The SAGE Handbook of the History, Philosophy and Sociology of International Relations


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Edited by Andreas Gofas, Inanna Hamati-Ataya, Nick Onuf
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Andreas Gofas is currently a Jean Monnet Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, while on leave from Panteion University of Athens where he is Assistant Professor of International Relations. Andreas is also the co-director of the Olympia Summer Academy. In the past, he has held visiting research positions at Yale University, the University of Sheffield, the Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals, and the LSE. His research interests include: IR theory; Social Theory and the Philosophy of Social Sciences; the History and Sociology of IR knowledge; Terrorism and Political Violence; Risk Analysis. Dr. Hamati-Ataya's research lies at the intersection(s) of world politics, global history, social theory, natural and historical epistemology, and the anthropology, history, and sociology of culture, knowledge, science, and technology. She is since 2013 a Marie Curie fellow under the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme, and has recently been awarded a European Research Council Consolidator Grant under the EU's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme for her project ARTEFACT beginning in 2017.

Part 01: The Inward Gaze: Introductory Reflections Chapter 1: The struggle for the soul of International Relations: Fragments of a collective journey - Andreas Gofas, Inanna Hamati-Ataya, and Nicholas Onuf Chapter 2: Crafting the reflexive gaze: Knowledge of knowledge in the social worlds of International Relations - Inanna Hamati-Ataya Part 02: Imagining the International, Acknowledging the Global Chapter 3: From the international to the global? - Jens Bartelson Chapter 4: Coloring the global: Race, colonialism and internationalism - Himadepp Muppidi Chapter 5: Liberal International Political Economy as colonial science - David L. Blaney and Naeem Inayatullah Chapter 6: International Relations as a historical social science - George Lawson Chapter 7: International Relations and the gendered international - Jacqui True and Sarah Hewitt Chapter 8: Beyond the 'religious turn': International Relations as political theology - Mustapha Kamal Pasha Chapter 9: Between 'East' and 'West': Travelling theories, travelling imaginations - Zeynep Guelsah Capan and Ayse Zarakol Chapter 10: International Relations and the rise of Asia : A new 'moral imagination' for world politics? - L.H.M. Ling and Boyu Chen Chapter 11: Confucian pacifism or Confucian confusion? - Victoria Tin-bor Hui Chapter 12: The challenges of 'contextualism' - Evgeny Roshchin Chapter 13: Imagining International Relations through alternative worlds - Richard Ned Lebow Part 03: The Search for (an) Identity Chapter 14: The origins of International Relations: Idealists, administrators and the institutionalization of a new science - Torbjorn L. Knutsen Chapter 15: Canon fodder: The founding fathers, classics, and 'isms' of International Relations - Jeremy Youde and Brent J. Steele Chapter 16: The function of myths in International Relations: Discipline and identity - Halvard Leira and Benjamin de Carvalho Chapter 17: Identity and theory: Towards sociological explanations of 'schools' in International Relations - Peter Marcus Kristensen and Yongjin Zhang Chapter 18: International Relations' crystal ball: Prediction and forecasting - Patrick James and Randall J. Jones Jr. Chapter 19: The problem of social utility International Relations and the 'policy gap' - Nicholas Michelsen Chapter 20: A fear of foundations? - Colin Wight Chapter 21: After first principles: The sociological turn in International Relations as disciplinary crisis - Daniel J. Levine and Alexander D. Barder Chapter 22: International Relations and the challenges of interdisciplinarity - Tanja Aalberts Chapter 23: 'Does it matter if it's a discipline?' bawled the child - Patrick Thaddeus Jackson Part 04: International Relations as a Profession Chapter 24: The unequal profession - Arlene B. Tickner Chapter 25: From community to practice: International Relations as a practical configuration - Christian Bueger and Frank Gadinger Chapter 26: Rule by referees? The curious world of academic judgment - Thomas Volgy Chapter 27: International Relations expertise at the interstices of fields and assemblages - Anna Leander Chapter 28: International Relations ideas as reflections and weapons of US foreign policy - Ido Oren Chapter 29: For as undisciplined take on International Relations: The politics of situated scholarship - David Grondin and Anne-Marie D'Aoust Chapter 30: Counter-mapping the discipline: The archipelagos of Western International Relations teaching - Jonas Hagmann and Thomas Biersteker Chapter 31: E Pluribus Unum? How textbooks cover theories - Felix Berenskoetter Chapter 32: International pedagogical relations in fragments: Politics and poetics in the classroom and beyond - Erzsebet Strausz Chapter 33: Training in critical interpretivism, within and beyond the academy - Marcos Scauso, Tanya B. Schwarz and Cecelia Lynch Chapter 34: The dialectic of politics and science from a post-truth standpoint: An outsider's perspective on the field of International Relations - Steve Fuller Chapter 35: What we do: International Relations as craft - Nicholas Onuf Part 05: Looking Ahead: The Future of Meta-Analysis Chapter 36: A historiographer's view: Rewriting the history of international thought - Lucian M. Ashworth Chapter 37: Meta-analysis: A philosophical view - John G. Gunnell Chapter 38: A sociologist's view: Keeping it worldly - Ole Waever

The Handbook is a landmark, not only providing a panorama of the discipline, but also embracing it as a global project. Critical of traditional paradigms with their clear cores and boundaries, this monumental work includes diverse perspectives from history, philosophy, and sociology, opens up new horizons for International Relations, and reshapes our understanding of the world we have made together. -- Yaqing Qin Instead of the stale debates that focus on the "theory" of IR, this volume opens up new spaces for exploration. It also shows how wrestling with questions - rather than foreclosing them by "applying" the answer that traditional "theories and approaches" provided - can lead to new heuristics, precisely because the quest for a "view from nowhere" has lost its allure. -- Friedrich Kratochwil A thought-provoking volume, with contributions from a geographically and methodologically diverse group of scholars who invite us to think reflexively about IR's philosophical, historical and sociological foundations. At a time when many see a discipline in disarray, this innovative Handbook offers us a better sense of what we mean by IR as well as the multiple ways to study it. -- J. Ann Tickner

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