VOLUME ONE: CULTURAL SPECIFICITIES AND CROSS-CULTURAL COMMONALITIES Part One: Section A: European Management Construct and Concept European Management and European Business Schools: Insights from the History of Business Schools - Andreas Kaplan Will Management Become 'European'? Strategic Choice for Organizations - Keith Thurley and Hans Wirdenius "European Management" as a Construct - Celeste Wilderom, Ursula Glunk and Giorgio Inzerilli Developing Managers for Europe: A Re-examination of Crosscultural Differences - Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones How European Is Management in Europe? An Analysis of Past, Present and Future Management Practices in Europe - Markus Pudelko and Anne-Wil Harzing Part Two: Section B: European vs US Management Approach American vs European Management Philosophy - Otto Nowotny A Miss Manners Guide to Doing Business in Europe - John Hill and Ronald Dulek Towards a 'European' Model of Human Resource Management - Chris Brewster Redefining the Field of European Human Resource Management: A Battle between National Mindsets and Forces of Business Transition? - Paul Sparrow and Jean-Marie Hiltrop International Human Resource Policies and Practices in Japanese, European, and United States Multinationals - Rochelle Kopp Part Three: Section C: European vs National Management Styles Management Development in Europe: Do National Models Persist? - Alain Klarsfeld and Christopher Mabey Human Resource Management in Europe: Evidence from Ten Countries - Chris Brewster and Henrik Holt Larsen Institutional and Rational Determinants of Organizational Practices: Human Resource Management in European Firms - Paul Gooderham, Odd Nordhaug and Kristen Ringdal Cross-cultural Role Expectations in Nine European Country-units of a Multinational Enterprise - Leonardo Yaconi Strategic Human Resource Management in Germany: Evidence of Convergence to the U.S. Model, the European Model, or a Distinctive National Model? - Marion Festing VOLUME TWO: BUSINESS ETHICS AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Part One: Section A: European Business Ethics What Ethical Leadership Means to Me: Asian, American, and European Perspectives - Christian Resick, Gillian Maring, Mary Keating, Marcus Dickson, Ho Kwong Kwan and Chunyan Peng The Anatomy of Corporate Fraud: A Comparative Analysis of High Profile American and European Corporate Scandals - Bahram Soltani Teaching Business Ethics: Are There Differences within Europe, and Is There a European Difference? - Laura Spence How Business Schools Lost Their Way - Warren Bennis and John O'Toole Twenty Years of European Business Ethics - Past Developments and Future Concerns - Luc van Liederkerke and Wim Dubbink Part Two: Section B: European Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility: One Size Does Not Fit All. Collecting Evidence from Europe - Antonio Argandona and Heidi von Weltzien Hoivik Corporate Social Responsibility and Psychosocial Risk Management in Europe - Aditya Jain, Stavroula Leka and Gerald Zwetsloot Corporate Social Responsibility, Public Policy, and NGO Activism in Europe and the United States: An Institutional-Stakeholder Perspective - Jonathan Doh and Terrence Guay Regulatory Perspectives on Business Ethics in the Curriculum - Isabelle Maignan and David Ralston Corporate Social Responsibility in Western Europe: An Institutional Mirror or Substitute? - Gregory Jackson and Androniki Apostolakou Part Three: Section C: European Public Administration Public Policies on Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Governments in Europe - Laura Alberada, Josep Lozano and Tamyko Ysa The Corporation as a Political Actor - European and North American Perspectives - Andreas Rasche The Increasing Importance of Public Marketing: Explanations, Applications and Limits of Marketing within Public Administration - Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein Distinctiveness in the Study of Public Management in Europe: A Historical-Institutional Analysis of France, Germany and Italy - Walter Kickert The Competitive (Dis)Advantages of European Business Schools - Don