Person-Centered Approaches for Counselors


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By Jeffrey H. D. Cornelius-White
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Jeffrey H. D. Cornelius-White, Psy.D., LPC, is Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling, Leadership and Special Education, Provost's Fellow for Teaching and Learning, at Missouri State University in Springfield, and Adjunct Assistant Professor for the Cooperative Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He is Chair of the Board of the World Association for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling, Co-Editor of The Person-Centered Journal, Content Editor of the Journal of Border Educational Research, and co-editor of the 2008 book with PCCS entitled: Facilitating Young People's Development: International perspectives on person-centered theory and practice. He has also been a Dean's Fellow, Service-Learning Fellow and Program Director for School Counseling at MSU. His 50 publications have been mostly concerned with person-centered and social justice issues in education, psychology, and counseling. Jef is the father of two children, Evan and Avery, and partner to his wife Cecily. He enjoys biking, swimming, reading, and playing with his kids.

Chapter 1: The Therapist in Relationship Therapist and Relationship Factors The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions Summary Chapter 2: Client Contact, Incongruence, and Perception Client-Directed, Outcome Informed, Client Hero Actualizing Tendency Nondirective Attitude Conclusion Summary Chapter 3: Evolution of the Person-Centered Approach Classical Client-Centered or Nondirective Therapy Focusing Intersubjectivity Experiential, Emotion-Focused Interdisciplinary Research and Practice The Futurism of the Person-Centered Approach and Its Implications Summary Chapter 4: Multiculturalism Central Concepts in Multicultural Counseling Competence Understanding Client's Worldview: Cultural Elements to Empathy Culturally Appropriate Interventions and Unconditional Positive Regard Social Justice Advocacy Competencies History of Multiculturalism and the Person-Centered Approach Ethical and Religious Concepts and the Person-Centered Approach The Paradox: A Universal System of Adaptability to Differences Summary Chapter 5: A Case Illustration of Person-Centered Counseling Deena Casey Session One: First Encounter Session Two: Scared, Really Scared Session Three: Some Relief Session Four: A Possible Misunderstanding Session Five: Nonstop Talker Session Six: I Miss My Mom, Bad. She Was a Bitch to Deal With Session Seven: Talkative Again Sessions Eight and Nine: No Show Questions for Your Consideration Summary Chapter 6: Conclusion PCA Is Love Courageous, Compassionate Confrontation Perception Linking the Relational and the Client Conditions It Figures Understand, Verify You Understand, and Improve Power Within, Power With, Power Over The Ever-Reaching Actualization Process: Give and Receive Summary

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