statistical Literacy Models/Modeling Using Symbols Technology Proof Scenarios Scenario 1: A Learning Community Scenario 2: Extended Responses on Standardized Tests Scenario 3: Geometry and Technology-Why Do We Do Proofs? Scenario 4: Evidence of Content-Area Literacy Practices Chapter 5. The Visual Space of Literacy in Art Education - Karinna Riddett-Moore and Richard Siegesmund Dewey's Vision of Art Education From Perception to the Aesthetics of Care The Challenges and Possibilities of Visual Literacy Scenarios Scenario 1: The Pieta Is a Love Letter Scenario 2: PostSecret: Finding Narrative in Image and Text Scenario 3: Doodles Can Mean Something Scenario 4: Shifting Control: Teaching White Girl to Dance Scenario 5: A Literacy of Listening: Relational Aesthetics Chapter 6. Music and Drama Literacies - Katherine D. Strand and Gus Weltsek Music Literacy Aural Discrimination and Reading Music Alternate Musical Literacies Scenario Scenario 1: Musical Literacy With Informal Learning Practices Drama Literacy Why and How Does Drama Work? Scenario Scenario 1: Infused Drama Theatre Education Strategies as Multimodal Transmediated Literacy Practices