Shelley K. White, PhD, MPH, is a sociologist and Assistant Professor of Health Sciences and Public Health at Worcester State University. She recently taught in the Sociology Department at Simmons College, where she also coordinated the Simmons World Challenge - an interdisciplinary, student-led learning program which creates actionable solutions to global social justice problems. Shelley's teaching and research focus on health and illness, globalization and development, inequalities, social movements and social justice. She previously worked in HIV/AIDS policy globally and domestically, and serves on the board of directors of Free the Children and SocMed. She is co-editor of Sociologists in Action: Sociology, Social Change, and Social Justice (with Kathleen Odell Korgen and Jonathan White), (2nd Edition, Sage 2013) and her recent publications appear in the Journal of Human Rights Practice; Education, Citizenship and Social Justice; Public Health Reports; and Critical Public Health. Jonathan M. White, PhD, is director of the Bentley Service Learning Center and associate professor of sociology at Bentley University in Massachusetts. His primary areas of specialization are inequality, poverty, globalization, human rights, and public sociology. Dr. White has received numerous teaching and humanitarian awards. He is the founding director of Sports for Hunger, the Hunger Resource Center, and the Halloween for Hunger, We are Silent, and Pass-the-Fast campaigns. He serves on the board of directors for Free The Children, Peace Through Youth, Me to We, and the Graduation Pledge Alliance. Dr. White has authored several articles in the fields of inequality and globalization. His work on public sociology includes coediting (with Kathleen Korgen and Shelley White) Sociologists in Action: Sociology, Social Change, and Social Justice (2014) and Sociologists in Action on Inequalities: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality (2015). He is also currently writing a book titled Hungry to Be Heard: Voices From a Malnourished America. Dr. White lives in Waltham, Massachusetts, with his wife, Shelley, and is the very proud uncle of his 13 nieces and nephews, Jarred, Kyle, Tyler, Arielle, Cameron, Brianna, Mikayla, Joshua, Jack, Logan, Tyler, Joey, and Brookelyn. Kathleen Odell Korgen is Professor of Sociology at William Paterson University, a comprehensive university in Wayne, New Jersey. Kathleen enjoys teaching her students that sociology is a remarkably useful discipline and highlights how "Sociologists in Action" make a positive impact on society. Her published works on race relations and racial identity include From Black to Biracial, Crossing the Racial Divide, Multiracial Americans and Social Class, Race Policy and Multiracial Americans. Her teaching texts, in addition to Sociology in Action, include Our Social World, The Engaged Sociologist, Sociologists in Action, , and Social Problems in Action. Kathleen is also the editor of The Cambridge Handbook of Sociology. Kathleen works as a consultant for other sociology departments as a member of the American Sociological Association Departmental Resources Group and received William Paterson University's award for Excellence in Scholarship/Creative Expression in 2006 and the university's award for Excellence in Teaching in 2014.
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Acknowledgments Introduction 1. Race Amplifying the Youth Voice of the Food Justice Movement with Film: Action Media Projects and Participatory Media Production - Michael Cermak Place and Race: Cultural Democracy and Reclaiming Public Space - Diane Grams Social Movements in Action: Combating Environmental Racism on a Native American Reservation - Brandon Hofstedt When Resilience is Not Enough: Recovery, Privilege, and Hurricane Katrina - Pamela Jenkins Living the DREAM: Race, Privilege, and DREAMs of a Brighter Future - Joshua Warren Bridging the Campus and the Community: Blogging about the Asian American Experience - C.N. Le Discussion Questions Resources 2. Class Confronting Slavery with the Tools of Sociology - Kevin Bales From Magazine Publishing to Homelessness, From Public Housing Research to Congressional Testimony - Deirdre Oakley An Accidental Activist: My Stumble Upon Sociology - Bria Wilbur Putting a New Theory of Philanthropy Into Practice: Challenges and Opportunities - Susan A. Ostrander Localizing International Human Rights: Engaging with the World Social Forum Process - Jackie Smith Housing and HIV/AIDS: A Tale of Academic, Provider, Advocacy, and Public Policy Collaboration - Angela Aidala Discussion Questions Resources 3. Gender Breast Cancer Activism: Learning to Write Collaboratively for Social Change - Amy Lubitow Honor Killings: Murder of Mores, Mores of Murder - Mazhar Bagli Speaking Out for Social Justice: Sociology and Cultural Transformation - Brian Klocke On Becoming a Public Sociologist: Amplifying Women's Voices in the Quest for Environmental Justice - Tracy Perkins Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk: Linking Research and Action on Domestic Violence - Margaret Abraham Transforming Rape Culture on a College Campus: Using Peer Advocacy for Social Change - Linda Olson Discussion Questions Resources 4. Sexuality Being an Academic Ally: Gender Justice for Sex Workers - Crystal A. Jackson Disrupting a Narrative: Developing a New Discourse of Empowerment for LGBT People of Color - Juan Battle and Antonio (Jay) Pastrana Indian Blood: Two-Spirit Cultural Dissolution, Mixed-Race Identity, and Sexuality---A Journey of Return - Andrew Jolivette Sex Work and Sex Trafficking: Influencing State Policy on a Complex Social Issue - Jennifer J. Reed From Damaged Goods to Empowered Patients - Adina Nack Discussion Questions Resources 5. Intersections Social Movements and Activist Sociology - Charles Derber How Refugee Girls Change the World (and How You Can Too) - Laura Boutwell Becoming a Sociologist in Action through Theory and Practice: A Personal Journey - Nancy Mezey Using Sociology to Increase Citizen Participation in a Medium-Sized Midwestern City - Michael Stout Knowledgeable Power and Powerful Knowledge: Research and Organizing for Educational and Social Justice - Mark R. Warren Learning from Each Other's Struggles - Laurence Cox Taking it to the Streets: Addressing Inequalities through the Human Rights Cities Movement - Shelley K. White and Dottie Stevens Discussion Questions Resources Index About the Editors