Treating Survivors of Childhood Abuse and Interpersonal Trauma, Second Edition 2/e


STAIR Narrative Therapy

Sale price$121.00
In stock, 14 units

By Marylene Cloitre, Lisa R. Cohen, Karestan Koenen C.
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I. Theoretical Frameworks 1. A Resource Loss Model 2. Attachment: When Protector and Perpetrator Are One 3. Development in the Context of Deprivation II. Foundations of Treatment 4. Treatment Rationale 5. Building Emotional and Social Resources: Overview of STAIR 6. Working with Traumatic Memories: Overview of Narrative Therapy 7. Extending the Narrative: Transforming Shame and Loss 8. Guidelines for Implementing Treatment 9. Assessment of Client and Match for Treatment III. STAIR Narrative Therapy, Session by Session - Module I. Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR): Building Resources 10. Session 1. The Resource of Hope: Introducing the Client to Treatment 11. Session 2. The Resource of Feeling: Emotional Awareness 12. Session 3. Emotion Regulation: Focus on the Body 13. Session 4. Emotion Regulation: Focus on Thoughts and Behavior 14. Session 5. Emotionally Engaged Living: Distress Tolerance 15. Session 6. The Resource of Connection: Understanding Relationship Patterns 16. Session 7. Changing Relationship Patterns: Focus on Assertiveness 17. Session 8. Changing Relationship Patterns: Managing Power 18. Session 9. Changing Relationship Patterns: Increasing Closeness 19. Session 10. Self-Compassion and Summary of Skills Training - Module II. Narrative Therapy: Facing the Past and Imagining the Future 20. Moving from Skills Training to Narrative Therapy: How Do You Know Your Client Is Ready? 21. Session 11. Introduction to Narrative Therapy 22. Session 12. Narrative of First Memory 23. Sessions 13-17. Narratives of Fear 24. Sessions 13-17. Narratives of Shame 25. Sessions 13-17. Narratives of Loss 26. Session 18. The Final Session 27. New Developments for STAIR Narrative Therapy References Index

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