Introduction - Jennifer B. Clark & Steve J. Shone PART 1: Defining Contemporary Slavery Chapter 1: Conceptualizing the Exploitation of Human Trafficking - Jean Allain Chapter 2: International Legal Framework on Human Trafficking: Contemporary understandings and continuing confusions - Marika McAdam Chapter 3: Assessing the Global Slavery Index - Monti Datta, Olivia Gustafson, Chloe Lubin-Kirchner, Gioia Kelleher & Rebecca Berg Chapter 4: Empirical Research on Sex Work and Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia and a Critique of Methodologies for Obtaining Estimates of Human Trafficking Numbers - Thomas Steinfatt PART 2: Forms of Human Trafficking and Contemporary Slavery Chapter 5: Labour trafficking - Aidan McQuade Chapter 6: Practices of Bonded Labour in India: Forms of Exploitation and Human Rights Violations - Arun Kumar Acharya & Diego Lopez Naranjo Chapter 7: The Evolving Concept of Worst Forms of Child Labor - Holly Cullen Chapter 8: Organ Trafficking: Transplant Tourism and Trafficking in Persons for the Removal of Organs - Sean Columb PART 3: The Context of Human Trafficking and Contemporary Slavery Chapter 9: The business of human trafficking and modern slavery - Kam Phung & Andrew Crane Chapter 10: Human Trafficking, Sexual Slavery, and Extremism - Gus Martin Chapter 11: Human trafficking, modern day slavery and organized crime - James Finckenauer Chapter 12: Migration and Trafficking: The Unintended Consequences of Security and Enforcement Frameworks and the Revictimization of Vulnerable Groups - Jennifer B. Clark & Steve J. Shone PART 4: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Trafficking and Contemporary Slavery Chapter 13: A Survivor Centric Approach: The Importance of Contemporary Slave Narratives to the Anti-Slavery Agenda - Andrea Nicholson Chapter 14: Trafficking in Human Beings: The Convergence of Criminal Law and Human Rights - Roza Pati Chapter 15: Pretty Vacant: Stolen Girls/Girlhoods in Anti-Trafficking Discourses - Treena Orchard Chapter 16: Indigenous women in trafficking: links between race, ethnicity and class - Natividad Gutierrez Chong PART 5: Case Studies Chapter 17: The identification of trafficking victims in Europe and the former Soviet Union - Rebbeca Surtees & Anette Brunovskis Chapter 18: Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Children in the West African Region - Charles Hounmenou Chapter 19: Identifying Human Trafficking Victims Under the Sharia Law in Iran - Roksana Alavi Chapter 20: Impacts of Cultural Practices and Anti Trafficking Policies in South East Asia - Diego Lopez Naranjo & Arun Kumar Acharya Chapter 21: Human Trafficking in North America - Amy Farrell and Rebecca Pfeffer Chapter 22: Legal Yet Enslaved: The Case of Migrant Farm Workers in the United States - Maria Elena Sandovici Chapter 23: Australia's response to human trafficking nationally and regionally: the question of impact - Heather Moore, Marie Segrave, Bodean Hedwards & Sanja Milivojevic Chapter 24: Child Workers: An Ugly Face in the Labour Industry - Rashmi Pramanik PART 6: Ending Contemporary Slavery Chapter 25: The International Law Enforcement Community: Cooperative Efforts in Combating Human Trafficking - Rosalva Resendiz & Lucas E. Espinoza Chapter 26: Identification, rescue and social intervention with the victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in Spain - Carmen Meneses-Falcon and Jorge Uroz-Olivares Chapter 27: Organizational Configurations in Providing Social Services and Advocacy to Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking - Chie Noyori Corbett, Jessica Hernandez & David Moxley Chapter 28: Contemporary social movements to end slavery - NGOs and beyond - Joanna Ewart-James & Matthew Fischer-Daly
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The SAGE Handbook of Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery is a crucial contribution to the field and will prove an invaluable resource for scholars, practitioners, policy makers, and activists. It is the best book in the marketplace for anyone who wants a thorough grounding on the issues. -- Siddharth Kara