Social Policy and Social Change 2/e


Toward the Creation of Social and Economic Justice

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By Jillian A. Jimenez, Eileen Mayers Pasztor, Ruth M. Chambers, Cheryl Pearlman Fujii
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The late Jillian Jimenez held a PhD in American History and a PhD in social work, both from Brandeis University, in Waltham, MA. She received her MA in literature from the University of California, Los Angeles, and her MSW from San Diego State University. She taught American history at both Pitzer College, in Claremont, CA, and the University of California, Los Angeles. She joined the California State University School, then Department, of Social Work, where she taught social policy and research in the MSW program. She was he editor of Reflections, a peer-reviewed journal of narratives. She won numerous awards, including a Graves fellowship for teaching excellence, and a Silberman grant for research on the history of African American grandmothers. Her first book, Changing Faces of Madness, explored treatment of mentally disordered persons in the colonial period. Dr. Jimenez published widely on the intersection of history and policy in the areas of mental health, child welfare, HIV and AIDS, and social welfare. She lived and worked with her beloved husband, Dan Jimenez, to whom she dedicated the first edition of this book. Dr. Jimenez passed away suddenly and sadly in fall 2009. She is missed by all who loved and valued her. Eileen Mayers Pasztor has a BA from Stanford University, a MSW from The Ohio State University, and DSW from The Catholic University of America. She has served as a public agency child welfare caseworker and supervisor, curriculum developer and trainer, and foster and adoptive parent. Prior to joining the faculty at California State University, Long Beach, Dr. Pasztor worked for the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA), directing its national programs for family foster care, kinship care, and adoption. She is a principal designer and developer of resources for the development and support of foster and adoptive parents as partners in child protection, such as the PRIDE Model of Practice and the Collaborating With Kinship Caregivers Model of Practice, published by CWLA and used across the country and internationally. At CSULB, she teaches MSW courses in administration, child welfare, social welfare, and thesis advisement. Dr. Pasztor has published a book and journal articles on foster parenting and kinship care, and she guest edited a special 2011 issue of the Journal of Public Child Welfare on advocacy and public relations. She has received a number of local and national awards for her curriculum development and advocacy work. Dr. Pasztor has trained thousands of child welfare professionals and caregivers, delivered hundreds of keynote addresses and workshops domestically and overseas, and given numerous television, radio, and newspaper interviews, with advocacy always as a central theme. Ruth M. Chambers, PhD, LCSW, is an associate professor in the School of Social Work at California State University, Long Beach. Her specialty areas are child welfare, service delivery, service integration, and policy practice. Her primary research focuses on the child welfare system where she uses mixed methods to examine child neglect, poverty, services, and family outcomes. Dr. Chambers has conducted numerous research studies; published a book and several articles; and presented at national and international conferences, workshops, and community agencies on these topics. Prior to obtaining her PhD, she was a social worker who specialized in children, youth, and families and worked in a variety of settings such as residential treatment, community organizations, and public agencies for over 20 years. Dr. Chambers currently teaches bachelor's level courses in direct practice and policy analysis, and master's level courses in social welfare policy, policy practice, and thesis advisement. She also provides consultation to various advocacy groups, public agencies, and children's rights organizations throughout the United States. She received her MSW degree from San Diego State University in 1989 and a PhD in social work from the University of Denver in 2006. Cheryl Pearlman Fujii received a BA degree from Wellesley College, with a double major in anthropology and sociology. She also holds an MPA degree with a concentration in urban planning from California State University, Fullerton. She worked in the Boston University Development Office managing day-to-day operations for the Telefund Campaign, and for the City of Lakewood in both the public information and finance department, where she gained experience ranging from writing for cable television to insurance claims administration. In 1995, Ms. Fujii became the founding administrator of the University of California, Berkeley, California Social Work Education Center's California Child Welfare Resource Library. Located at CSULB, the library serves California's county public child welfare offices, schools of graduate social work education, and regional training academies. Ms. Fujii's expertise is multifold: selecting cutting-edge materials for the collection; providing individualized consultations for faculty and students; editing CalSWEC curricula for publication; creating and maintaining the library website; managing the budget; and serving as a resource on state, national, and international levels.

Chapter 1: Introduction Social Construction of Social Problems and Social Policies A Theory of Social Problems and Social Policies Organization of the Book Social Workers and Social Policy Change Social Justice Constituencies for Social Change Chapter 2: The Nature of Social Policy The Identification of Social Problems Social Policies in the United States Social Welfare Policies Political Philosophies in the United States Policy Analysis as a Tool for Social Justice Overview of Social Welfare Policies in the United States Chapter 3: The Social Work Profession and Social Justice Intellectual Antecedents of Social Work The Origins of the Social Work Profession Charity Organization Societies Settlement House Movement Accomplishments of Early Social Workers Social Work and the End of Reform Social Work and the New Deal The Rank and File Movement Social Work in the Post-World War II Era Social Work and the War on Poverty Social Work in the 1980s and 1990s Social Work in the New Millennium Chapter 4: Historical Values Influencing Social Problems and Social Policies Values, Beliefs, and Ideologies Chapter 5: The Market Economy and Social Justice Tasks of the Economic System Market Capitalism and Adam Smith Supply, Demand, and the Price System The Labor Market Dual Labor Market Poverty and Inequality Taxes and Inequality Tax Expenditures Public Benefit, Private Profit Social Costs and Externalities Social Policies Designed to Ameliorate Social Costs of the Market Economy Chapter 6: Oppression and Social Justice in the United States Race and Racism The Racial Contract Aversive Racism Whiteness Essentialism Native Americans African Americans Latinos Asian Americans Poverty and Discrimination Gender Discrimination LGBT: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Persons Persons Considered Disabled Social Movements Among Ethnic Groups and Women Chapter 7: Income Support Policies and Social Justice English Legacy: The Elizabethan Poor Laws Aid to Women and Dependent Children Mothers' Pensions and ADC Social Security and ADC: The First Welfare System ADC/AFDC Attitudes Toward Women on Welfare Ending Welfare as We Knew It: The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act Missed Opportunities of TANF Social Security Veterans' Pensions, Survivors' Benefits, and Disability Insurance The Future of Social Security Comparison of Social Security and TANF Chapter 8: Housing and Social Justice The Face of Homelessness History of Homelessness in the United States The Problem of Affordable Housing Recommendations for New Housing Policies Chapter 9: Child Welfare: Issues of Social and Economic Justice Child Protection Interventions in the 19th and 20th Centuries Early Child Welfare: Private Efforts Early Child Welfare: Public Endeavors Children of Color in the Child Welfare System Major Federal Child Welfare Policies Race/Ethnicity, Economics, and Child Maltreatment Kinship Care Family Foster Care Chapter 10: Health, Mental Health, and Social Justice Health and Mental Health Care: Supply and Demand History of Beliefs and Values Regarding Health Care Health Disparities Between Ethnic Groups: The Impact of Discrimination Health Care in the United States: Public-Private Mix Mental Health Policies and Mental Illness: The Economic and Social Justice Issues of Risk and Response Implications for Social Work Chapter 11: Social Justice in the 21st Century Economic Impacts of Globalization Human Rights and Globalization Post 9/11 and the Rise of Progressivism

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