The Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity: Research, Education and Policy is an open access journal published by Winston-Salem State University with support from the National Association of Medical Minority Educators. Articles in Volume 15, Number 1 (Spring 2022) are: * Effect of Microaggressions on Medical Residents' Program Satisfaction and Depression * Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP): Coaching Colorado's Underserved Students Toward Promising Health Careers Assessment of Health Professions Pipeline Programs that Effectively Recruit, Prepare, and Retain Underrepresented/Disadvantaged Students The Role of Social Determinants in GPA-based Undergraduate Clinical Program Admissions Faculty Development to Promote Peer Leadership Programming at a Hispanic-Serving Institution Health Communication: Enhancing Awareness of, and Education in, Health Disparities across Disciplines "You Are Not Alone:" A Message for Black Trainees on Navigating Medical Programs