Introduction: Context, Intention, and Compassion I. Context and Key Concepts 1. History and Process of Evidence-Based Practice in Mental Health, Bonnie Spring, Sara Hoffman Marchese, & Jeremy Steglitz 2. History and Evolution of the NIH Stage Model: Overcoming Hurdles to Create Behavioral Interventions to Improve the Public Health, Lisa Onken 3. The Insufficiently Appreciated Raison d'etre of Evidence-Based Practice, Scott Lilienfeld, Lorie Ritschel, Steven Jay Lynn, & Robert D. Latzman II. Core Components of Evidence-Based Practice 4. Doing Right by Your Patients: What Do Clinicians Need to Know about Randomized Clinical Trials?, Helena Chmura Kraemer & Vyjeyanthi S. Periyakoil 5. Systematic Reviews in Mental Health, Pim Cuijpers & Ioana-Alina Cristea 6. Clinical Practice Guidelines, Steven D. Hollon 7. Moving Beyond "One Size Fits All", Zachary D. Cohen, Yoni K. Ashar, & Robert DeRubeis 8. The Role of Culture in Evidence-Based Practice, Manuel Barrera Jr. & Felipe Gonzalez Castro 9. Reaching the Unreached: The Importance of Context in Evidence-Based Practice in Low-Resource Settings, Syed Usman Hamdani & Atif Rahman 10. Clinical Expertise: A Critical Issue in the Age of Evidence-Based Practice, Bruce E. Wampold, James W. Lichtenberg, Rodney K. Goodyear, & Terrence J. G. Tracey 11. Working Smarter, Not Harder: Comparing Evidence-Based Assessment to the Conventional Routine Assessment Process, Eric A. Youngstrom & Ana Van Meter III. Illustrations of Evidence-Based Practice in Action 12. An Idiographic Hypothesis-Testing Approach to Psychotherapy: Using Case Formulation and Progress Monitoring to Guide Treatment, Jacqueline B. Persons & Lisa Talbot 13. Collaborative Case Conceptualization: A Bridge between Science and Practice, Shadi Beshai, Willem Kuyken, & Rob Kidney 14. Integrating Basic Research into a Phase Approach to Guide Clinical Practice, Bethany A. Teachman & Rachel K. Narr 15. The Practice of Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Multidiagnostic and Suicidal Patients, Chelsey R. Wilks & Marsha M. Linehan 16. Implementing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to Treat a Fear of Morphing in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Roz Shafran, Eva Zysk, & Tim Williams 17. Using an Experimental Therapeutics Approach to Target Psychopathy, Emily Kemp & Arielle Baskin-Sommers 18. Sequential Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression: Rationale and Clinical Illustration of Evidence-Based Practice in Action, Evan Collins, Susan Abbey, Norman Farb, Jonathan Downar, & Zindel Segal 19. Beyond Specialty Mental Health: Rationale and Clinical Application of Behavioral Activation in Primary Care, Samuel H. Hubley, Christopher R. Martell, & Jennifer Carty 20. E-Behavioral Activation in Primary Care for Depression: A Measurement-Based Remission-Focused Treatment, Joseph M. Trombello & Madhukar H. Trivedi 21. A "Real-Life" Biopsychosocial Psychotherapy Case, Christine M. Nezu, Arthur M. Nezu, & Meghan Colosimo 22. Clinical Decision Making in Combined Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy with Complex Clients: Adopting an Evidence-Based Approach in a Partial Hospitalization Setting, Catherine D'Avanzato & Mark Zimmerman IV. Training, Supervision, and Consultation to Promote Evidence-Based Practice 23. Mental Health Training: Implications of the Clinical Science Model, Robert W. Levenson 24. The Role of the Consultation Team in Supporting Therapists and Preventing Burnout, Charles R. Swenson 25. Why Therapists Need to Take a Good Look at Themselves: Self-Practice/Self-Reflection as an Integrative Training Strategy for Evidence-Based Practices, James Bennett-Levy & Beverly Haarhoff 26. Augmenting Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Alliance-Focused Training: A Research Informed Case Study, Jessica Kraus, Jeremy D. Safran, & J. Christopher Muran 27. Training Evidence-Based Practitioners: Recommendations for the Improvement of Instructional Design and Delivery, Donna M. Sudak & R. Trent Codd III