Introduction Prelude Elementary special and $q$-special functions Basic notions and tools Equations of low order, elementary approach Resolution of (general) scalar equations and factorisation of $q$-difference operators Further analytic properties of solutions: Index theorems, growth Equations and systems Systems and modules Further algebraic properties of $q$-difference modules Newton polygons and slope filtrations Fuchsian $q$-difference equations and systems: Local study Fuchsian $q$-difference equations and systems: Global study Galois theory of Fuchsian systems Irregular equations Irregular systems Some classical special functions Riemann surfaces and vector bundles Classical hypergeometric functions Basic index theory Cochain complexes Base change and tensor products (and some more facts from linear algebra) Tannaka duality (without schemes) Cech cohomology of abelian sheaves Cech cohomology of nonabelian sheaves Bibliography Index of terms Index of notations Index of names