The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship


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Edited by Robert Blackburn, Dirk De Clercq, Jarna Heinonen
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246.00h x 184.00w

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Expertise All aspects of small business and entrepreneurship; small business management; employment; growth; innovation; IP management; environmental practices; business exit; regional and international dimensions; public policy initiatives and evaluations.Reviewer for book publishers (eg. Sage), research councils (ESRC; Leverhulme; Nuffield) and journals. Research Interest(s) Extensive research portfolio for academic (eg ESRC), private (eg HSBC) and public (eg HM Treasury; EU Commission) organisations. Expertise in primary and secondary data collection and analyses; engaged in qualitative and quantitative research methods. Editor of International Small Business Journal Teaching Engaged in postgraduate teaching programmes linked to entrepreneurship and small business; supervision and examination experience at masters and doctorate levels. Memberships Member of RAE2008 and REF2014 Business and Management sub-panel Member of ACCA Small Firms Committee Member of Association of Business Schools Research Committee Member of Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Member of the British Academy of Management Member of Academicians of the Academy of Social Science; Holder of the Queen's Award for Enterprise Promotion Jarna Heinonen is a professor in Entrepreneurship at the University of Turku, School of Economics. Her research interests include family businesses, corporate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education as well as entrepreneurship and innovation policies. Jarna Heinonen is a reviews editor at the International Small Business Journal and belongs to the editorial review board of the Journal of Small Business Management. She has published widely on entrepreneurship in academic books and journals, such as International Journal of Manpower, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Journal of Enterprising Culture and Journal of Management Development. She has conducted research for, among others, the European Commission, the OECD, and different national ministries and other such bodies.

1. Introduction - Robert Blackburn, Dirk De Clercq and Jarna Heinonen The People and the Entrepreneurial Processes 2. Entrepreneurial Leadership: A Critical Review and Research Agenda - Claire M. Leitch and Richard T. Harrison 3. Entrepreneurial Action Research: Moving Beyond Fixed Conceptualizations - Hamid Vahidnia, H. Shawna Chen, J. Robert Mitchell and Ronald K. Mitchell 4. Pre- and post-entrepreneurship Labor Mobility of Entrepreneurs and Employees in Entrepreneurial Firms - Kristina Nystroem 5. Networks and Entrepreneurship - Maura McAdam and Danny Soetanto 6. Migrant Entrepreneurship - Stephen Drinkwater 7. Entrepreneurship from a Family Business Perspective - Judith van Helvert and Mattias Nordqvist 8. Social Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and Social Value Creation - Helen Haugh, Fergus Lyon and Bob Doherty Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management and Organization 9. Entrepreneurial Strategy: A contingency review and outlook for future research - Christian Lechner and Abeer Pervaiz 10. Perspectives on New Venture Creation - Fokko J. Eller and Michael M. Gielnik 11. New Venture Growth: Current Findings and Future Challenges - Ivan Zupic and Alessandro Giudici 12. Small Business Growth and Performance: A Review of Literature - Samuel Adomako and Kevin F. Mole 13. The Nature of Entrepreneurial Exit - Michael H. Morris, Susana Santos, Christopher Pryor and Xaver Neumeyer 14. Corporate Entrepreneurship - Bjorn Willy Amo and Lars Kolvereid 15. Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business - Mark Freel 16. Entrepreneurial Marketing In Small Enterprises: Current And Emerging Research Topics - Rosalind Jones, Sussie C. Morrish, Jonathan Deacon and Morgan P. Miles 17. Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures - Colin Mason 18. Internal Financial Management in Smaller, Entrepreneurial Businesses - Marc Cowling and Catherine Matthews Entrepreneurial Milieu 19. Can Governments Promote Gazelles? Evidence from Denmark - Anders Hoffmann David J Storey 20. Exploring Firm-Level Effects of Regulation: Going Beyond Survey Approaches - John Kitching 21. Entrepreneurial Ecosystems - Erik Stam and Ben Spigel 22. Corporate Social Responsibility - Zhongming Wang and Yanhai Zhao 23. Bringing 'I' into 'E'-what could it mean? Reflections on the past, present and future of International Entrepreneurship research - Niina Nummela 24. Challenges to Venture Growth in Emerging Economies - Wafa N. Almobaireek, Ahmed Alshumaimeri and Tatiana S. Manolova 25. Learning and Educational Programs for Entrepreneurs - Luke Pittaway, Louisa Huxtable and Paul Hannon 26. The Use of Case Studies in Entrepreneurship Education - Thomas M. Cooney 27. Enterprise education pedagogy and redesigning learning outcomes: Case of a public reform school - Ulla Hytti and Sirpa Koskinen Researching Small Business and Entrepreneurship 28. In Search of Causality in Entrepreneurship Research: Quantitative Methods in Corporate Entrepreneurship - Aaron F McKenny, Miles A Zachary, Jeremy C Short and David J Ketchen Jnr 29. Qualitative Research in Entrepreneurship - Anne Kovalainen 30. Gender and entrepreneurship at the crossroads: Where do you want to go? - Cristina Diaz-Garcia 31. Making Entrepreneurship Research Matter: The Challenging Journey to An Academic Identity - Bengt Johannisson 32. Critical Perspectives in Entrepreneurship Research - Seppo Poutanen

The past decade has witnessed a significant growth of entrepreneurship and small business research, but also an increased fragmentation of the field. The editors, Robert Blackburn, Dirk De Clercq and Jarna Heinonen, have provided a timely overview of the field, including the entrepreneurial process and business development, the entrepreneurial milieu, and research methodologies. The book will be a goldmine, for those searching the knowledge within the field but also for those searching provocative research questions for the future. Therefore, this is a perfect text for researchers, PhD candidates, and advanced master students in entrepreneurship, small businesses, and management studies. -- Hans Landstroem This is an excellent book. It provides a rich and nuanced overview of past research in small business and entrepreneurship and presents interesting avenues for future research. The editors have done a superb job in assembling such knowledgeable contributors. A must read for postgraduate students, researchers and those interested in fostering small business and entrepreneurs alike. -- Friederike Welter

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