Professor Stephen Palmer PhD is an award winning psychologist and psychotherapist. He is Founder Director of the Centre for Stress Management, London. He is the UK's first Visiting Professor of Work Based Learning and Stress Management at Middlesex University. He has authored/edited over 50 books including The Beginner's Guide to Counselling and Psychotherapy (Sage, 2015). He is Co-editor of the European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice. Currently he is Honorary President of the International Stress Management Association; President of the International Society for Coaching Psychology; Founder Co-Chair of the London Branch of the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies; a Founder Director and Vice President of the Society of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and a Director and Deputy Chair of the Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. His interests include jazz, art and coastal walking.
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VOLUME ONE: THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THEORIES: STRESS A Syndrome Produced by Diverse Nocuous Agents - Hans Selye Does Fight or Flight Need Updating? - H. Bracha et al. Freeze, Flight, Fright, Faint: Adaptationist Perspectives on the Acute Stress Response Spectrum - H. Stefan Bracha Protective and Damaging Effects of Stress Mediators - Bruce McEwen Memory Formation under Stress: Quantity and Quality - Lars Schwabe, Oliver Wolf and Melly Oitzi Searching for the Structure of Coping: A Review and Critique of Category Systems for Classifying Ways of Coping - Ellen Skinner, Kathleen Edge, Jeffrey Altman and Hayley Sherwood Job Burnout: New Directions in Research and Intervention - Christina Maslach Does the stress in Childhood and Adolescence Matter? A Psychological Perspective - Bernard Lau Why Should Men and Women Marry and Have Children? Parenthood, Marital Status and Self-perceived Stress among Canadians - Ali Muhammad and Alain Gagnon The Role of Gender in Workplace Stress: A Critical Literature Review - Kristina Gyllensten and Stephen Palmer Understanding the Relationship between Work Stress and U.S. Research institutions Failure to Retain Underrepresented Minority (URM) Faculty - Ruth Enid Zambrana The Wear and Tear of Daily Stressors on Mental Health - Jacqueline Mogle, Martin Sliwinski and David Almeida Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress: An Integrative Theoretical Approach to Work Stress - James Meurs and Pamela Perrewe Association of Psychosocial Risk Factors with Risk of Acute Myocardinal Infarction in 11119 Cases and 13648 Controls from 52 Countries (The Interheart Study): Case-Control Study - Annika Rosengren, Steven Hawken, Stephanie Ounpuu, Karen Sliwa, Mohammad Zubaid, Wael Almahmeed, Kathleen Blackett, Chitr Sitthi-amorn, Hiroshi Sato and Salim Yusuf Job Stress in National Health Service managers: A Qualitative Exploration of the Stressor-Strain Health Relationship. The 'fit' and 'unfit' manager - Dinah Jenkins and Stephen Palmer The Relative Impact of Workplace Bullying as a Social Stressors At Work - Lars Johan Hauge, Anders Skogstrand and Stale Einarsen Working Life and Mental Health - A Challenge To Psychiatry? - Lennart Levi VOLUME TWO: THE MEASUREMENT OF STRESS Long-term Stability of Depression, Anxiety and Stress Syndromes - Peter Lovibond The Short-form version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21): Construct validity and normative Data in a Large Non-Clinical Sample - Julie Henry and John Crawford The Development of a Six-Item Short-Form of the State Scale of the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) - Theresa Marteau and Hilary Bekker Psychometric Properties and Standardised Data for Questionnaires Measuring Negative Affect, Dispositional Style and Daily Hassles. A Nation-Wide Sample - Berit Scott and Lennart Melin Confirmation of the Dimensional Structure of the SCL-90: A Study in Construct Validation - Leonard Derogatis and Patricia Cleary The Validity of Two Versions of the Ghq in the Who Study Of Mental Illness in General Health Care - D.P. Goldberg, R. Gater, N. Sartorius, T.B. Ustun, M. Piccinelli, O. Gureje and C. Rutter Validity of the GHQ and SCL anxiety and Depression Scales: A Comparative Study - Maarten Koeter Stress Mapping: A Visual Technique to Aid Counselling or Training - Stephen Palmer 'Management standards' and work-related stress in the UK: Policy Background and Science - Colin Mackay, Rosanna Cousins, Peter Kelly, Steve Lee and Ron McCaig 'Management Standards' and Work-Related Stress in the UK: Practical Development - Rosanna Cousins, Colin Mackay, Simon Clarke, Chris Kelly, Peter Kelly and Ron McCaig Modelling Occupational Stress and Employee Health and Wellbeing in a Chinese Higher Education Institution - Xiaoli Sang, Stephen Teo, Cary Cooper and Philip Bohle Occupational Stress in Romanian Intensive Care Nurses: A Multicentric Study - MirelaBidilica, VioricaNedelcu, Raluca Sfetcu, Daniela Ionescu and Dan Corneci Psychosocial Risks and Work-related Stress in Developing Countries: The Need for a Multilevel Intervention Framework - Evelyn Kortum and Stavroula Leka An Example of a Stress Policy - HSE The Measurement of Effort-Reward Imbalance At Work: European Comparisons - Johannes Siegrist, Dagmar Starke, Tarani Chandola, Isabelle Godin, Michael Marmot, Isabelle Niedhammer and Richard Peter Ten Years On: A Review of Recent Research on the Job Demand-Control (-Support) Model and Psychological Well-Being - Jan Haeusser , Andreas Mojzisch , Miriam Niesel and Stefan Schulz-Hardt Systematic Review: Work-related stress and the HSE Management Standards - K. Brookes, C. Limbert, C. Deacy, A. O'Reilly, S. Scott and K. Thirlaway New, Normative, English-Sample Data for the Short Form Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-4) - Sheryl Warttig, Mark Forshaw, Jane South and Alan White VOLUME THREE: THE MANAGEMENT OF STRESS (INDIVIDUAL, GROUP, ORGANISATIONAL AND COMMUNITY) Comprehensive Knowledge for Stress Management Practitioners - ISMA UK Stress Management for Employees: An Evidence Based Approach - Stephen Palmer and Kristina Gyllensten Working with a Client Suffering from Workplace Stress in a Primary Care Setting: A Cognitive Behavioural Case Study - KristinaGyllensten and Stephen Palmer PRACTICE: A Model Suitable for Coaching, Counselling, Psychotherapy and Stress Management - Stephen Palmer Coping Imagery - Stephen Palmer Inference Chaining: A Rational Coaching Technique - Stephen Palmer Rational Coaching: A Cognitive Behavioural Approach - Stephen Palmer Rational Coaching with Perfectionistic Leaders to Overcome Avoidance of Leadership Responsibilities - Victoria Ellam-Dyson and Stephen Palmer SPACE: A Psychological Model for Use within Cognitive and Behavioural Coaching, Therapy and Stress Management - Nick Edgerton and Stephen Palmer Reducing Stress in the Workplace - Stephen Palmer Effects of Low-Dose Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR-ld) on Working Adults - Maryanna Klatt, Janet Buckworth and William Malarkey Gardening Promotes Neuroendocrine and Affective Restoration from Stress - Agnes Van Den Berg and Mariette Custers Job Strain as a Risk Factor for Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity: An Individual Participant Meta-analysis of up to 170 000 Men and Women - Eleonor Fransson et al A Positive Affect Intervention for People Experiencing Health-Related Stress: Development and Non-Randomized Pilot Test - Judith Tedlie Moskowitz et al. Process Evaluation for Organizational Stress and Well-Being Interventions: Implications for Theory Methods and Practice - Caroline Biron and Maria Karanika-Murray Evaluating organizational-level work stress interventions: Beyond traditional methods - Tom Cox, Maria Karanika, Amanda Griffiths and Jonathan Houdmont The Benefits of Interventions for Work-Related Stress - Jac van der Klink, Roland Blonk, Aart