Rod Parker-Rees is the co-ordinator of Early Childhood Studies and joint programme director for the BA (Hons) ECS at the University of Plymouth, where he also helped to develop the Early Childhood Studies Specialist pathway on the Bed and the BA (Hons) degree in ECS. Before he taught three to five year-old children in Bristol and conducted research with the National Primary Centre (South West). His research interests centre on playfulness, early communication and the role of young children as active social agents. Dr Caroline Leeson is Associate Professor in Early Childhood Studies at Plymouth University. She has particular interests in the welfare of looked after children, children's centre leadership and reflective practice and enjoys working with students towards their goal of being strong advocates for young children and their families. Her research interests are in social justice; children with a parent in prison; children who go missing and/or are vulnerable to sexual exploitation and the involvement of children in decision making processes. She is also active in researching the articulation of leadership in early years settings. Before working in higher education she worked as a social worker in child protection, fostering and adoption and was the leader of a family centre for a period of time. This experience proved particularly profound as she learnt the importance of communication, collaboration and the joy of spending time in the home corner making stone soup.
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Introduction - Rod Parker-Rees Understanding children's development - Becky McKenzie Play - Mandy Andrews Developing Communication - Rod Parker-Rees Children's well-being and spirituality - Philip Selbie and Becky McKenzie Observing Children - Karen Wickett and Mandy Andrews Working with parents - Marie Lavelle Providing enabling environments - Philip Selbie and Karen Wickett Tackling inequalities in the early years - Ulrike Hohmann Inclusive Practice in the early years - Mandy Andrews and Sofia Chanda-Gool Working with Colleagues - Caroline Leeson and Valerie Huggins Leadership in Early Childhood settings - Caroline Leeson and Valerie Huggins Adults' Concepts of Childhood - Rod Parker-Rees The benefits of comparison - Ulrike Hohmann Children's well-being in the developing world - Rebecca Carter Dillon and Valerie Huggins The Research, Policy, Practice triangle - Verity Campbell-Barr In praise of reflective practice - Caroline Leeson Research projects in Early Childhood Studies - Ulrike Hohmann and Christoforos Mamas Action Research - Ulrike Hohmann and Karen Wickett