Norman K. Denzin is Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Communications, College of Communications Scholar, and Research Professor of Communications, Sociology, and Humanities at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. One of the world's foremost authorities on qualitative research and cultural criticism, he is the author or editor of more than 30 books, including The Qualitative Manifesto; Qualitative Inquiry Under Fire; Reading Race; Interpretive Ethnography; The Cinematic Society; The Alcoholic Self; and a trilogy on the American West. He is past editor of The Sociological Quarterly, co-editor of six editions of the landmark SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, co-editor (with Michael D. Giardina) of 18 books on qualitative inquiry, co-editor (with Yvonna S. Lincoln and Michael D. Giardina) of the methods journal Qualitative Inquiry, founding editor of Cultural Studies?Critical Methodologies and International Review of Qualitative Research, editor of four book series, and founding director of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Yvonna S. Lincoln is Professor Emerita at Texas A&M University, where she held the Ruth Harrington Chair of Educational Leadership and was Distinguished Professor of Higher Education. She is the coeditor of the journal Qualitative Inquiry, coeditor of the first through six editions of The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, and coeditor of The SAGE Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies. As well, she is the coauthor, editor, or coeditor of more than a half dozen other books and volumes. She has served as the President of the Association for the Study of Higher Education and the American Evaluation Research Association, and as the Vice President for Division J (Postsecondary Education) for the American Educational Research Association. She is the author of coauthor of more than 100 chapters and journal articles on aspects of higher education or qualitative research methods and methodologies.
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Preface - Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln About the Editors About the Contributors 1. Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research - Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln Part I. Locating the Field 2. Revitalizing Universities by Reinventing the Social Sciences: Bildung and Action Research - Morten Levin adn Davydd Greenwood 3. A History of Qualitative Inquiry in Social and Educational Research - Frederick Erickson 4. Ethics and Politics in Qualitative Research - Clifford Christians 5. Ethics, Research Regulations, and Critical Social Science - Gaile Cannella and Yvonna S. Lincoln Part II. Paradigms and Perspectives in Contension 6. Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions, and Emerging Confluences, Revisited - Egon G. Guba and Yvonna S. Lincoln, with additional material by Susan A. Lynham 7. Feminist Qualitative Research in the Millenium's First Decade: Developments, Challenges, Prospects - Virginia Olesen 8. The Sacred and Spiritual Nature of Endarkened Transnational Feminist Praxis in Qualitative Research - Cynthia B. Dillard and Chinwe Okpalaoka 9. Critical Pedagogy and Qualitative Research: Moving to the Bricolage - Joe L. Kincheloe, Peter McLaren and Shirley Steinberg 10. Cultural Studies: Performative Imperatives and Bodily Articulations - Michael D. Giardina and Josh L. Newman 11. Critical Humanism and Queer Theory: Postscript 2010: Living with the Tensions - Ken Plummer 12. Asian Epistemologies and Contemporary Social Psychological Research - James Liu 13. Disability Communities: Transformative Research for Social Justice - Donna Mertens, Martin Sullivan and Hilary Stace Part III. The Future of Qualitative Research 14. Qualitative Futures: Where We Might Go From Where We've Been - Judith Preissle 15. Teaching Qualitative Research - Margaret Eisenhart and S. Jurow Epilogue: Toward a 'Refunctional Ethnography' - Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln Author Index Subject Index