Frances Spielhagen is Professor Emerita at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, NY, where she taught teacher candidates for 20 years. Paige Hendricks is an educational consultant, curriculum writer, and professional development content creator and presenter for various public and private schools, universities, and educational organizations nationally.
Introduction: The Boomer Legacy to Education by Frances Spielhagen Chapter 1: Urban Education: Big City vs. Small City by Marsha Sobel Chapter 2: The Sleeping Giant is Awake by Peggy Stewart and Katherine Bassett Chapter 3: A 60 Year Journey: A Separate and Rocky Educational Road by Lois Baldwin Chapter 4: An Evolving Understanding of the Autism Spectrum: A Practitioner's Journey by Joanne McMahon Chapter 5: Changing Policy: Changing Student Outcomes by Frances Spielhagen Chapter 6: Gifted Education and Talent Development: Roots and Wings by Sally Reis Chapter 7: From First Generation Student to College President by Steven DiSalvo Chapter 8: Teacher Education Accreditation: Reflections on the Kennedy-Johnson Legacy of Institutional Reform by James G. Cibulka Chapter 9: Standing on Their Shoulders: Contextual Change to Our Educational System in the 21st Century by Paige Hendricks About the Editors About the Authors