Antunes and Howard Thomas VOLUME THREE: CONTEXTUAL DIVERSITY AND INTERDISCIPLINARY ASPECTS Part One: Section A: European Context and Interdisciplinarity Management in Europe: Learning from Different Perspectives - Roland Calori, Murray Steele and Etsuo Yoneyama Discerning a Key Characteristic of a European Style of Management: Managing the Tension between Integration Opportunities and the Constraining Diversity in Europe - Peter Boone and Frans van den Bosch On Effective Interdisciplinary Alliances in European Business Ethics Research: Discussion and Illustration - Laura Spence On the Relationship between Interdisciplinarity and Scientific Impact - Vincent Lariviere and Yves Gingras Managerial Learning in the Transformation of Eastern Europe: Some Key Issues - John Child and Andre Czegledy Part Two: Section B: European Organizational Structure Organization Structures of Multinational Corporations - Hans Schollhammer The Move toward a Multidivisional Structure in European Organizations - Lawrence Franko European Integration and Changing Corporate Structures: The Case of France - John Groenewegen Varieties of Environmental Labelling, Market Structures, and Sustainable Consumption across Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Organizational and Market Supply Determinants of Environmental-Labelled Goods - Sebastian Koos New Cultures, New Strategies, New Formats and New Relationships in European Retailing: Some Implications for Asia - John Dawson Part: Section C: European Epistemology and Critical Thinking Interdisciplinary Learning: Process and Outcomes - Lana Ivanitskaya, Deborah Clark, George Montgomery and Ronald Primeau An Interdisciplinary/Developmental Approach to Defining, and Teaching - Larry Riggs and Sandra Hellyer-Riggs Educating Responsible Transcultural Managers for Open Environments and Organisations - Carlos Rabasso and Javier Rabasso Intercultural Education in Europe: Epistemological and Semantic Aspects - Agostino Portera Cultural Adaptations to Environmental Variability: An Evolutionary Account of East-West Differences - Lei Chang, Miranda Mak, Tong Li, Bao Pei Wu, Bin Bin Chen and Hui Jing Lu VOLUME FOUR: BUSINESS EDUCATION AND SCHOLARLY RESEARCH Part One: Section A: European management education Americanization of European Management Education in Historical and Comparative Perspective - Behluel UEsdiken The Americanization of Nordic Management Education - Lars Engwall Imitation, Tension, and Hybridization: Multiple "Americanizations" of Management Education in Mediterranean Europe - Matthias Kipping, Behluel UEsdiken and Nuria Puig Management Education in Europe - Fremont Kast Business Schools as a Positive Force for Fostering Societal Change: Meeting the Challenges of the Post-Crisis World - Eric Cornuel and Ulrich Hommel Part Two: Section B: European Teaching Methods Predicting Crosscultural Training Performance: The Validity of Personality, Cognitive Ability, and Dimensions Measured by an Assessment Center and a Behavior Description Interview - Filip Lievens, Michael Harris, Etienne van Keer and Claire Bisqueret Regulatory Perspectives on Business Ethics in the Curriculum - Geoff Moore Curriculum Integration and Interdisciplinary Teaching in a Business School Setting: Dilemmas for Faculty - William Hill Operations Management Teaching on European MBA Programmes - Keith Goffin Teaching Economics to Undergraduates in Europe: Volume, Structure, and Contents - Manfred Gaertner Part Three: Section C: European Research Approach Reflections on the Distinctiveness of European Management Scholarship - Robert Chia Market Segmentation in Scientific Publications: Research Patterns in American vs European Management Journals - Sven-Olof Collin, Ulf Johansson, Katarina Svensson and Per-Ola Ulvenblad Organizational Theory at the Crossroads: Some Reflections on European and United States Approaches to Organizational Research - Mitchell Koza and Jean-Claude Thoenig Entrepreneurship Research in Europe: Taking Stock and Looking Forward - Friederike Welter and Frank Lasch Entrepreneurship Education and Research in German-speaking Europe - Heinz Klandt