The Ethics of Digital Literacy

Developing Knowledge and Skills Across Grade Levels

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Series edited by Dominic P. Scibilia, Edited by Kristen Hawley Turner
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Series Preface Dominic Scibilia Foreword Antero Garcia Introduction Kristen Hawley Turner Section 1: Ethical Contexts Chapter 1: Meditation Nicole Mirra Chapter 2: Access, Readiness, and the Ethical Imperative of Advocacy Lauren King and Kristen Hawley Turner Chapter 3: Seeing Each Other Ethically Online Derek Burtch and Amanda Gordon Section Reflection Kristen Hawley Turner Section 2: Ethical Selves Chapter 4: Meditation Sara B. Kajder Chapter 5: The Ethical Mandate for Shaping Digital Footprints: Reflections from Teachers Susan Luft and Paul Tomizawa Chapter 6: The Ethics of Composing: Identity Performances in Digital Spaces Brandon Sams and Mike P. Cook Chapter 7: Creatures of Habit: Self Reflexive Practices as an Ethical Pathway to Digital Literacy Andrea L. Zellner and Leigh Graves Wolf Section Reflection Kristen Hawley Turner Section 3: Ethical Communities Chapter 8: Meditation W. Ian O'Byrne Chapter 9: Creating Online Communities: Fostering Understanding of Ethics and Digital Citizenship Jade Feliciano Chapter 10: Moving Beyond Troll Rhetoric and Facilitating Productive Online Discourse Priscilla Thomas and Alex Corbitt Chapter 11: Fostering Cosmopolitan Dispositions through Collaborative Classroom Activities: Ethical Digital Engagement of K-12 Learners Aaron R. Gierhart, Sarah Bonner, Anna Smith, and Robyn Seglem Chapter 12: Online with Intention: Promoting Digital Health and Wellness in the Classroom Lauren Zucker and Nicole Damico Section Reflection Kristen Hawley Turner Section 4: Ethical Stances Chapter 13: Meditation Troy Hicks Chapter 14: Designing for Power, Agency, and Equity in Digital Literacies: New Tools, Same Problems Katie Henry and Bud Hunt Chapter 15: Educators discussing ethics, equity, and literacy through collaborative annotation Jeremiah H. Kalir and Joe Dillon Chapter 16: "It's Whatever": Students' Digital Literacy Experiences in a Title 1 High School Lisa Scherff Section Reflection Kristen Hawley Turner Section 5: Ethical Practice Chapter 17: Meditation Renee Hobbs Chapter 18: "Where did I find that?" Helping Students Develop Ethical Practices in Digital Writing Kristen Hawley Turner Chapter 19: Beyond quotations: Fostering Original Thinking during Research in the Digital Era Michelle C. Walker, Monica Sheehan, and Ramona Biondi Chapter 20: The Ethical Dilemma of Satire in an Era of Fake News and the Brave New World of Social Media P. L. Thomas Section Reflection Kristen Hawley Turner

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