Common Mental Health Problems


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By: Edited by David Pilgrim
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David Pilgrim is Honorary Professor of Health and Social Policy, University of Liverpool, UK and Visiting Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Southampton. After training and working as a clinical psychologist he completed a PhD examining psychotherapy in the organisational setting of the British NHS. He then went on to complete a Master's in sociology. He has worked at the boundary between clinical psychology and medical sociology for the past 20 years and has produced over 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals, based upon his research into mental health policy and practice. His years working in the British NHS provided him with extensive everyday experience of the theoretical and policy aspects of mental health expressed in practical settings. One of his books, A Sociology of Mental Health and Illness (3rd edition, Open University Press, 2005), co-authored with Anne Rogers, won the British Medical Association's medical book of the year award for 2006. Currently he is writing a book on child sexual abuse and public policy.

VOLUME ONE: MISERY ACROSS TIME AND PLACE Melancholia and Depression during the 19th Century: A Conceptual History - G.E. Berrios Neurosis, Psychodynamics and DSM-III: A History of the Controversy - R. Bayer and R. Spitzer DSM-III and the Transformation of American Psychiatry: A History - Mitchell Wilson A Comparison of DSM-IV and DSM-5 Panel Members' Financial Associations with Industry: A Pernicious Problem Persists - Lisa Cosgrove and Sheldon Krimsky Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health - Pamela Collins, Vikram Patel, Sarah Joestl, Dana March, Thomas Insel and Abdallah Daar Selfhood and Identity in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Hinduism: Contrasts with the West - David Ho Maps, Models and Narratives: The Ways People Talk about Depression - Renata Kokanovic, Ella Butler, Hariz Halilovich, Victoria Palmer, Frances Griffiths, Christopher Dowrick and Jane Gunn Culture, Relativism and the Expression of Mental Distress: South Asian Women in Britain - Steve Fenton and Azra Sadiq-Sangster Culture and Mental Health: An Overview - A. Marsella Universal Mental Health: Re-Evaluating the Call for Global Mental Health - Anindya Das and Mohan Rao Development, Freedom, and Rising Happiness: A Global Perspective (1981-2007) - Ronald Inglehart, Roberto Foa, Christopher Peterson and Christian Welzel The Tavistock Programme: The Government of Subjectivity and Social Life - Peter Miller and Nikolas Rose Depression and Mental Health in Neoliberal Times: A Critical Analysis of Policy and Discourse - Katherine Teghtsoonian Depressive Disorders in Europe: Prevalence Figures from the ODIN Study - J.L. Ayuso-Mateos et al. Global Burden of Depression: The Intersection of Culture and Medicine - Jan Scott and Barbara Dickey Should Uncomplicated Bereavement-related Depression Be Reclassified as a Disorder in DSM-5? - Jerome Wakefield VOLUME TWO: MEDICAL APPROACHES TO COMMON MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS Neurosis Divisible? - P. Tyrer The Failure of Diagnostic Psychiatry and Some Prospects of Scientific Progress Offered by Critical Realism - David Pilgrim The Medicalisation of Misery: A Critical Realist Analysis of the Concept of Depression - David Pilgrim and Richard Bentall The Uses of Naming and the Origin of the Myth of Mental Illness - Thomas Szasz Prevalence, Severity and Comorbidity of Twelve-month DSM-IV Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCSR) - Ronald Kessler, Wai Tat Chiu, Olga Demler and Ellen Walters An Inventory for Measuring Depression - A.T. Beck et al. The Structure of the Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for Six Major Psychiatric Disorders in Women: Phobia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Bulimia, Major Depression, and Alcoholism - Kenneth Kendler, Ellen Walters, Michael Neale, Ronald Kessler, Andrew Heath and Lindon Eaves Research into Putative Biological Mechanisms of Mental Disorders Has Been of No Value to Clinical Psychiatry - David Kingdon and Allan Young Experiencing Depression, Experiencing the Depressed: The Separate Worlds of Patients and Doctors - Anne Rogers, Carl May and Dianne Oliver Initial Severity and Antidepressant Benefits: A Meta-analysis of Data Submitted to the Food and Drug Administration - Irving Kirsch, Brett Deacon, Tania Huedo-Medina, Alan Scoboria, Thomas Moore and Blair Johnson Medicalising Unhappiness: New Classification of