Neil Humphrey is Professor of Psychology of Education at the University of Manchester.
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VOLUME ONE: KEY PERSPECTIVES AND THEMES IN AUTISM EDUCATION Full Inclusion and Students with Autism - Gary Mesibov and Victoria Shea Asperger Syndrome (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) and the Self-Reports of Comprehensive School Students - Michael Connor The Social, Behavioural, and Academic Experiences of Children with Asperger Syndrome - Catherine Church, Susan Alisanski and Siraj Amanullah Perceptions of School by Two Teenage Boys with Asperger Syndrome and Their Mothers: A Qualitative Study - Suzanne Carrington and Lorraine Graham Working with Autistic Children and Young People: Sense, Experience and the Challenges for Services, Policies and Practices - Tom Billington Educational Placements and Service Use Patterns of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Susan Williams White, Lawrence Scahill, Ami Klin, Kathleen Koenig and Fred Volkmar A National Sample of Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Special Education Services and Parent Satisfaction - Amy Bitterman, Tamara Daley, Sunil Misra, Elaine Carlson and Joy Markowitz 'Make Me Normal': The Views and Experiences of Pupils on the Autistic Spectrum in Mainstream Secondary Schools - Neil Humphrey and Sarah Lewis Inclusive/Exclusive? Contradictory Perspectives on Autism and Inclusion: The Case for an Integrative Position - Jackie Ravet A Qualitative Analysis of the School Experiences of Students with Asperger Syndrome - Mark Sciutto, Sally Richwine, Janelle Mentrikoski and Kathryn Niedzwiecki Positioning, Strategizing, and Charming: How Students with Autism Construct Identities in Relation to Disability - AnnMarie Baines Me and 'It': Seven Young People Given a Diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome - Sharon McLaughlin and Harry Rafferty VOLUME TWO: PEER RELATIONSHIPS AMONG LEARNERS WITH AUTISM IN THE EDUCATIONAL CONTEXT Social Initiations by Autistic Children to Adults and Other Children - Margaret Hauck, Deborah Fein, Lynn Waterhouse and Carl Feinstein Loneliness and Friendship in High-Functioning Children with Autism - Nirit Bauminger and Connie Kasari Inclusion as Social Practice: Views of Children with Autism - Elinor Ochs, Tamar Kremer-Sadlik, Olga Solomon and Karen Gainer Sirota Understanding the Hidden Curriculum: An Essential Social Skill for Children and Youth with Asperger Syndrome - Brenda Smith Myles and Richard Simpson Peer Interaction and Loneliness in High-Functioning Children with Autism - Nirit Bauminger, Cory Shulman and Galit Agam Combined Descriptive and Explanatory Information Improves Peers' Perceptions of Autism - Jonathan Campbell, Jane Ferguson, Caitlin Herzinger, Jennie Jackson and Christine Marino Social Integration of Students with Autism in Inclusive Settings - E. Amanda Boutot and Diane Bryant Changing Children's Attitudes toward Autism: A Process of Persuasive Communication - Jonathan Campbell Middle School Students' Response to the Self-Introduction of a Student with Autism - Jonathan Campbell Involvement or Isolation? The Social Networks of Children with Autism in Regular Classrooms - Brandt Chamberlain, Connie Kasari and Erin Rotheram-Fuller Loneliness, Friendship Quality and the Social Networks of Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism in an Inclusive School Setting - Jill Locke, Eric Ishijima, Connie Kasari and Nancy London Peer Interaction Patterns among Adolescents with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (Asds) in Mainstream School Settings - Neil Humphrey and Wendy Symes Social Networks and Friendships at School: Comparing Children With and Without ASD - Connie Kasari, Jill Locke, Amanda Gulsrud and Erin Rotheram-Fuller 'Sometimes I Want to Play by Myself': Understanding What Friendship Means to Children with Autism in Mainstream Primary Schools - Lynsey Calder, Vivian Hill and Elizabeth Pellicano Peers' Knowledge About and Attitudes Towards Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Jonathan Campbell and Brian Barger The Nature of Friendship in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review - Neysa Petrina, Mark Carter and Jennifer Stephenson Shedding Light on a Pervasive Problem: A Review of Research on Bullying Experiences among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Jessica Schroeder, M. Catherine Cappadocia, James Bebko, Debra Pepler and Jonathan Weiss VOLUME THREE: SCHOOL, TEACHER AND SUPPORT STAFF ISSUES IN AUTISM EDUCATION A Comparison of Teacher and Parent Views of Autism - Wendy Stone and Jennifer Rosenbaum An Examination of Paraprofessional Involvement in Supporting Inclusion of Students with Autism - Brooke Young, Richard Simpson, Brenda Smith Myles and Debra Kamps Autism: The Teachers' View - Sarah Helps, Imogen Newsom-Davis and M. Callias The Attitudes of Teachers in Scotland to the Integration of Children with Autism into Mainstream Schools - Evelyn McGregor and Elaine Campbell Commitment to Philosophy, Teacher Efficacy, and Burnout among Teachers of Children with Autism - Heather Jennett, Sandra Harris and Gary Mesibov General Education Teachers' Relationships with Included Students with Autism - Kristen Robertson, Brandt Chamberlain and Connie Kasari Problems with Personnel Preparation in Autism Spectrum Disorders - Brenda Scheuermann, Jo Webber, E. Amanda Boutot and Marilyn Goodwin Teachers' Experience of Support in the Mainstream Education of Pupils with Autism - Lisa Glashan, Gilbert MacKay and Ann Grieve No Child Left Behind and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Mitchell Yell, Erik Drasgow