A. Leroy, Universite d'Artois, Lens, France. S. K. Jain, Ohio University, Athens, OH.
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R. R. de Araujo, A. L. M. Pereira, and C. Polcino Milies, A note on checkable codes over Frobenius and quasi-Frobenius rings N. Aydin, T. Guidotti, and P. Liu, Good classical and quantum codes from multi-twisted codes N. Bennenni and A. Leroy, Evaluation of iterated ore polynomials and skew Reed-Muller codes G. Blachar, L. H Rowen, and U. Vishne, Identities of the algebra $\mathbb{O}\otimes\mathbb{O}$ S. Breaz and Y. Zhou, When is every non central-unit a sum of two nilpotents? A. Chapman and K. McKinnie, Asymptotic Brauer $p$-dimension L. W. Christensen, S. Estrada, and P. Thompson, Five theorems on Gorenstein global dimensions S. T. Dougherty and S. Sahinkaya, Quasi-self-dual codes over a non-unital ring of order 4 S. T. Dougherty, S. Sahinkaya, and D. Ustun, Codes from the skew ring $M_2(\mathbb{F}_2\rtimes_\varphi G$ F. D'Este, The underlying vector spaces of certain endomorhism rings A. Facchini, Algebraic structures from the point of view of complete multiplicative lattices C. Fernandez-Cordoba and S. Szabo, $\mathbb{Z}_2\mathbb{Z}_4$-additive codes as codes over rings G. Lee, C. S. Roman, N. K. Tung, and X. Zhang, On Utumi rings and continuous regular Baer rings S. K. Jain and A. Leroy, Matrices representable as product of conjugates of a singular matrix F. Kaynarca, G. D'Este, and D. Keskin Tutuncu, Almost projective modules over non-hereditary algebras M. Salahuddin Khan, A. Abbasi, S. Ali, and M. Ayedh, On prime ideals with generalized derivations in rings with involution J. Krempa, On nil algebras and a problem of Passeman concerning nilpotent free algebras X. Mary, Rings with transitive chaining of idempotents J. K. Park and S. T. Rizvi, On continuous hulls of rings and modules