Dr. David E. McNabb is a Professor Emeritus and an adjunct professor at the Pacific Lutheran University School of Business. He has taught undergraduate and graduate business courses for the University of Maryland-University College in Europe, the American University in Bulgaria, the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Latvia, and a regional business education program in Northern France. He has also taught for several years for the MPA program at Evergreen State College, the Oregon State University, the University of Washington-Tacoma, and Olympic College. He served as a member of a consulting team investigating nonsampling error remediation for the US Census Bureau. The first edition of his book Research Methods in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches received the Grenzebach Prize for Outstanding Published Scholarship in Philanthropy.
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Preface About the Author Table of Contents PART I: CONCEPTS AND ISSUES IN NONSAMPLING ERROR RESEARCH 1. Issues in Data Quality and Survey Ethics 2. Nonsampling Error in Sample Surveys 3. The Total Survey Error Paradigm PART II: MAJOR SOURCES OF NONSAMPLING ERROR IN SURVEYS 4. Defining and Detecting Nonsampling Error in Sample Surveys 5. Frame Error 6. Measurement Error 7. Response Error 8. Nonresponse Error 9. Interviewer Error PART III: ERROR CONTROL APPLICATIONS 10. Tools for Identifying Nonsampling Error in Survey Data APPENDICES Appendix A: Glossary Appendix B: Standards and Guidelines for Statistical Surveys Appendix C: Deming's 14-Points for Quality REFERENCES
"Provides the best non-technical introduction to the nonsampling errors I have ever read." -- Dmitriy Poznyak "My doctoral students came from a variety of backgrounds. Most of them have little to zero survey research background. The book will serve to ignite class discussion and move it to the highest level." -- Valentin Ekiaka Nzai,