and K. Alisa Lowrey Principals' Attitudes Regarding Inclusion of Children with Autism in Pennsylvania Public Schools - Judy Horrocks, George White and Laura Roberts Further Evaluation of a Brief, Intensive Teacher-Training Model - Dorothea Lerman, Allison Tetreault, Alyson Hovanetz, Margaret Strobel and Joanie Garro Outcomes of a Teacher Training Program for Autism Spectrum Disorders - Paul Probst and Tobias Leppert Designing Learning Spaces for Children on the Autism Spectrum - Iain Scott A Survey of Personnel Preparation Practices in Autism Spectrum Disorders - Gena Barnhill, Edward Polloway and Bianca Sumutka The Deployment, Training and Teacher Relationships of Teaching Assistants Supporting Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Mainstream Secondary Schools - Wendy Symes and Neil Humphrey Inclusive Education for Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorders in Secondary Mainstream Schools: Teacher Attitudes, Experience and Knowledge - Neil Humphrey and Wendy Symes VOLUME FOUR: IMPROVING EXPERIENCES AND OUTCOMES OF EDUCATION FOR LEARNERS WITH ASC Including Children with Autism in General Education Classrooms: A Review of Effective Strategies - Joshua Harrower and Glen Dunlap A Research Synthesis of Social Story Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Frank Sansosti, Kelly Powell-Smith and Donald Kincaid Preparing Teachers in Evidence-based Practices for Young Children with Autism - Dorothea Lerman, Christina Vorndran, Laura Addison and Stephanie Kuhn Effective Education for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Perceptions of Parents and Professionals - D. Jindal-Snape, W. Douglas, K.J. Topping, C. Kerr and E.F. Smith Evidence-based Practices and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Richard Simpson Managing Autism and Asperger's Syndrome in Current Educational Provision - R. Jordan Autism Treatment Survey: Services Received by Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Public School Classrooms - Kristen Hess, Michael Morrier, L. Juane Heflin and Michelle Levy Outcome of Comprehensive Psycho-Educational Interventions for Young Children with Autism - Svein Eikeseth Inclusive Provision Options for Pupils on the Autistic Spectrum - Norah Frederickson, Alice Jones and Jane Lang Evidence-based Practices and Autism - Gary Mesibov and Victoria Shea Mainstreaming Autism: Making It Work - Gareth Morewood, Neil Humphrey and Wendy Symes International Review of the Evidence on Best Practice in Education Provision for Children on the Autism Spectrum - Sarah Parsons, Karen Guldberg, Andrea MacLeod, Glenys Jones, Anita Prunty and Tish Balfe Issues, Policies, and Recommendations for Improving the Education of Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Richard Simpson, Nancy Mundschenk and L. Juane Heflin Bridging the Research-to-Practice Gap in Autism Intervention: An Application of Diffusion of Innovation Theory - Hilary Dingfelder and David Mandell Training Teachers in Evidence-based Practice for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of the Literature - Jennifer Alexander, Kevin Ayres and Katie Smith
"The four volumes focusing on 'Autism and Education' in the Major Works series (Key Issues and Perspectives, Peer Relationships, School and Staff Issues, and Improving Experiences and Outcomes) bring together the many relevant strands of theory and research into a cohesive, coherent whole which is greater than the sum of its parts. The editor, Neil Humphrey, and his colleagues, have produced a work that is well synthesised and clearly communicated, an excellent guide to enable the reader to navigate complex theory and research relevant to autism and education and most importantly interprets the research as it applies to, or potentially applies to, practice. The introductory chapters and the selection of articles are respectful and constructive, while acknowledging the very significant issues faced by children and young people in education systems. The authors successfully combine the research evidence base with the lived experience and perspectives of both those with autism and those working with them. The work is grounded in major systems theories relevant to education generally and to education of children with special needs, while making strong case for the need to address characteristic issues affecting children and young people with autism. Excellent well organised selection of key research papers highlighting key foci for autism, excellent consideration of the perspective and voice of those with autism, of their peers, their teachers and their families. Highly recommended synthesis of all you need to know about the education of children and young people with autism." -- Professor Jacqueline Roberts Neil Humphrey and colleagues have brought together a world-class collection of papers that demonstrate the many important ways in which people's experiences with autism are always shaped by family, community, economics and politics. The volumes are an essential resource for anyone interested in autism education. They uniquely highlight the experiences of learners on the autism spectrum - the good and the bad - as they navigate their interactions with peers, teachers and other staff who support them and the broader system itself. In so doing, they implore us to be especially attentive to these experiences as we aim to enhance the life chances and opportunities for such learners. -- Liz Pellicano Finally education comes to the forefront in Neil Humphrey's Autism and Education! Highly accessible, the 4- volume compendium of school based studies signals a touchstone in the field. -- Professor Connie Kasari