I. Background, Research Evidence, and Implementation 1. Improving Functioning in Schizophrenia 2. CBSST as an Evidence-Based Practice 3. Getting Started 4. Assessment: Measuring Effects of CBSST II. Practical Guide 5. Introduction and Goal-Setting Session 6. Cognitive Skills Module 7. Social Skills Module 8. Problem-Solving Skills Module 9. Special Populations III. CBSST Consumer Workbooks Cognitive Skills Module Session 1: Introduction and Goal Setting Session 2: The Thoughts-Feelings-Behaviors Link Session 3: The 3 C's-Catch It, Check It, Change It Session 4: The 3 C's-Check It Session 5: The 3 C's-Change It Session 6: 3 C's Practice Social Skills Module Session 1: Introduction and Goal Setting Session 2: Communicate Effectively to Achieve Our Goals Session 3: Expressing Pleasant Feelings Session 4: Making Positive Requests Session 5: Asking for Help with Your Goals Session 6: Expressing Unpleasant Feelings Problem-Solving Skills Module Session 1: Introduction and Goal Setting Session 2: Introduction to SCALE Session 3: Specify the Problem Session 4: Consider All Solutions Session 5: Lay Out a Plan Session 6: Solving Problems Related to Goals Appendix A. Assessment Measures Appendix B. Games to Engage and Teach Appendix C. Additional Handouts and Materials References Index