Geometry, Groups and Mathematical Philosophy


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Edited by Krishnendu Gongopadhyay, Shashikant A. Katre
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Krishnendu Gongopadhyay, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, S. A. S. Nagar, India. Shashikant A. Katre, Savitribai Phule Pune University and Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana, India.

Articles Ravindra S. Kulkarni, My pursuit of truth through mathematics Ravindra S. Kulkarni, Philosophy of mathematics - four issues Ara Basmajian and Robert Suzzi Valli, Counting cusp excursions of reciprocal geodesics W. Barrera, A. Cano, J. P. Navarrete and J. Seade, Elementary groups in $\operatorname {PSL}(3,\mathbb {C})$ Po-Ning Chen, Mu-Tao Wang, Ye-Kai Wang and Shing-Tung Yau, Quasilocal mass and angular momentum S. G. Dani, Geodesics on the modular surface and continued fraction expansions of their endpoints Allan L. Edmonds, Finite group actions on 1-complexes and homology William M. Goldman, Affine structures on surfaces and the twisted cubic cone Kriti Goel, Vivek Mukundan, Sudeshna Roy and J. K. Verma, Computing mixed multiplicities, mixed volumes and sectional Milnor numbers Parul Gupta, Yashpreet Kaur and Anupam Singh, Differential central simple algebras Vikas S. Jadhav, $z$-Classes and rational conjugacy classes A. D. Mednykh, I. A. Mednykh and I. N. Yudin, On Jacobian group and complexity of the $\Delta $-graph Rohit Parikh, Groups, communication and coordination Nitin Nitsure, Curvature and torsion via quadrilateral gaps Soham Swadhin Pradhan, Schur index and extensions of Witt-Berman's theorems M. A. Sofi, Nonlinear retracts and the geometry of Banach spaces Jagmohan Tanti, Computations for invariant bilinear forms under an invertible linear transformation: an expository article Bankteshwar Tiwari, A comparative overview of Riemannian and Finsler geometry Devendra Tiwari and Harshavardhan Reddy, Revisiting Kulkarni's topological proof of Millington's theorem Mukut Mani Tripathi, Kulkarni-Nomizu tensor fields

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