The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology 2/e


Theory, Research, and Practice

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Edited by Kirk J. Schneider, J. Fraser Pierson, James F. T. Bugental
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Foreword - E. Mark Stern Foreword to the First Edition - John Vasconcellos Preface to the Second Edition - Kirk Schneider, Fraser Pierson Introduction to the Second Edition - Kirk Schneider, Fraser Pierson Chapt. 1, Roots and Geneology of Humanistic Psychology - Donald Moss Chapt. 2. Humanistic Psychology at the Crossroads - Eugene Taylor, Frederick Martin Chapt.3, Humanistic Psychology and Women - Ilene Serlin, Eleanor Criswell Chapt. 4, Humanistic Psychology and Multiculturalism - Louis Hoffman, Heatherlyn Cleare-Hoffman Chapt. 5, The Search for Psyche - Amedeo Giorgi Chapt. 6, Rediscovering Awe: A New Front in Humanistic Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Society - Kirk Schneider Chapt. 7, The Person as Moral Agent - Thomas Szasz Chapt. 8, The Self and Humanistic Psychology - Donald Polkinghorne Chapt. 9, Toward a Sustainable Myth of Self: An Existential Response to the Post-modern Condition - Louis Hoffman, Sharon Stewart, Lisa Meeks Chapt. 10, Humanistic Psychology and Ecology - Marc Pilisuk Chapt. 11, Humanistic Psychology and Peace - Marc Pilisuk Chapt. 12, Two Noble Insurgencies: Creativity and Humanistic Psychology - Ruth Richards Chapt. 13, Becoming Authentic: An Existential-Humanistic Approach to Reading Literature - Tom Greening Chapt. 14 Fellini, Fred, and Ginger: Imagology and the Postmodern World - Ed Mendelowitz Chapt. 15, Humanistic Neuropsychology: The Implications of Neurophenomenology for Psychology - Brent Robbins, Susan Gordon Chapt. 16, Humanistic Eldercare: Toward a New Conceptual Framework for Aging - Nader Shabahangi Chapt. 17, Toward a Humanistic-Cultural Model of Development - Eugene DeRobertis Chapt. 18, Cognitive Science and Technological Culture: A Humanistic Response - Christopher Aanstoos Chapt. 19, Humanistic Psychology and the Qualitative Research Tradition - Frederick Wertz Chapt. 20, Introduction to Phenomenological Research - Scott Churchill Chapt. 21, The Grounded Theory Method and Humanistic Psychology - David Rennie, Rinat Nissam Chapt. 22, Heuristic Research - Clark Moustakas Chapt. 23, Narrative Research and Humanism - Ruth Josselson Chapt. 24, Research Methodology in the light of Postmodernity - Stanley Krippner Chapt. 25, Hermeneutic Single-Case Efficacy Design: An Overview - Robert Elliot Chapt. 26, The Renewal of Humanism in Psychotherapy: A Roundtable Discussion - Kirk Schneider Ch. 26 Intro - Alfried Langle Ch. 26 European therapy - Alfried Langle, Jurgen Kriz Ch. 26 Multicultural therapy - Lillian Comas-Diaz Ch. 26 Psychoanalysis - Robert Stolorow Ch. 26 Research - Bruce Wampold Ch. 26 Research and Training - David Elkins Ch. 26 ACT/Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy - Steven Hayes Ch. 26 Summary and Conclusion - Kirk Schneider, Alfried Langle Chapt. 27, Frames, Attitudes, and Skills of an Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapist - Bob Edelstein Chapt. 28, Therapy as an I-Thou Encounter - Maurice Friedman Chapt. 29, The Person of the Therapist: One Therapist's Journey to Relationship - Barry Duncan Chapt. 30, Existential Cross-Cultural Counseling: The Courage to be an Existential Counselor - Clemont Vontress, Lawrence Epp Chapt. 31, Treating Madness Without Hospitals - Loren Mosher Chapt. 32 Awe Comes Shaking Out of the Bones - E. Mark Stern Chapt. 33, If You Are Ready to Undergo These Awe-full Moments - Al Mahrer Chapt. 34, Constructivist Approaches to Therapy - Larry Leitner Chapt. 35, A Humanistic Perspective on Bereavement - Myrtle Heery Chapt. 36, Existential Analysis and Humanistic Psychotherapy - John Rowan Chapt. 36, A Reply to John Rowan - Ernesto Spinell Chapt. 37, Humanistic psychology's transformative role in a threatened world - Maureen O'Hara Chapt. 38, Humanistic-Experiential Therapies in the Era of Managed Care - Arthur Bohart Chapt. 39, An Existential-Integrative Approach to Experiential Liberation - Kirk Schneider Chapt. 40, Collaborative Exploration as an Approach to Personality Assessment - Connie Fishcer Chapt. 41, Cultivating Psychotherapeutic Artistry: Model Existential-Humanistic Training Programs - J. Pierson, Orah Krug, Troy Piwowarski Chapt. 42, Humanistic Psychology, Mind/Body Medicine, and Whole Person Healthcare - Eleanor Criswell, Ilene Serlin Chapt. 43, Romantic Love as Path Chapt. 44, Beyond Religion - David Elkins Chapt. 45, Authenticity, Conventionality, and Angst: Existential and Transpersonal Perspectives - Roger Walsh Chapt. 45 A Reply to Roger Walsh Chapt. 46, Humanistic Psychology and Social Action - Donadrian Rice Chapt. 47, Humanistic Psychology in the Workplace - Alfonso Montuori, Ronald Pursor EPILOGUE: CLOSING STATEMENTS - Kirk Schneider, J. Pierson, James Bugental

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