I moved to the University of Sussex in 1994 to become Professor of Psychology in the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences. Prior to that I was Professor of Psychology at The City University in London. I was the Subject Chair of Psychology from 1994 until April 2002. I have also held a number of offices in the British Psychological Society, including Chair of the Standing Conference Committee (1991-95), Honorary Editor of 'The Psychologist' (1988-92), and President of the Society (2002-3). I have also been chair of the Society's Board Of Trustees, Council, and Investigatory Committee. I have held a number of editorial posts with journals such as 'Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology' and 'Behaviorial & Brain Sciences'. I am currently Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Experimental Psychopathology (https://journals.sagepub.com/home/epp) Follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/GrahamCLDavey
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VOLUME ONE: CONCEPTUAL ISSUES, CLASSIFICATION & ASSESSMENT Part One: Conceptual, Cultural & Historical Issues Using a Multicultural Lens to Understand Illness among Haitians Living in America - Guerda Nicolas et al. Understanding Cross-Cultural Prognostic Variability for Schizophrenia - Amy Weisman Epigenetic Dynamics in Psychiatric Disorders: Environmental Programming of Neurodevelopmental Processes - Daniel Kofink et al. Conditioned Emotional Reactions - John Watson and Rosalie Rayner Cognitive Therapy: A 30-Year Retrospective - Aaron Beck Psychodynamics and the Unconscious - Matthew Hugh Erdelyi Stigmatisation of People with Mental Illnesses - Arthur Crisp et al. Mass Social Contact Interventions and Their Effect on Mental Health Related Stigma and Intended Discrimination - Sara Evans-Lacko et al. Part Two: Classification & Assessment Diagnosing DSM-IV - Part I: DSM-IV and the Concept of Disorder - Jerome Wakefield Psychiatric Diagnosis: Lessons from the DSM-IV Past and Cautions for the DSM-5 Future - Allen Frances and Thomas Widiger Psychological Testing and Psychological Assessment: A Review of Evidence and Issues - Gregory Meyer et al. Race Bias, Social Class Bias, and Gender Bias in Clinical Judgment - Howard Garb The Smartphone Psychology Manifesto - Geoffrey Miller VOLUME TWO: ANXIETY, MOOD & TRAUMA-RELATED DISORDERS Part One: Anxiety Disorders & OCD: Introduction The Epidemiology of Anxiety Disorders: Prevalence and Societal Costs - J. Lepine Cognitive Vulnerability to Emotional Disorders - Andrew Mathews and Colin McLeod Part Two: Specific Phobias Phobias and Preparedness - Martin Seligman The Etiology of Specific Phobias: A Review - Harald Merckelbach et al. Part Three: Panic Disorder & Agoraphobia A Cognitive Approach to Panic - David Clark The Role of Anxiety Sensitivity in the Pathogenesis of Panic: Prospective Evaluation of Spontaneous Panic Attacks during Acute Stress - Norman Schmidt, Darin Lerew and Robert Jackson Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: Fear of Fear or Fear of the Symptoms Produced by Hyperventilation? - Ronald Ley Part Four: Generalized Anxiety Disorder The empirical basis of generalized Anxiety Disorder - T. Brown, D. Barlow & M. Liebowitz Metacognitive Theory and Therapy for Worry and Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Review and Status - Adrian Wells Behavioral Expressions of Intolerance of Uncertainty in Worry: Experimental Findings - Robert Ladouceur, Frederic Talbot and Michel Dugas Part Five: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessional-Compulsive Problems: A Cognitive-Behavioural Analysis - Paul Salkovskis A Review of Obsessive Intrusive Thoughts in the General Population - Lisa-Marie Berry and Ben Laskey Part Six: Trauma-Related Disorders Pretrauma Risk Factors for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review of the Literature - Julia DiGangi et al. Does Early Psychological Intervention Promote Recovery from Posttraumatic Stress? - Richard McNally, Richard Bryant and Anke Ehlers Part Seven: Major Depression Lifetime Prevalence Estimates of Major Depression: An Indirect Estimation Method and a Quantification of Recall Bias - Michelle Elisabeth Kruijshaar et al. Beyond Depression: Towards a Process-based Approach to Research, Diagnosis, and Treatment - Marie Forgeard et al. Attributional Style as a Vulnerability Factor for Depression: Validation by Past History of Mood Disorders - Lauren Alloy, Alan Lipman and Lyn Abramson Part Eight: Bipolar Disorder The Precipitants of Manic/Hypomanic Episodes in the Context of Bipolar Disorder: A Review - Judith Proudfoot et al. Arguments for the Genetic Basis of the Bipolar Spectrum - John Kelsoe VOLUME THREE: PSYCHOSIS & PERSONALITY DISORDERS Part One: Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders The Personal Impact of Schizophrenia in Europe - Graham Thornicroft et al. On Being Sane in Insane Places - D. Rosenhan Crises and Life Changes and Onset of Schizophrenia - George Brown and J. Birley A