Depression Risks More Patients Being Put on Drug Treatment from Which They Will Not Benefit - Christopher Dowrick and Allen Frances Anatomy of an Epidemic: Psychiatric Drugs and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America - Robert Whitaker What Is the Relationship between Diabetes and Depression? A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis of Patient Experience of Co-Morbidity - Linda Gask, Wendy Macdonald and Peter Bower Should Global Burden of Disease Estimates Include Depression as a Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease? - Fiona Charlson, Nicholas Stapelberg, Amanda Baxter and Harvey Whiteford The Association between Emotional Wellbeing and the Incidence of Stroke in Older Adults - Glenn Oster et al. VOLUME THREE: PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO COMMON MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS Mourning and Melancholia Revisited: Correspondences between Principles of Freudian Metapsychology and Empirical Findings in Neuropsychiatry - Robin Carhart-Harris, Helen Mayberg, Andrea Malizia and David Nutt The Centrality of Personal Relationships in the Creation and Amelioration of Mental Health Problems: The Current Interdisciplinary Case - David Pilgrim, Anne Rogers and Richard Bentall Mother-infant Separation in Monkeys - Billy Seay, Ernst Hansen and Harry Harlow Psychopathology in a Large Cohort of Sexually Abused Children Followed up to 43 Years - Margaret Cutajar, Paul Mullen, James Ogloff, Stuart Thomas, David Wells and Josie Spataro 'When Strangers Meet': John Bowlby and Harry Harlow on Attachment Behaviour - Frank van Der Horst, Helen LeRoy and Rene van der Veer Experimental Neuroses - Ivan Pavlov Concerning Human and Animal Neuroses - Ivan Pavlov A Dynamic Theory of Anxiety and Hysteria - H. Eysenck Conditioned Emotional Reactions - John Watson and Rosalie Raynor Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition - J. Wolpe Moving beyond Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - Paul Gilbert Heinz Kohut and Carl Rogers: A Timely Comparison - Edwin Kahn The Origins of Attachment Theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth - Inge Bretherton Technologies of the Self - Michel Foucault The "Third Wave" Behavior Therapies in Context - Brandon Gaudiano The Depression Report: A New Deal for Depression and Anxiety Disorders - Lord Layard et al. The Effects of Psychotherapy: Negative Results Revisited - Allen Bergin Negative Effects from Psychological Treatments: A Perspective - David Barlow How to Define, Find and Classify Side Effects in Psychotherapy: From Unwanted Events to Adverse Treatment Reactions - Michael Linden VOLUME FOUR: THE SOCIAL CONTEXT OF COMMON MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS Socioeconomic Inequalities in Depression: A Meta-Analysis - V. Lorant, D. Dellege, W. Eaton, A. Robert, P. Phillppot and M. Ansseau Social Inequalities in Depressive Symptoms and Physical Functioning in the Whitehall II Study: Exploring a Common Cause Explanation - S. Stansfeld, J. Head, R. Fuhrer, J. Wardle and V. Cattell Psychosocial Work Environment and Mental Health - A Meta-analytic Review - Stephen Stansfeld and Bridget Candy Poverty, Unemployment and Common Mental Health Disorders: Population Based Cohort Study - Scott Weich and Glyn Lewis Debt and Depression: Causal Links and Social Norm Effects - John Gathergood Job Insecurity and Psychological Well-Being: Review of the Literature and Exploration of Some Unresolved Issues - Hans De Witte Area, Class and Health: Should We Be Focusing on Places or People? - Sally Macintyre, Sheila Maciver and Anne Sooman Loss, Humiliation and Entrapment among Women Developing Depression: A Patient and Non-Patient Comparison - G.W. Brown, T.O. Harris and C. Hepworth Gender and Depression in Men - Michael Addis Racism, Psychosis and Common Mental Disorder among Ethnic Minority Groups in England - Saffron Karlsen, James Nazroo, Kwame McKenzie, Kamaldeep Bhui and Scott Weich Social Origins of Depression in Old Age - Elaine Murphy Exposure to Community Violence and Social Support as Predictors of Anxiety and Social and Emotional Behavior among African American Children - Hope Hill, Monique Levermore, James Twaite and Lauren Jones Conceptual, Methodological, and Theoretical Problems in Studying Social Support as a Buffer against Life Stress - Peggy Thoits Social Ties and Mental Health - Ichiro Kawachi and Lisa Berkman Capital and Mental Health: A Multilevel Analysis - Tsuyoshi Hamano, Yoshikazu Fujisawa, Yu Ishida, S.V. Subramanian, Ichiro Kawachi and Kuninori Shiwaku

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