Marco Lehmann is a psychologist and music psychologist. He works as a researcher and consultant for empirical methods at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. He obtained his diploma in psychology at the University of Kiel, Germany, and his M. Sc. in Music Psychology at Keele University, UK. He completed his PhD at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, Germany. Throughout his work as an empirical researcher, he maintained a strong affiliation with statistics and R programming. With his expertise in applied research he taught young researchers from several scientific domains how R figures in all steps of data analysis. If Marco is not programming R in his leisure time he plays guitar and bass guitar. He lives with his wife and two daughters near Hamburg, Germany.
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Chapter 1: Quick Start - Basic Training in R Functions Chapter 2: Getting Your Data In and Out of R Chapter 3: Preparing the Data for Analysis Chapter 4: Descriptive and Exploratory Data Analysis Chapter 5: Graphical Data Analysis Chapter 6: Inferential Statistics I: A Completely Randomised Factorial Design Chapter 7: Inferential Statistics II: A Multiple Regression Analysis Chapter 8: Preparing Tables for Publication Chapter 9: Preparing Graphics for Publication Chapter 10: Data Simulation Chapter 11: Putting It All Together: The Structure of a Statistical Analysis