David Eisenbud, University of California, Berkeley, CA, and Joe Harris, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Introduction Linear series and morphisms to projective space The Riemann-Roch theorem Curves of genus 0 Smooth plane curves and curves of genus 1 Jacobians Hyperelliptic curves and curves of genus 2 and 3 Fine moduli spaces Moduli of curves Curves of genus 4 and 5 Hyperplane sections of a curve Monodromy of hyperplane sections Brill-Noether theory and applications to genus 6 Inflection points Proof of the Brill-Noether theorem Using a singular plane model Linkage and the canonical sheave of a singular curves Scrolls and the curves they contain Free resolutions and canonical curves Hilbert schemes Appendix A: A historical essay on some topics in algebraic geometry (by Jeremy Gray) Hints to marked exercises Bibliography Index