I. Definition and Contexts for Self-Injury 1. Definition and Differentiation from Suicide 2. The Relationship between Self-Injury and Suicide 3. An Overview of Direct and Indirect Self-Harm 4. Major Groups in Which Self-Injury Occurs 5. Body Piercings, Tattoos, Brandings, Scarifications, and Other Forms of Body Modification 6. A Biopsychosocial Model for Self-Injury II. Assessment and Treatment: A Stepped-Care Model Treatment: Step 1 7. Initial Therapeutic Responses 8. Formal Assessment of Self-Injury, Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp 9. Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment 10. Contingency Management Treatment: Step 2 11. Replacement Skills Training 12. Cognitive Treatment 13. Family Therapy, Michael Hollander 14. Psychopharmacological Treatment, Gordon P. Harper Treatment: Step 3 15. Body Image Work 16. Prolonged Exposure or Cognitive Restructuring for Treating PTSD and Related Self-Injury Treatment: Step 4 17. Treating Persons with Multiple Self-Harm Behaviors 18. Residential Treatment in AdolescentsTargeting Self-Injury and Suicidal Behavior, with Leonard A. Doerfler and Ariana Perry III. Specialized Topics 19. Managing Reactions to Self-Injury: A Guide for Therapists and Other Caregivers 20. Social Contagion and Self-Injury 21. A Protocol for Managing Self-Injury in School Settings 22. Asphyxial Risk Taking (the Choking Game), Amy M. Brausch 23. Understanding, Managing, and Treating Foreign-Body Ingestion, with Ariana Perry 24. Self-Injury in Correctional Settings, Kenneth L. Appelbaum 25. Treating Major Self-Injury Afterword Appendix A. Breathing Manual Appendix B. Body Attitudes Scale (BAS) Appendix C. Clinical Scales to Assess Self-Injury Appendix D. Helpful Websites Related to Self-Injury Appendix E. Bill of Rights for People Who Self-Harm