Dolores Burton is a Fulbright scholar and professor and chair of teacher education at New York Institute of Technology. She was a public school teacher, school district administrator, and author of instructional software. Dr. Burton designed, delivered, and supervised professional development for teachers in grades k-12 in mathematics, literacy, science, differentiated instruction, action research, instructional technology and inclusive practices. She has organized symposia for educators on research based strategies to close the achievement gap of the traditionally underserved populations; African American males, English Language Learners, students with special needs, and others at-risk for academic failure. Her research interests include Response to Intervention, teacher preparation, (elementary through college), Common Core standards, professional development, using data to drive instruction, and the use of technology to teach all students especially those who have traditionally been underserved. She has published in numerous journals and consulted regionally, nationally, and internationally.
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Acknowledgments About the Authors About the Contributors Chapter 1. Introduction to Mathematics, the Common Core, and RTI Chapter 2. Marching Together to Academic Success Chapter 3. Universal Design and Mathematics: A Framework for RTI and Implementing the Common Core Chapter 4. Progress Monitoring: Avoiding a Blind Date With Data by John Kappenberg and Harold J. Dean Chapter 5. Connecting Mathematics and Literacy: If a Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words, How Many Words Is an Equation Worth? by Dolores Burton and Charlotte Rosenzweig Chapter 6. English Language Learners by Dolores Burton and Andrea Honigsfeld Chapter 7. Teaching Mathematics in an Inclusion Classroom Guided by the Common Core Chapter 8. The Role of Parents Helping Students to Achieve by John Kappenberg and Helene Fallon The Future of the Common Core and RTI References Index
"As our nation's schools move towards more accountability, stakes are high for our K-12 students. For the first time, this book brings together three important complex educational issues and initiatives in U.S. public schools: low-performance of American students on assessments in mathematics, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Response to Intervention (RTI). Mathematics teachers are calling for effective strategies to combine CCSS and RTI as a single, unified program that they can use in their classrooms to support students' achievement in mathematics. Burton and Kappenberg outline an alternative route for teachers that help to integrate the multiple new requirements into a single comprehensible process. Anyone involved in the development of mathematic teachers and who is currently a mathematics teacher will find this book to be a resource to effectively unify instructional strategies to teach all students." -- Satasha Green, Dean of Education "Burton and Kappenberg provide a rare common-sense approach to de-mystifying and getting a realistic grip on critical topics in today's classrooms. Their straightforward explanations provide the specific support and balanced approach so many teachers, and parents, are looking for in this new age of national Common Core Standards for Mathematics. With students always the main focus of their work, teachers and parents are supported with proven strategies for school success and sanity." -- Judith A. Ross, Educational Consultant/ Teacher Liaison "Burton and Kappenberg have done a great service to teachers by combining Common Core and RTI into one easy-to-use text." -- Deb Bible, RTI Interventionist " Imagine a resource that integrates the complexity of today's leading-edge national, state, and professional initiatives to improve K-12 mathematics instruction into a comprehensive unified crosswalk. This is what Burton and Kappenberg accomplish in Mathematics, the Common Core, and RTI. This book, equally appropriate for pre-service and professionally developing teachers, is a must-have for those who desire insight and practical examples for teaching mathematics aligned with the multiple expectations, mandates, and best research practices of the CCSS in Mathematics and RTI. The text describes the basic elements of the current CCSS and RTI initiatives in sufficient detail for the novice, but moves to another level by providing rich examples for aligning curriculum and teaching strategies. As an example, in Chapter 5, the authors connect mathematics and literacy to align the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) communication standard, CCSS interdisciplinary expectations, and RTI tiered requirements. In addition to assessment, planning, and teaching strategies, Burton and Kappenberg include a significant quantity of mathematical content in the case study examples and clinical models described throughout the chapters. This format provides an opportunity for teacher education candidates to evaluate their mathematical abilities and update their skills as they learn to design mathematical instruction. The text provides novice and experienced teachers a plethora of material for developing strong mathematical programs and includes a significant number of additional recommended resources in each chapter. If you are looking for a current, state-state-of-the-art mathematics textbook, look no further. This is it!" -- Patricia Smith, Chair, Education Division "This is a great guide for all educators at every level of their career. The strategies and explicit instruction can be used in the classroom tomorrow. I am already processing how RTI and the Common Core State Standards intertwine and reflecting on the implications for my teaching and for the successful learning by my students. Especially helpful are the quotes at the beginning of each chapter, the big ideas/objectives the extensive resources and strategies for further exploration and learning, and the case studies and vignettes that provide relevancy to the classroom and situations teachers encounter every day." -- Barb Crandall, 3rd Grade Teacher