I. Overview of DBT STEPS-A 1. What Is DBT Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A)? 2. Practical Issues in Schools 3. Teaching DBT STEPS-A to Challenging Students II. Instructor Information, Lesson Plans, and Tests Lesson 1. Orientation Lesson 2. Dialectics Lesson 3. Mindfulness: Wise Mind Lesson 4. Mindfulness: "What" Skills Lesson 5. Mindfulness: "How" Skills Lesson 6. Distress Tolerance: Introduction to Crisis Survival Skills, and ACCEPTS Lesson 7. Distress Tolerance: Self-Soothe and IMPROVE the Moment Lesson 8. Distress Tolerance: TIP Skills for Managing Extreme Emotions Lesson 9. Distress Tolerance: Pros and Cons Lesson 10. Distress Tolerance: Introduction to Reality Acceptance Skills, and Radical Acceptance Lesson 11. Distress Tolerance: Turning the Mind and Willingness Lesson 12. Distress Tolerance: Mindfulness of Current Thoughts (and Distress Tolerance Test) Lesson 13. Core Mindfulness: Wise Mind Lesson 14. Core Mindfulness: "What" and "How" Skills Lesson 15. Emotion Regulation: Goals of Emotion Regulation and Functions of Emotions Lesson 16. Emotion Regulation: Describing Emotions Lesson 17. Emotion Regulation: Check the Facts and Opposite Action Lesson 18. Emotion Regulation: Problem Solving Lesson 19. Emotion Regulation: The A of ABC PLEASE Lesson 20. Emotion Regulation: The BC PLEASE of ABC PLEASE Lesson 21. Emotion Regulation:The Wave Skill-- Mindfulness of Current Emotion Lesson 22. Emotion Regulation: Emotion Regulation Test Lesson 23. Mindfulness: Wise Mind Review Lesson 24. Mindfulness: "What" and "How" Skills Review Lesson 25. Interpersonal Effectiveness: Goals and Overview Lesson 26. Interpersonal Effectiveness: DEAR MAN Skills Lesson 27. Interpersonal Effectiveness: GIVE Skills Lesson 28. Interpersonal Effectiveness: FAST Skills Lesson 29. Interpersonal Effectiveness: Evaluating Options for How Intensely to Ask or Say No Lesson 30. Interpersonal Effectiveness: Interpersonal Effectiveness Test III. Student Handouts