Dawn R. Roginski has spent her career talking, reading, playing and teaching young children and their caregivers in preschools, daycares, libraries, and through social service agencies in her role as Early Childhood Librarian. She has continually advanced her education at Kent State University (OH) with a BS in Elementary Education, a MLIS in Library & Information Science and (in progress) a PhD in Literacy-Curriculum & Instruction.
Dedication Preface Introduction: Brain Building Chapter 1: Talk Early and Sing Often Chapter 2: Bring on the Books - Reading and Writing Chapter 3: Just Play Chapter 4: A Literate Looking Environment Chapter 5: For Tech Savvy Adults Appendix A: Rhymes and Lap Jogs for Babies Appendix B: Baby and Toddler Discography Appendix C: 100 Picture Books to Know Before Kindergarten Appendix D: Additional Information For Tech Savvy Parents About the Author