Creativity and Education, 4v


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Edited by Mark A Runco
Release Date:
234 x 156 mm

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VOLUME ONE: DEFINITIONS OF CREATIVITY FOR EDUCATION The Standard Definition of Creativity - Mark A. Runco and Garrett J. Jaeger Still Useful after All These Years: A Review of Wallach & Kogan's Modes of Thinking in Young Children (1965) and Wallach & Wing's The Talented Student (1969) - Mark A. Runco Intelligence? Creativity? A Parsimonious Reinterpretation of the Wallach-Kogan Data - Lee J. Cronbach Children's Divergent Thinking and Creative Ideation - Mark A. Runco Convergent and Divergent Measurement of Creativity in Children - William C. Ward Comparison of Competing Theories about Ideation and Creativity - Ivonne Chand O'Neal, Mark A. Runco and Sue Hyeon Paek The Threshold Theory Regarding Creativity and Intelligence: An Empirical Test with Gifted and Nongifted Children - Mark A. Runco and Robert S. Albert The Relationship between Creativity and Androgyny When Moderated by an Intelligence Threshold - Jodi B. Weinstein and Philip Bobko Cognition and Creativity - Mark A. Runco and Ivonne Chand A Longitudinal Examination of the Fourth Grade Slump in Creativity - E. Paul Torrance Role of Hemisphericity in Performance on Selected Measures of Creativity - E. Paul Torrance and Salah Mourad The Role of Creativity in Identification of the Gifted and Talented - E. Paul Torrance Personal Creativity: Definition and Developmental Issues - Mark A. Runco Education for Creative Potential - Mark A. Runco Developmental Trends in the Evaluative and Divergent Thinking of Children - Robyn E. Charles and Mark A. Runco The Creativity Crisis: The Decrease in Creative Thinking Scores on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking - Kyung Hee Kim Motivation and Creativity: The Context Effect - David Elkind, Joann Deblinger and David Adler Creativity and the Finding and Solving of Real-World Problems - Shawn M. Okuda, Mark A. Runco and Dale E. Berger A Hierarchical Framework for the Study of Creativity - Mark A. Runco Creativity and Education - Mark A. Runco Education and Creativity - Daniel Fasko, Jr Operant Theories of Insight, Originality, and Creativity - Daniel Fasko, Jr Creativity: The Hub of Real Achievement - Mark A. Runco An Analysis of Creativity - Jill Forster Creative Thinking and Creative Performance in Israeli Students - Mel Rhodes VOLUME TWO: TEACHERS & TEACHING AND ENHANCEMENT Obstacles to Personal Creativity among University Students - Eunice M.L. Soriano de Alencar Teaching Creativity: Current Findings, Trends, and Controversies in the Psychology of Creativity - Dean Keith Simonton Two-Dimensional Education: Fostering the "Prepared Mind" for Creativity - Arthur Cropley and Iourri Gribov Evaluating the Creativity of Children's Ideas - Mark A. Runco and Luiz Vega The Evaluative, Valuative, and Divergent Thinking of Children - Mark A. Runco Original Thinking in Preschool Children: A Validation of Ideational Fluency Measures - EunSook Hong and Roberta M. Milgram Curiosity of Gifted Children and Performance on Timed and Untimed Tests of Creativity - E. Paul Torrance Relationships among Private Speech and Creativity in Head Start and Low-Socioeconomic Status Preschool Children - Martha Daugherty and C. Stephen White Part One: Teachers Creativity: Asset or Burden in the Classroom? - Erik L. Westby and V.L. Dawson Parents' and Teachers' Implicit Theories of Children's Creativity: A Cross-Cultural Perspective - Mark A. Runco, Diane J. Johnson and M.K. Raina Teaching Creativity at the College Level: A Synthesis of Curricular Components Perceived as Important by Instructors - Kay S. Bull, Diane Montgomery and Lynda Baloche Implicit Theories of Creativity: Teachers' Perception of Student Characteristics in Hong Kong - David W. Chan and Lai-Kwan Chan A Cross-Cultural Comparison: Teachers' Conceptualizations of Creativity - Ji Zhou, Jiliang Shen, Xinghua Wang, Heinz Neber and Ikuma Johjia Student and Faculty Perceptions of Innovative Teaching - Kristina Jaskyte, Heidi Taylor and Robert Smariga Encouraging Imagination and Creativity in the Teaching Profession - Morwenna Griffiths Predicting the Creativity of Elementary School Children (1958-80) - and the Teacher Who "Made a Difference" - E. Paul Torrance Creative Thinking as a Predictor of Teacher Effectiveness in Higher Education - Nitza Davidovitch and Roberta M. Milgram Part Two: Enhancement Problem Finding and the Enhancement of Creativity - J.W. Getzels Enhancement of Creativity - Jonathan A. Plucker, Mark A. Runco and C. Boyd Hegarty For the Lifestyle and a Love of Creativity: Australian Students' Motivations for Studying Journalism - Folker Hanusch, Katrina Clifford, Kayt Davies, Peter English, Janet Fulton, Mia Lindgren, Penny O'Donnell, Jenna Price, Ian Richards and Lawrie Zion Tactics and Strategies for Creativity - Mark A. Runco Improving Creative Problem-Solving in a Sample of Third Culture Kids - Young Ju Lee, Sherry K. Bain and R. Steve McCallum Maximal Performance on Divergent Thinking Tests by Gifted, Talented, and Nongifted Children - Mark A. Runco VOLUME THREE: EXPRESSIONS AND DOMAINS OF CREATIVITY Divergent Thinking and Creative Performance in Gifted and Nongifted