Eileen Munro is Professor of Social Policy at the London School of Economics, London, UK. With a background in both philosophy and social work, her work has focused on the reasoning skills needed to provide an effective child protection service. The work was taken up by many child protection services in several countries but, in working with management and practitioners to improve risk assessment and decision making, she realised that the individual decision maker is strongly influenced by organizational and social factors that also need to be understood in order to reduce error. A powerful framework for doing this is provided by the systems approach to investigating error that was developed in aviation and has been adapted to medicine in the US and UK. Professor Munro then worked with the Social Care Institute for Excellence in the UK to adapt this approach to use in child protection services and it is now being adopted widely in England. At the request of the Secretary of State for Education, she undertook a review of child protection in England and published the final report in April 2011, followed by a progress report in May 2012. Her extensive consultancy work with child protection services in higher-income countries as well as her academic work makes her well qualified to pull together an overview of the issues in child protection.
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VOLUME ONE: Describing and understanding child maltreatment The Battered-Child Syndrome - C. Henry Kempe et al. Prevalence Societal Causes and Trends in Corporal Punishment by Parents in World Perspective - Murray Strauss Unraveling Child Abuse - David Gil The Natural History of Child Abuse: A Study in Social Problem Definition - Nigel Parton The Significance of Ethnic and Cultural Differences in Child Maltreatment - James Garbarino and Aaron Ebata Culture and Child Maltreatment: Cultural Competence and Beyond - Jill Korbin Perception and Determination of Child Maltreatment: Exploratory Comparisons across Three Countries - Sunday Fakunmoju et al. Burden and Consequences of Child Maltreatment in High-Income Countries - Ruth Gilbert et al. Trends in Child Maltreatment - David Finkelhor and Lisa Jones Methodological Challenges in Measuring Child Maltreatment - Barbara Fallon et al. Understanding the Risks of Child Neglect: An Exploration of Poverty and Parenting Characteristics - Kristen Shook Slack et al. Toward an Ecological/Transactional Model of Community Violence and Child Maltreatment: Consequences for Children's Development - Dante Cichetti and Michael Lynch Risk Factors in Child Maltreatment: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Literature - Sandra Stith The Perspective of Evil in Understanding and Treating Child Abuse - James Garbarino and John Hershberger Child Maltreatment and Violent Delinquency: Disentangling Main Effects and Subgroup Effects - Joshua Mersky and Arthur Reynolds Cognition, Emotion, and Neurobiological Development: Mediating the Relation between Maltreatment and Aggression - Vivien Lee and Peter Hoaken The Consequences of Maltreatment on Children's Lives: A Systematic Review of Data from the East Asia and Pacific Region - Deborah Fry, Amalee McCoy and Diane Swales Multilevel Correlates of Behavioral Resilience among Children in Child Welfare - Tessa Bell, Elisa Romano and Robert Flynn At-Risk and Maltreated Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Aggression/Violence: What the Conflict Looks Like and Its Relationship to Child Outcomes - Diana English et al. Does Physical Abuse in Early Childhood Predict Substance Use in Adolescence and Early Adulthood? - Jennifer Lansford et al. The Economic Burden of Child Maltreatment in the United States and Implications for Prevention - Xiangming Fang, Derek Brownb, Curtis Florence and James Mercy VOLUME TWO: Preventing child maltreatment Violence and Development: How Persistent Fear and Anxiety Can Affect Young Children's Learning, Behaviour and Health - Nathan Fox and Jack Shonkoff Neuroscience and the Risks of Maltreatment - Eileen Munro and Kristina Musholt Psychological Maltreatment: Maltreatment of the Mind: A Catalyst for Advancing Child Protection toward Proactive Primary Prevention and Promotion of Personal Well-Being - Stuart Hart and Danya Glaser Services for Vulnerable and Maltreated Children - June Thoburn Reforming Child Protective Services - Jane Waldfogel Enhancing Service Systems for Protecting Children - Daryl Higgins and Ilan Katz A Public Health Approach to Safeguarding in the 21st Century - Jane Barlow and Rachel Calam Children Living in the Midst of Domestic and Family Violence - Cathy Humphreys