Richie Nimmo is a senior lecturer in sociology at the University of Manchester, where he teaches and researches human-animal relations, posthumanism, and environmental sociology. He edited the SAGE collection Actor-Network Theory Research and is author of Milk, Modernity and the Making of the Human as well as journal articles and book chapters in human-animal studies.
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VOLUME ONE: EMERGENCE, DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFORMATION - PART ONE Part One: Introduction 'From Generalised Symmetry to Ontological Politics and After: Tracing Actor-Network Theory'. - Richie Nimmo Part Two:The Sociology of Translation An Anthropologist Visits the Laboratory - Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar Struggles and Negotiations to Define What Is Problematic and What Is Not: The Socio-logic of Translation - Michel Callon On Interests and Their Transformation: Enrolment and Counter-Enrolment - Michel Callon and John Law Give Me a Laboratory and I Will Raise the World - Bruno Latour Some Elements of a Sociology of Translation: Domestication of the Scallops and the Fishermen of St Brieuc Bay - Michel Callon Part Three: Techno-Politics and Sociotechnical Relations On Power and Its Tactics: A View from the Sociology of Science - John Law Society in the Making: The Study of Technology as a Tool for Sociological Analysis - Michel Callon Mixing Humans and Nonhumans Together: The Sociology of a Door-Closer - Jim Johnson The De-Scription of Technical Objects - Madeleine Akrich The Politics of Formalism - John Bowers Part Four: Reflexivity, Heterogeneity and Symmetry The Politics of Explanation: An Alternative - Bruno Latour Notes on the Theory of the Actor-Network: Ordering, Strategy, Heterogeneity - John Law Behaviour Modification of a Catflap: A Contribution to the Sociology of Things - Malcolm Ashmore Constructing Actor-Network Theory - Mike Michael Part Five: Topology and Post-Social Ontologies Regions, Networks and Fluids: Anaemia and Social Topology - Annemarie Mol and John Law After the Individual in Society: Lessons in Collectivity from Science, Technology and Society - Michel Callon and John Law Materialities, Globalities, Spatialities - Kevin Hetherington and John Law Objects and Spaces - John Law The Social as Association - Bruno Latour VOLUME TWO: EMERGENCE, DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFORMATION - PART TWO Part One: Materiality and Ontological Politics Notes on Materiality and Sociality - John Law and Annemarie Mol Ontological Politics: A Word and Some Questions - Annemarie Mol In the Middle of the Network - Andrew Barry On Politics and the Little Tools of Democracy: A Down-to-Earth Approach - Kristin Asdal Actor-Network Theory, Organizations and Critique: Towards a Politics of Organizing - Rafael Alcadipani and John Hassard ANT and Politics: Working In and On the World - John Law and Vicky Singleton Part Two: Method Assemblages and Inscriptions On Making Data Social: Heterogeneity in Sociological Practice - Mike Michael Enacting the Social - John Law and John Urry Actor-Network Theory: Sensitive Terms and Enduring Tensions - Annemarie Mol Actor-Network Theory and Methodology: Just What Does It Mean to Say that Nonhumans Have Agency? - Edwin Sayes Actor-Network Theory and the Ethnographic Imagination: An Exercise in Translation - Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Diana Graizbord and Michael Rodriguez-Muniz Reassembling Social Science Methods: The Challenge of Digital Devices - Evelyn Ruppert, John Law and Mike Savage Part Three: Critiques and Clarifications Epistemological Chicken - Harry Collins and Steven Yearley Don't Throw the Baby Out with the Bath School! A Reply to Collins and Yearley - Michel Callon and Bruno Latour Agency and the Hybrid Collectif - Michel Callon and John Law On Actor Network Theory: A Few Clarifications - Bruno Latour Living Dangerously with Bruno Latour in a Hybrid World - Mark Elam Reconstructing Humants: A Humanist Critique of Actant-Network Theory - Frederic Vandenberghe VOLUME THREE: TRANSLATIONS, PARALLELS AND MOBILISATIONS - PART ONE Part One: Performing Markets, Finance and Economics Peripheral Vision: Economic Markets as Calculative Collective Devices - Fabian Muniesa and Michel Callon An Essay on the Growing Contribution of Economic Markets to the Proliferation of the Social - Michel Callon Assembling an Economic Actor: The Agencement of a Hedge Fund - Iain Hardie and Donald MacKenzie What Does It Mean to Say that Economics Is Performative? - Michel Callon Part Two: Arts, Taste and Cultures Chalk Steps on the Museum Floor: The 'Pulses' of Objects in an Art Installation - Alberta Yaneva The Work of Culture - Tony Bennett Those Things that Hold Us Together: Taste and Sociology - Antoine Hennion Performing Calculation in the Art Market - Marta Herrero The Creative Assemblage: Theorizing Contemporary Forms of Arts-based Collaboration - Kay Anderson and Philip Mar Objects, Words and Bodies in Space: Bringing Materiality into Cultural Analysis - Wendy Griswold, Gemma Mangione and Terence McDonnell Part Three: Bodies, Medicine and Disabilities Different Atheroscleroses - Annemarie Mol Embodied Action, Enacted Bodies: The Example of Hypoglycaemia - Annemarie Mol and John Law Sociotechnical Practices and Difference: On the Interferences between Disability, Gender and Class - Ingunn Moser Technoscientific Bodies: Making the Corporeal in Everyday Life - Mike Michael Actor-Networks of Dementia. - Michael Schillmeier When Alcohol Acts: An Actor-Network Approach to Teenagers, Alcohol and Parties - Jakob Demant VOLUME FOUR: TRANSLATIONS, PARALLELS AND MOBILISATIONS - PART TWO Part One: Hybrid Geographies and Spaces Towards a Geography of Heterogeneous Associations` - Jonathan Murdoch Dissolving Dualisms: Actor-Networks and the Reimagination of Nature - Noel Castree and Tom Macmillan Introducing Hybrid Geographies - Sarah Whatmore Urban Wild Things: A Cosmopolitical Experiment - Steve Hinchliffe, Matthew Kearnes, Monica Degen and Sarah Whatmore Globalizations Big and Small: Notes on Urban Studies, Actor-Network Theory and Geographical Scale - Alan Latham and Derek McCormack Earthly Powers and Affective Environments: An Ontological Politics of Flood Risk - Sarah Whatmore Part Two: Ecologies, Natures and Environments Society, Nature, Knowledge: Co-constructing the Social and the Natural - Alan Irwin The Problematic Nature of Nature: The Post-Constructivist Challenge to Environmental History - Kristin Asdal A Plea for Earthly Sciences: Keynote Lecture for the Annual Meeting of the British Sociological Association, East London, April 2007 - Bruno Latour The Making of Climate Publics: Eco-Homes as Material Devices of Publicity - Noortje Marres Topologies of Climate Change: Actor-Network Theory, Relational-Scalar Analytics, and Carbon Market Overflows - Anders Blok Part Three: Animal Actants and Multi-Species Assemblages Elephants on the Move: Spatial Formations of Wildlife Exchange - Sarah Whatmore and Lorraine Thorne Roadkill: Between Humans, Nonhuman Animals, and Technologies. - Mike Michael Bees, Butterflies, and Bacteria: Biotechnology and the Politics of Nonhuman Friendship - Nick Bingham The Actor-Enacted: Cumbrian Sheep in 2001 - John Law and Annemarie Mol Bovine Mobilities and Vital Movements: Flows of Milk, Mediation and Animal Agency - Richie Nimmo
Actor-Network Theory has been hugely influential across the social sciences and far beyond, and this volume serves as an ideal overview of both its core themes and its many developments and uses. Richie Nimmo has done an admirable job in compiling an excellent mix of classic statements, extended elaborations, critical commentaries, and empirical application. For anyone interested in exploring the promise of Actor-Network Theory - whether that be theoretical, methodological or political - Actor-Network Theory Research is an essential resource. -- Mike Michael Interest in the ideas and practices of Actor Network Theory has exploded across the social sciences in the last few years, often so rapidly that it has been difficult for non-specialists to keep up with all of the new applications of ANT thinking. This collection solves in one stroke such problems of keeping up to date with the diversification of ANT. Mapping out a very diverse terrain with admirable clarity and skill, the collection brings together in one place both major writings by ANT's founders and also applications of ANT ideas to a dazzling range of empirical areas. -- David Inglis How can I begin to praise a collection for being timely, rich and what have you, if it holds texts that I happened to (co-)author? This is a conundrum for the present book: those who might most readily write blurbs to flag up its wonders, are contained within it. Readers will therefore have to assess the value of this book for themselves. Good luck with that - and enjoy it in every way you can. -- Annemarie Mol By giving access to original works instead of proposing a too sketchy or subjective presentation, this book will provide a very helpful introduction to what has been called actor-network theory or the sociology of translation. A recommended reading for anyone, student, teacher, researcher or curious people, who wants to know more about this now pervasive approach in social sciences. -- Michel Callon