Brent S. Steel is professor of Political Science and director of the Public Policy Graduate Program at Oregon State University. He received a BA in Economics and Government from Eastern Washington University and a PhD and MA in Political Science from Washington State University. Dr. Steel is on the editorial boards of Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, Political Research Quarterly, and the Journal of Public Affairs and Development. He teaches courses in science and politics, public policy, research methods, environmental policy, and sustainable development. He has worked on sustainable development and policy issues in Africa, Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, South America, North America, and Russia. He has published numerous journal articles, book chapters, and books concerning public policy in areas such as forestry, rangelands, endangered species, coastal and marine issues, environmental issues, and sustainable development. He is the coauthor of State and Local Government: Prospects for Sustainability (Oxford University Press, 2011) and a contributing author to Acting as if Tomorrow Matters: Accelerating the Transition to Sustainability (Environmental Law Institute, 2012).