VOLUME ONE: ACCESS TO MODERN MARKETING Chinese Consumers' Evaluation of Foreign Products: The Influence of Culture, Product Types and Product Presentation Format - Yong Zhang Emerging Lifestyles in China and Consequences for Perception of Advertising, Buying Behaviour and Consumption Preferences - Ran Wei The Animosity Model of Foreign Product Purchase: An Empirical Test in the People's Republic of China - Jill Klein, Richard Ettenson and Marlene Morris Marketing and Negotiating in the People's Republic of China: Perceptions of US Businessmen Who Attended the Canton Fair - James Brunner and George Taoka Chinese Cultural Values: Their Dimensions and Marketing Implications - Oliver Yau Advertising, Propaganda, and Value Change in Economic Development: The New Cultural Revolution in China and Attitudes toward Advertising - Richard Pollay, David Tse and Zheng-Yuan Wang Cultural Values Reflected in Chinese and U.S. Television Commercials - Hong Cheng and John Schweitzer Controllable Factors of New Product Success: A Cross-National Comparison - Roger Calantone, Jeffrey Schmidt and X. Michael Song Differences in "Cultural Values" and Their Effects on Responses to Marketing Stimuli: A Cross-Cultural Study between Australians and Chinese from the People's Republic of China - Anthony Chun-Tung Lowe and David Corkindale Guanxi: Connections as Substitutes for Formal Institutional Support - Katherine Xin and Jone Pearce A Relationship Marketing Approach to Guanxi - Jose Gomez Arias Does Culture Matter? A Cross-Cultural Study of Executives' Choice, Decisiveness, and Risk Adjustment in International Marketing - David Tse, Kam-hon Lee, Ilan Vertinsky and Donald Wehrung Partner Selection and Venturing Success: The Case of Joint Ventures with Firms in the People's Republic of China - Yadong Luo Selling Machinery to China: Chinese Perceptions of Strategies and Relationships - Norman McGuinness, Nigel Campbell and James Leontiades VOLUME TWO: APPLICATION OF WESTERN MARKETING IN CHINA Gift Giving in Hong Kong and the Continuum of Social Ties - Annamma Joy Executive Insights: Emerging Market Segments in a Transitional Economy: A Study of Urban Consumers in China - Geng Cui and Qiming Liu The Impact of Order and Mode of Market Entry on Profitability and Market Share - Yigang Pan, Shaomin Li and David Tse The Market Orientation of Chinese Enterprises during a Time of Transition - Shengliang Deng and Jack Dart Executive Insights: Marketing Strategy in Emerging Markets: The Case of China - Peter Walters and Saeed Samiee Managing Direct Selling Activities in China: A Cultural Explanation - Sherriff Luk, Lorna Fullgrabe and Stephen Li Product Stereotypes, Strategy and Performance Satisfaction: The Case of Chinese Exporters - Lance Brouthers and Kefeng Xu Creating Local Brands in Multilingual International Markets - Shi Zhang and Bernd Schmitt Relationship Marketing in China: Guanxi, Favoritism and Adaptation - Y. Wong and Ricky Chan Managerial Ties and Firm Performance in a Transition Economy: The Nature of a Micro-Macro Link - Mike Peng and Yadong Luo When Does Trust Matter? Antecedents and Contingent Effects of Supervisee Trust on Performance in Selling New Products in China and the United States - Kwaku Atuahene-Gima and Haiyang Li Antecedents of Green Purchases: A Survey in China - Ricky Chan and Lorett Lau E-commerce in China: Changing Business as We Know It - George Haley VOLUME THREE: RAPID GROWTH OF MARKETING IN CHINA When Does Culture Matter? Effects of Personal Knowledge on the Correction of Culture-based Judgments - Donnel Briley and Jennifer Aaker The Effects of Strategic Orientations on Technology and Market-based Breakthrough Innovations - Kevin Zheng Zhou, Chi Kin Yim and David Tse Resolving the Capability-Rigidity