Schene and Frank van Dijk Autopsy of a Failure: Evaluating Process and Contextual Issues in an Organizational-Level Work Stress Intervention - Caroline Biron, Caroline Gatrell and Cary Cooper Stress Reduction Through Psychoeducation: A Meta-Analytic Review - Tom Van Daele, Dirk Hermans, Chantal Van Audenhove and Omer Van den Bergh Perceived Organizational Support as a Moderator in the Relationship Between Organizational stressors and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors - Ajay Jain, Sabir Giga and Cary Cooper Perceptions of stress and Stress Interventions in Finance Organizations: Overcoming Resistance Towards Counselling - Kristina Gyllensten, Stephen Palmer and Jacqui Farrants Internet-Based Course for the Management of Stress for Junior High Schools - Helen Van Vliet and Gavin Andrews A Multimodal Assessment and Rational Emotive Behavioural Approach to Stress Counselling: A Case Study - Dinah Jenkins and Stephen Palmer VOLUME FOUR: THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THEORIES: RESILIENCE AND WELLBEING Part One:Theory of Resilience Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Protective Factors and Resistance to Psychiatric Disorder - Michael Rutter Psychological Resilience: A Review and Critique of Definitions, Concepts, and Theory - David Fletcher and Mustafa Sarkar Editorial: Resilience - Ivan Robertson and Cary Cooper Resilience: A Meta-Analytic Approach - Ji Hee Lee, Suk Kyung Nam, A-Reum Kim, Boram Kim, Min Young Lee and Sang Min Lee Resilience in Mental Health: Linking Psychological and Neurobiological Perspectives - Bart Rutten et al. Psychobiology and Molecular Genetics of Resilience - Adriana Feder, Eric Nestler and Dennis Charney Toward a Definition of Family Resilience: Integrating Life-Span Family Perspectives - Dale Hawley and Laura DeHaan Levels of Resilience: Associations among Individual, Community, and National Resilience - Shaul Kimhi Part Two: Wellbeing Understanding and Researching Wellbeing: Its Usage in Different Disciplines and Potential for Health Research and Health Promotion - Anna Cronin de Chavez, Kathryn Backett-Milburn, Odette Parry and Stephen Platt Discourse on Wellbeing in Research and Practice - Vincent La Placa, Allan McNaught and Anneyce Knight Positive Psychological Wellbeing and Mortality: A Quantitative Review of Prospective Observational Studies - Yoichi Chida and Andrew Steptoe Effect of Potentially Modifiable Risk Factors Associated with Myocardinal Infarction in 52 Countries (The INTERHEART Study): Case-Control Study - Salim Yusuf et al. Stress-Induced Obesity and the Emotional Nervous System - Mary Dallman Conceptualizing, Measuring and Nurturing Hope - Charles Snyder Hope and Goal Attainment: Testing a Basic Prediction of Hope Theory - David Feldman, Kevin Rand and Kristin Kahle-Wrobleski A Meta-Analysis of Hope Enhancement Strategies in Clinical and Community Settings - Robert Weis and Elena Speridakos The Health Benefits of Urban Green Spaces: A Review of the Evidence - Andrew Lee and Ravi Maheswaran VOLUME FIVE: THE MEASUREMENT OF RESILIENCE AND WELLBEING Part One: The Measurement of Resilience A Methodological Review of Resilience Measurement Scales - Gill Windle, Kate Bennett and Jane Noyes A Review of Instruments Measuring Resilience - Nancy Ahern, Ermalynn Kiehl, Mary Lou Sole and Jacqueline Byers Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Resilience Scale - Gail Wagnhild and Heather Young Development of a New Resilience Scale: The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale - Kathryn Connor and Jonathan Davidson Psychometric Analysis and Refinement of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale: Validation of a 10-Item Measure of Resilience - Laura Campbell-Sills and Murray Stein The Development and Validation of the Inventory of Family Protective Factors: A Brief Assessment for Family Counseling - Deborah Gardner, Charles Huber, Robert Steiner, Luis Vazquez and Todd Savage