The Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity: Research, Education and Policy is an open access journal published by Winston-Salem State University with support from the National Association of Medical Minority Educators. Articles in Volume 14, Number 2 (Fall 2021) are: The BioCORE Scholars Program, a Cohort Model, Improves the Academic Attainment of Biology Undergraduates of Color Representing Diversity or Lack-Thereof: An Analysis of College/University Health Science Education Program Websites Physical Therapist Assistant Education Program Practices to Enhance Student Diversity A Descriptive Analysis of Comfort Level and Actions of Certified Athletic Trainers toward LGBTQIA+ Identifying Individuals Teaching Concepts of Diversity, Inclusion, Cultural Competence, and Cultural Humility through Learning Experiences in Healthcare Curricula Overcoming the Legacy of Anti-Black Racism to Advance Health Equity The Removal of 'X-Waivers' to Promote Access to Buprenorphine for Opioid-Use Disorder