Paradox in New Product Innovation - Kwaku Atuahene-Gima Market Share Performance of Foreign and Domestic Brands in China - Gerald Gao, Yigang Pan, David Tse and Chi Kin Yim When Does Guanxi Matter? Issues of Capitalization and Its Dark Sides - Flora Gu, Kineta Hung and David Tse Drivers of Success for Market Entry into China and India - Joseph Johnson and Gerard Tellis Market Orientation, Job Satisfaction, Product Quality, and Firm Performance: Evidence from China - Kevin Zheng Zhou, Julie Li, Nan Zhou and Chenting Su Guanxi, Trust, and Long-Term Orientation in Chinese Business Markets - Don Lee and Philip Dawes Back from the Brink: Why Customers Stay - Mark Colgate, Vicky Tong, Christina Lee and John Farley When Does the Service Process Matter? A Test of Two Competing Theories - Michael Hui, Xiande Zhao, Xiucheng Fan and Kevin Au An Integrated Framework for Service Quality, Customer Value, Satisfaction: Evidence from China's Telecommunication Industry - Yonggui Wang, Hing-Po Lo and Yongheng Yang Service Loyalty: An Integrative Model and Examination across Service Contexts - Xiaoyun Han, Robert J. Kwortnik, Jr and Chunxiao Wang Determinants of Chinese Hotel Customers' E-satisfaction and Purchase Intentions - Woo Gon Kim, Xiaojing Ma and Dong Jin Kim Conscious and Nonconscious Components of Superstitious Beliefs in Judgment and Decision Making - Thomas Kramer and Lauren Block Politicizing Consumer Culture: Advertising's Appropriation of Political Ideology in China's Social Transition - Xin Zhao and Russell Belk Relational Ties or Customized Contracts? An Examination of Alternative Governance Choices in China - Kevin Zhou, Laura Poppo and Zhilin Yang VOLUME FOUR: PROSPERITY OF MARKETING IN CHINA How Do Price Fairness Perceptions Differ across Culture? - Lisa Bolton, Hean Tat Keh and Joseph Alba Harmonization Processes and Relational Meanings in Constructing Asian Weddings - Thuc-Doan Nguyen and Russell Belk Interpersonal Influence as an Alternative Channel Communication Behavior in Emerging Markets: The Case of China - Chenting Su, Zhilin Yang, Guijun Zhuang, Nan Zhou and Wenyu Dou Dealing with Institutional Distances in International Marketing Channels: Governance Strategies that Engender Legitimacy and Efficiency - Zhilin Yang, Chenting Su and Kim-Shyan Fam Observer Effects of Punishment in a Distribution Network - Danny Wang, Flora Gu and Maggie Dong Firm Value Creation through Major Channel Expansions: Evidence from an Event Study in the United States, Germany and China - Christian Homburg, Josef Vollmayr and Alexander Hahn The Use of Western Brands in Asserting Chinese National Identity - Lily Dong and Kelly Tian Cultural Orientation and Brand Dilution: Impact of Motivation Level and Extension Typicality - Sharon Ng Is Product Imitation Good for Firm Performance? An Examination of Product Imitation Types and Contingency Factors - Ruby Lee and Kevin Zheng Zhou McDonald's and KFC in China: Competitors or Companions? - Qiaowei Shen and Ping Xiao The Effects of Business and Political Ties on Firm Performance Evidence from China - Shibin Sheng, Kevin Zheng Zhou and Julie Li How Foreign Firms Curtail Local Supplier Opportunism in China: Detailed Contracts, Centralized Control, and Relational Governance - Kevin Zheng Zhou and Dean Xu Other-customer Failure: Effects of Perceived Employee Effort and Compensation on Complainer and Non-complainer Service Evaluations - Wen-Hsien Huang "Tailoring" Customization Services- Effects of Customization Mode and Consumer Regulatory Focus - Yonggui Wang, Jay Kandampully and He (Michael) Jia A Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Analysis of Social Networking Services Continuance - Huanhuan Cao, Jinhu Jiang, Lih-Bin Oh, Hao Li, Xiuwu Liao and Zhiwu Chen