Part Two: The Measurement of Wellbeing Conceptual Domains Included in Wellbeing and Life Satisfaction Instruments: A Review - Sherma Charlemagne-Badal, Jerry Lee, Terry Butler and Gary Fraser Happiness, Culture, and Context - Gordon Mathews The Comprehensive Quality of Life Scale (ComQol): Instrument Development and Psychometric Evaluation on College Staff and Students - Robert Cummins, Marita McCabe, Yolanda Romeo and Eleonora Gullone The Will and the Ways: Development and Validation of an Individual-Differences Measure of Hope - Charles Snyder et al. A Psychometric Comparison of Four Measures of Hope and Optimism - Lyndall Steed The World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL): Development and General Psychometric Properties - The WHOQOL Group The World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (QOL): Position Paper from the World Health Organization. - The WHOQOL Group Valid and Reliable Assessment of Wellness among Adolescents: Do You Know What You're Measuring? - Jerome Rachele, Tracey Washington, Thomas Cuddihy, Faisal Barwais and Steven McPhail New Well-Being Measures: Short Scales to Assess Flourishing and Positive and Negative Feelings - Ed Diener, Derrick Wirtz, William Tov, Chu Kim-Prieto, Dong-won Choi, Shigehiro Oishi and Robert Biswas-Diener VOLUME SIX: THE ENHANCEMENT OF RESILIENCE AND WELLBEING Part One: Interventions to Enhance Resilience Executive Coaching Enhances Goal Attainment, Resilience and Workplace Well-Being: A Randomised Controlled Study - Anthony Grant, Linley Curtayne and Geraldine Burton Experimental Analysis of a Web-Based Training Intervention to Develop Positive Psychological Capital - Fred Luthans, James Avey and Jaime Patera Self-Compassion and Psychological Resilience among Adolescents and Young Adults - Kristin Neff and Pittman McGehee Enhancing Resilience in the Workplace through the Practice of Caring Relationships - Sandra Wilson and Shann Ferch Part Two: Wellbeing - Interventions/Enhancement of Wellbeing Mindfulness Meditation and Curiosity: The Contributing Factors to Wellbeing and the Process of Closing the Self-Discrepancy Gap - Itai Ivtzan, Hannah Gardner and Zhanar Smailova Multimodal Coaching and Its Application to Workplace, Life and Health Coaching - Stephen Palmer Health Coaching: A Developing Field within Health Education - Stephen Palmer Multimodal Relaxation Method - Stephen Palmer Resilience Enhancing Imagery: A Cognitive Behavioural Technique Which Includes Resilience Undermining Thinking and Resilience Enhancing Thinking - Stephen Palmer The Judicious Use of Hypnosis in Coaching and Coaching Psychology Practice - Stephen Palmer OHP Interventions: Wellness Programs - Leigh Schmitt Organizational Wellness Programs: A Meta-Analysis - Kizzy Parks and Lisa Steelman Exploring Faculty Health and Wellbeing: Creating a Caring Scholarly Community - Sandra Mixer, Marilyn McFarland, Margaret Andrews and Cecily Strang Intervention Studies on Enhancing Work Well-Being, Reducing Burnout, and Improving Recovery Experiences among Hong Kong Health Care Workers and Teachers - Oi Ling Siu, Cary Cooper and David Phillips Are Techniques Used in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Applicable to Behavior Change Interventions Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour? - Imogen Hobbis and Stephen Sutton Coaching with Self-Determination in Mind: Using Theory to Advance Evidence-based Coaching Practice - Gordon Spence and Lindsay Oades Daily Recovery from Work-related Effort during Non-Work Time - Evangelia Demerouti, Arnold Bakker, Sabine Geurts and Toon Taris Work, Recovery Activities and Individual Well-Being: A Diary Study - Sabine Sonnentag Examining Group Walks in Nature and Multiple Aspects of Well-Being: A Large-Scale Study - Melissa Marselle, Katherine Irvine and Sara Warber The Coaching Ripple Effect: The Effects of Developmental Coaching on Wellbeing across Organisational Networks - Sean O'Connor and Michael Cavanagh