and Menka Tsanfeski The Over-Representation of Black Children in the Child Protection System: Possible Causes, Consequences and Solutions - A. Chand The Protective Environment: Development Support for Child Protection - Karin Landgren Concluding Reflections: How Might We Really Protect Children? - William Myers and Michael Bourdillon Child Abuse as a Complex and Wicked Problem: Reflecting on Policy Developments in the United Kingdom in Working with Children and Families with Multiple Problems - John Devaney and Trevor Spratt Do Early Childhood Interventions Prevent Child Maltreatment? A Review of Research - Arthur Reynolds, Lindsay Mathieson and James Topitzes A Brief Intervention Affects Parents' Attitudes toward Using Less Physical Punishment - Antwon Chavis et al. Toward Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice in Child Welfare - Julia Littell and Aron Shlonsky An International Classification System for Child Welfare Programs - Mark Ezell et al. Evidence-based Practice: Counterarguments to Objections - Leonard Gibbs and Eileen Gambrill Who Knows Best? Evidence-based Practice and the Service User Contribution - Jon Glasby and Peter Beresford The Mismatch between the Map and the Terrain - Evidence-based Social Work in Sweden - Anders Bergmark, Ake Bergmark and Tommy Lundstrom Evidence-based Practices Do Not Exist - Bruce Thyer and Monica Pignotti Evidence-based Practice at a Crossroads the Timely Emergence of Common Elements and Common Factors - Richard Barth et al. How Do We Know What Works? The Quality of Published Reviews of Evidence-based Practices - Julia Littell Evidence-Informed Practice: Antidote to Propaganda in the Helping Professions? - Eileen Gambrill VOLUME THREE: Responding to child maltreatment Mandatory Reporting Legislation in the United States, Canada, and Australia: A Cross-Jurisdictional Review of Key Features, Differences, and Issues - Ben Mathews and Maureen Kenny Reforming Child Protective Services - Jane Waldfogel Exploring Psychological Abuse in Childhood: I. Developing a New Interview Scale - Patricia Moran et al. Exploring Psychological Abuse in Childhood: II. Association with Other Abuse and Adult Clinical Depression - Antonia Bifulco et al. Risk, Advanced Liberalism and Child Welfare: The Need to Rediscover Uncertainty and Ambiguity - Nigel Parton Confidence and Professional Judgment in Assessing Children's Risk of Abuse - Cheryl Regehr et al. Safeguarding: A Care for Intelligent Risk Management - Geraldine Macdonald and Kenneth Macdonald Protecting Children in an Anxious Society - Eileen Munro Time for an Ideological Shift in Child Welfare? An Essay Review - Anthony Maluccio How to Deal with Emotional Abuse and Neglect - Further Development of a Conceptual Framework (FRAMEA) - Danya Glaser Achieving Safety, Stability and Belonging for Children in Out-of-Home Care: The Search for 'What Works' across National Boundaries - June Thoburn Emotional Intelligence, Emotion and Social Work: Context, Characteristics, Complications and Contribution - Tony Morrison Transforming Child Protection Agencies into High Reliability Organizations: A Conceptual Framework - Tina Rzepnicki et al. Soft Is Hardest: Leading for Learning in Child Protection Services Following a Child Fatality - Andrew Turnell, Eileen Munro and Terry Murphy Assessing the Organizational Social Context (OSC) of Child Welfare Systems: Implications for Research and Practice - Charles Glisson, Philip Green and Nathaniel Williams The Influence of Performance Measurement on Child Welfare Policy and Practice - Clare Tilbury From Menzies Lyth to Munro: The Problem of Managerialism - Amanda Lees, Edgar Meyer and Jackie Rafferty Making Sense of Complex Electronic Records: Socio-Technical Design in Social Care - David Wastell and Sue White Learning to Reduce Risk in Child Protection - Eileen Munro Reforming Child Welfare: An Integrated Approach - Marie Connolly and Ray Smith
"This is a long-awaited publication on child maltreatment, including work by leading researchers in the field from various parts of the world, which thoroughly covers the causal risks, prevention and the possible responses to the issue." -- Professor Yoko Kato This three-volume set by two leaders in the field provides a comprehensive grounding in contemporary knowledge and practice for child protection work. The volume brings together commentary on the latest evidence and debates about the nature of child maltreatment and how best to achieve children's safety and well-being. The set will be an invaluable resource for academics, policy makers, practitioners and students in the field of child protection. -- Professor Karen Healy