Alfred S. Posamentier is professor of mathematics education and dean of the School of Education at the City College of the City University of New York. He has authored and co-authored several resource books in mathematics education for Corwin Press.
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Prologue Acknowledgments About the Authors Chapter 1. Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them Chapter 2. Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively Chapter 3. Construct Viable Arguments and Critique the Reasoning of Others Chapter 4. Model With Mathematics Chapter 5. Use Appropriate Tools Strategically Chapter 6. Attend to Precision Chapter 7. Look for and Make Use of Structure Chapter 8. Look for and Express Regularity in Repeated Reasoning Chapter 9. Manage Your Classroom Chapter 10. Assess Student Progress Chapter 11. Consider Social Aspects in Teaching Mathematics Epilogue Resource: What the Authors Say Index
"This book is a resource for teachers with easy to understand strategies to use in the Math classroom that really are common sense strategies coupled with research. Along with the research, each strategy aligns with Common Standards and provides teachers with Classroom Applications. There are many strategies for teachers to try within each chapter because one-size does not fit all. Each strategy also provides Precautions and Possible Pitfalls which indicate that these strategies have been tried by teachers with experience and with this background knowledge, can certainly be implemented into a Math classroom." -- Kim Cottini, Math Learning Consultant "An absolute must for all mathematics teachers, 6-12. Don't know how to motivate and inspire your mathematics students. Pick up this book and learn what works in the classroom while also understanding how to instill the mathematical practices of the Common Core State Standards." -- Diane S. Coupal, Math Adjunct Lecturer "As an educator for more than 15 years, this book is the first to address subject specific and developmentally appropriate pedagogical needs for students. Teachers that read this book will understand effective and appropriate math pedagogy." -- Nathan Herzog Ph.D., Associate Professor "The authors' work stands to provide a single location where the classroom teacher may find examples of research-based and standards-supporting best practices, drawing upon a variety of sources and providing starting points for educators to read more about the actions. Considering the wealth of research available and the number of standards and expectations that the modern mathematics teacher must juggle in day-to-day practice, the authors' work is relevant and will assist teachers in connecting instructions to research and standards." -- Steven Willott, National Board Certified Mathematics Teacher