Children - Mark A. Runco The Creativity of Children's Art - Mark A. Runco Lessons from Using iPads to Understand Young Children's Creativity - Lorna Arnott, Deirdre Grogan and Pauline Duncan Can Computers Help Stimulate Creativity? Training Implications from a Postgraduate MBA Experience - Tudor Rickards Injecting Creativity into Teaching Simulation Modeling to Computer Science Students - Paul Fishwick Fostering College Students' Creative Capacity through Computer-Supported Knowledge Building - Pei-Yi Lin, Yu-Hui Chang, Hsien-Ta Lin and Huang-Yao Hong A New Way to Play Music Together: The Continuator in the Classroom - Laura Ferrari and Anna Rita Addessi Probing More Deeply into the Theory of Multiple Intelligences - Howard Gardner Introducing Creativity in the Ensemble Setting: National Standards Meet Comprehensive Musicianship - Charles E. Norris Multiple Intelligences Go to School: Educational Implications of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences - Howard Gardner and Thomas Hatch Teaching for the Golden Egg: Creativity - Christine Cozzens Hayes Not All Musicians Are Creative: Creativity Requires More Than Simply Playing Music - Erin E. Sovansky, Mareike B. Wieth, Andrea P. Francis and Samuel D. McIlhagga Nurturing Visual Arts Talent - Sandra I. Kay How Domains Constrain Creativity: The Case of Traditional Chinese and Western Painting - Jin Li and Howard Gardner Effects of Self-Efficacy on Social Entrepreneurship in Education: A Correlational Research - Tugba Konakli Perceptions and Reality: Creativity in the Marketing Classroom - Denny E. McCorkle, Janice M. Payan, James Reardon and Nathan D. Kling Academic versus Creative Abilities in Mathematics: Two Components of the Same Construct? - Nava L. Livne and Roberta M. Milgram Orchestral Performance and the Footprint of Mindfulness - Ellen Langer, Timothy Russell and Noah Eisenkraft Teaching Students to Solve Insight Problems: Evidence for Domain Specificity in Creativity Training - Gayle T. Dow and Richard E. Mayer Creative Out-of-School Activities in Intellectually Gifted Adolescents as Predictors of Their Life Accomplishments in Young Adults: A Longitudinal Study - Roberta M. Milgram and Eunsook Hong The Effect of Bilingualism on Creativity: Developmental and Educational Perspectives - Mark Leikin Understanding the Ensemble Pianist: A Theoretical Framework - Dimitra Kokotsaki Investigating the Assessment of Singers in a Music College Setting: The Students' Perspective - Dimitra Kokotsaki, Jane W. Davidson and Daniela Coimbra Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking as Predictors of Personal and Public Achievement: A Fifty-Year Follow-Up - Mark A. Runco, Garnet Millar, Selcuk Acar and Bonnie Cramond VOLUME FOUR: SPECIAL POPULATIONS, INCLUDING THE GIFTED, & STUDENT CHARACTERISTICS, CULTURE & SETTINGS Creativity and Working Memory in Gifted Students With and Without Characteristics of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder: Lifting the Mask - C. Matthew Fugate, Sydney S. Zentall and Marcia Gentry An Investigation into the Psychosocial Functioning of Creative Children: The Impact of ADHD Symptomatology - Dione Healey and Julia J. Rucklidge Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Creativity: What Is the Connection? - B. Cramond Creative Personality and Anticreative Environment for High School Dropouts - Kyung Hee Kim and Michael F. Hull Three Myths? The Over-Representation of the Gifted among Dropouts, Delinquents, and Suicides - Susanne P. Lajoie and Bruce M. Shore Creativity as an Educational Objective for Disadvantaged Students - Mark A. Runco Concrete and Verbal Reinforcement in Creative Thinking of Disadvantaged Students - R.M. Milgram and S. Feingold Characteristics of Creativity Change in University Students - Daiva Grakauskaite-Karkockiene Measuring Cognitive and Dispositional Characteristics of Creativity in Elementary Students - Romina M.J. Proctor and Paul C. Burnett Part One: Gifted Students "Torturing Data until They Confess": An Analysis of the Analysis of the Three-Ring Conception of Giftedness - Joseph S. Renzulli What Makes Giftedness? Re-Examining a Definition - J. Renzulli A General Theory for the Development of Creative Productivity through the Pursuit of Ideal Acts of Learning - Joseph S. Renzulli New Dimensions in Creativity - Mark A. Runco Is Every Child Gifted? - Mark A. Runco Creative Giftedness: A Multivariate Investment Approach - Robert J. Sternberg and Todd I. Lubart Part Two: Culture & Setting Lessons about Giftedness and Creativity from a Nation of 115 Million Overachievers - E. Paul Torrance Dogmatism, Locus of Control, and Creativity in Children Educated in the Soviet Union, the United States, and Israel - Arie Avarim and Roberta M. Milgram Comparisons of the Creative Class and Regional Creativity with Perceptions of Community Support and Community Barriers - Mark A. Runco, Selcuk Acar, W. Keith Campbell, Garrett Jaeger, Jessica McCain and Brittany Gentile Cumulative and Proximal Influences on the Social Environment and Children's Creative Potential - Stephanie Z. Dudek, M.G. Strobel and Mark A. Runco Education, Creativity and the Economy of Passions: New Forms of Educational Capitalism - Michael A. Peters

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