New Look at the Neural Diathesis-Stress Model of Schizophrenia: The Primacy of Social-Evaluative and Uncontrollable Situations - Simon Jones and Charles Fernyhough Schizophrenia Genetics: Where Next? - Yunjung Kim et al. Glutamate and Dopamine Dysregulation in Schizophrenia - A Synthesis and Selective Review - James Stone, Paul Morrison and Lyn Pilowsky Synapse-Specific Contributions in the Cortical Pathology of Schizophrenia - Saurav Seshadri, Mariela Zeledon and Akira Sawa Biased Cognition in Psychosis - George Savulich, Sukhwinder Shergill and Jenny Yiend Parental Socio-Economic Status and Risk of First Admission with Schizophrenia: A Danish National Register Based Study - Majella Byrne et al. Post-Hospital Adjustment of Chronic Mental Patients - G. Brown, G. Carstairs and Gillian Topping Part Two: Personality Disorders A Meta-Analytic Review of the Relationships between the Five-Factor Model and DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders: A Facet Level Analysis - Douglas Samuel and Thomas Widiger Serious Mental Disorder in 23 000 Prisoners: A Systematic Review of 62 Surveys - Seena Fazel and John Danesh Personality Disorders: A Nation-based Perspective on Prevalence - R. Sansone and L. Sansone A Study of Anxiety in the Sociopathic Personality - David Lykken Schema Modes and Childhood Abuse in Borderline and Antisocial Personality Disorders - Jill Lobbestael, Arnoud Arntz and Simkje Sieswerda VOLUME FOUR: SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCY & EATING DISORDERS (12 ARTICLES) Part One: Substance Dependency Substance Misuse and Psychiatric Illness: Prospective Observational Study Using the General Practice Research Database - Martin Frisher et al. Human Psychobiology of MDMA or 'Ecstasy': an overview of 25 years of empirical research - Andrew Parrott Evidence for Controlled Heroin Use? Low Levels of Negative Health and Social Outcomes among Non-Treatment Heroin Users in Glasgow (Scotland) - David Shewan and Phil Dalgarno The Influence of Group Identification on the Adoption of Peer Group Smoking Norms - Penelope Schofield et al. Molecular Basis of Long-Term Plasticity Underlying Addiction - Eric Nestler Sensory Imagery in Craving: From Cognitive Psychology to New Treatments for Addiction - Jackie Andrade, Jon May and David Kavanagh Part Two: Eating Disorders Prevalence, Incidence, Impairment, and Course of the Proposed DSM-5 Eating Disorder Diagnoses in an 8-year Prospective Community Study of Young Women - Eric Stice, Nathan Marti and Paul Rohde Are Eating Disorders Culture-Bound Syndromes? Implications for Conceptualising Their Etiology - Pamela Keel and Kelly Klump Time Trends in Eating Disorder Incidence - Laura Currin et al. Causes of Eating Disorders - Janet Polivy and C. Peter Herman Parental High Concern and Adolescent-Onset Anorexia Nervosa: A Case-Control Study to Investigate Direction of Causality - Philip Shoebridge and Simon Gowers An Evaluation of the Transdiagnostic Cognitive-Behavioural Model of Eating Disorders - Amy Lampard et al. VOLUME FIVE: THE TREATMENT OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Part One: Psychological Treatments Application of Operant Conditioning to Reinstate Verbal Behavior in Psychotics - W. Isaacs, J. Thomas and I. Goldiamond An Evaluation of Aversive Treatment of Alcoholism - F. Lemere and W. Voegtlin Cognitive Models of Depression - A. Beck Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and the Psychopathology of Schizophrenia: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - Giles Newton-Howes and Rebecca Wood Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy: A Promising New Approach to Preventing Depressive Relapse - J. Mark Williams and Willem Kuyken A Metacognitive Model and Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Adrian Wells Families and Individual Development: Provocations from the Field of Family Therapy - Patricia Minuchin How Does EMDR Work? - Marcel van den Hout and Iris Engelhard Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder - Marsha Linehan Empirically Supported Psychological Interventions: Controversies and Evidence - Dianne Chambless and Thomas Ollendick Studying the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy - Neil Jacobson and Andrew Christenson Part Two: Biological Treatments The Appropriateness of Routine Medication Treatment for Schizophrenia - Alexander Young et al. Pharmacological Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder - D. Baldwin, K. Ajel and M. Garner Factors Affecting Return of Symptoms 1 Year after Treatment in a 62-Week Controlled Study of Fluoxetine in Major Depression - Frederick Reimherr et al. Efficacy of Drug Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - David Baldwin, Robert Woods and David Taylor Do Antidepressants Cause Suicidality in Children? A Bayesian Meta-Analysis - Eloise Kaizar et al. Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials of Antidepressants for Acute Major Depression: Thirty Year Meta-Analytic Review - Juan Undurraga and Ross Baldessarini