Huiping Xian, PhD, is a lecturer in Work, Employment, People and Organisation Division at Sheffield University Management School. She received her doctorate from Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. At Sheffield, Huiping is Programme Director for both BA Business Management (with Sino British College) and MSc Human Resource Management. Previously Huiping also lectured at Manchester Metropolitan University and Bournemouth University. Huiping has contributed to teaching research methods and supervising dissertations in these universities. Huiping is also an active researcher and has published a number of academic papers in international journals. Her research interests include women's careers, HRM issues in Chinese organisations, qualitative research methods, cross-cultural research and translation issues in international research. Her recent projects include 'Developing Women's Careers in Japan' which is funded by the British Academy Yue Meng-Lewis PhD, is a senior lecturer in Marketing & Sport Marketing at Coventry University Business School. She completed her Doctoral Studies at Leeds University Business School, and has previously worked as a Lecturer in Marketing at Henley Business School, University of Reading, and as a Senior Lecturer in Marketing Communications at the Media School, Bournemouth University. Her research interests focus on consumer psychology, sponsorship, ambush marketing, organisational behaviour and quantitative methods. Her work has been published in leading marketing and management journals, and has contributed to book chapters and case studies in key marketing textbooks. Yue teaches research methods at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
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1. Introduction 2. Developing a Research Topic 3. Research Philosophy and Approaches 4. Research Design 5. Sampling 6. Data Collection 7. Analysing Qualitative Data 8. Analysing Quantitative Data 9. Culture, Language and Translation 10. Writing Up
With translations of key terms and practical, relevant examples for Chinese students, Huiping Xian and Yue Meng-Lewis' book very clearly explains the mechanics of how to do research but also delves into important issues affecting researching in context. The straightforward descriptions, templates, figures of key concepts, and section specifically examining culture and language make this book both an extremely valuable resource and an enjoyable read for students and researchers. -- Kate Hutchings This book is timely, innovative and important. Its main target group, Chinese students of business and management, will benefit significantly from reading it. Not only will they get hands-on advice about developing a research project, they will also understand the role of language and translation in framing thoughts and when working with empirical data. -- Susanne Tietze This is a valuable book for Chinese students as well as anyone who need guidance in conducting professional research. The unique value this book creates is its additional focus on Chinese context as well as translation of key concepts and definition with Chinese translation. This is the first business research methods book written for Chinese instead of being a research methods textbook translated from English to Chinese. This is a 'must buy' textbook for the Chinese speaking community. -- Dr Fernando Lourenco This book has been carefully crafted to support Chinese students confronted with the numerous challenges of higher education systems that may be distant from their own. By developing a practice-oriented guide on research projects, Xian and Meng-Lewis cover a very relevant gap between education systems. In so doing, this book ends up providing an incredible support tool that is not limited to Chinese students only. -- Davide Secchi As a Chinese speaker and a beginner in academic research, this book provided me a general understanding of the research process along with the methods that can be used for my dissertation. The conclusion is written in Chinese and was extremely helpful to understand the methods in a short period of time. -- Ming Li, University of Sheffield, MBA I find your new book really helpful! I will recommend it to all my classmates. -- Shaoxin Ma, University of Sheffield, MSc Management Finally there is a research methodology book for Chinese students! This book explains research philosophy and other complex concepts in a simple way. It fills the gap of the area which were not taught in traditional Chinese Higher Education. The book makes it much easier to understand the complicated concepts especially the logic behind it in my own language. It has been quite helpful to me in conducting a doctoral research project -- Ying Zhao BA MA MBA