VOLUME ONE: FOUNDATIONS AND DESIGN Information Exchanges, Diplomatic Networks and the Construction of European Knowledge in European Union Foreign Policy - Federica Bicchi Institutionalization, Policy Adaptation and European Foreign Policy Cooperation - Michael E. Smith Building a European Diplomacy: Recruitment and Training to the EEAS - Mai'a K. Davis Cross Market Power Europe - Chad Damro The EU as a Global Actor: Grand Strategy for a Global Grand Bargain? - Jolyon Howorth 'In the Face of Adversity': Explaining the Attitudes of EEAS Officials vis-a-vis the New Service - Ana E. Juncos and Karolina Pomorska EU Foreign Policy through the Lens of Practice Theory: A Different Approach to the European External Action Service - Christian Lequesne The Normative Ethics of the European Union - Ian Manners When Soft Power Turns Hard: Is an EU Strategic Culture Possible? - Janne Haaland Matlary The New EU 'Foreign Policy' System after Lisbon: A Work in Progress - Antonio Missiroli EU External Policy at the Crossroads: The Challenge of Actorness and Effectiveness - Arne Niemann and Charlotte Bretherton The European External Action Service and the European Parliament - Kolja Raube Not so Intergovernmental after All? On Democracy and Integration in European Foreign and Security Policy - Helene Sjursen The European Challenge to Foreign Policy Analysis - Brian White The Early Days of the European External Action Service: A Practitioner's View - David Spence The Consensus-Expectations Gap: Explaining Europe's Ineffective Foreign Policy - Asle Toje VOLUME TWO: INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY Governing Lipitor and Lipstick: Capacity, Sequencing, and Power in International Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics Regulation - David Bach and Abraham L. Newman The Brussels Effect - Ann Bradford Mission Impossible: The European Union and Policy Coherence for Development - Maurizio Carbone What Does the International Currency System Really Look Like? - Benjamin J. Cohen and Tabitha M. Benney Variation in EU Member States' Preferences and the Commission's Discretion in the Doha Round - Eugenia da Conceicao-Heldt Bringing Economic Interests Back in the Study of EU Trade Policy-Making - Andreas Duer Public Opinion and Interest Group Influence: How Citizen Groups Derailed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement - Andreas Duer and Gemma Mateo EU-Global Interactions: Policy Export, Import, Promotion and Protection - Patrick Mueller, Zdenek Kudrna and Gerda Falkner Energy Co-operation in the Wider Europe: Institutionalizing Interdependence - Stephen Padgett The Power of Economic Ideas: A Constructivist Political Economy of EU Trade Policy - Gabriel Siles-Bruegge Foreign Policy and Development in the Post-Lisbon European Union - Michael Smith Trade Politics Ain't What It Used to Be: The European Union in the Doha Round - Alasdair R. Young VOLUME THREE: CORE FOREIGN POLICIES Decision-Making in Security and Defense Policy: Towards Supranational Inter-Governmentalism? - Jolyon Howorth The European Union and Crisis Management: Will the Lisbon Treaty Make the EU More Effective? - Steven Blockmans and Ramses A. Wessel Standing Together or Doing the Splits? Evaluating European Union Performance in the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Review Negotiations - Megan Dee The EU as a Global Leader? The Copenhagen and Cancun UN Climate Change Negotiations - Lisanne Groen, Arne Niemann and Sebastian Oberthuer The European Union, Democracy and Counter-Terrorism in the Maghreb - George Joffe The European Union at the Copenhagen Climate Negotiations: A Case of Contested EU Actorness and Effectiveness - Lisanne Groen and Arne Niemann Trading Places: The Role of the United States and the European Union in International Environmental Politics - R. Daniel Kelemen and David Vogel Geostrategies of the European Neighbourhood Policy - Christopher S. Browning and Pertti Joenniemi Multilevelling EU External Governance: The Role of International Organizations in the Diffusion of EU Migration Policies - Sandra Lavenex The EU's Non-proliferation Strategy Ten Years On - Andrew Cottey EU Democracy Promotion in the European Neighbourhood Political Conditionality, Economic Development and Transnational Exchange - Frank Schimmelfennig and Hanno Scholtz External Dimensions of European Environmental Policy: An Analysis of Environmental Treaty Ratification by Third States - Kai Schulze and Jale Tosun Capabilities and Coherence? The Evolution of European Union Conflict Prevention - Emma J. Stewart External Perceptions and EU Foreign Policy Effectiveness: The Case of Climate Change - Diarmuid Torney Promoting Embedded Democracy? Researching the Substance of EU Democracy Promotion - Anne Wetzel and Jan Orbie Coherence in the EU's External Human Rights Policy: The Case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Lieselot Verdonck The EU as a Conflict Manager? The Case of Georgia and Its Implications - Richard G. Whitman and Stefan Wolff VOLUME FOUR: CRITICAL INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Between EU Actorness and Aid Effectiveness: The Logics of EU Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa - Maurizio Carbone Trade and Aid? The Negotiated Construction of EU Policy on Economic Partnership Agreements - Ole Elgstroem European Union Actorness in International Institutions: Why the EU Is Recognized as an Actor in Some International Institutions, but Not in Others - Thomas Gehring, Sebastian Oberthuer and Marc Muehleck From Cooperative to Contested Europe? The Conflict in Ukraine as a Culmination of a Long-Term Crisis in EU-Russia Relations - Hiski Haukkala The Development of EU-China Relations - Fraser Cameron The EU and NATO after Libya and Afghanistan: The Future of Euro-US Security Cooperation - Jolyon Howorth The European Union and the Politics of Legitimization at the United Nations - Karen E. Smith The EU's China Problem: A Battle over Norms - Ayse Kaya More for More, Less for Less-More or Less: A Critique of the EU's Arab Spring Response a la Cinderella - Jan Claudius Voelkel The Challenge of Cooperation: Regulatory Trade Barriers in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - Simon Lester and Inu Barbee Normative versus Market Power Europe? The EU-India Trade Agreement - Jan Orbie and Sangeeta Khorana EU-China Relations and the Limits of Economic Diplomacy - Michael Smith The EU: Standing Aside from the Changing Global Balance of Power? - Richard Whitman The Rise and Fall (?) of the EU's Performance in the Multilateral Trading System - Alasdair R. Young